

After Timothy figured out that the Air Roots were effective, progress was inevitable! He knew that he'd progress even more if he ate the remaining root, but of course this also meant that he had to suffer through hallucinations again, and he wasn't ready to do that just yet. He needed to rest first, perhaps eat as well, otherwise he might just go insane if he sped this process up!

Timothy simply healed the minor brain damage that he had experienced, and then went upstairs, to the main floor, where he met with his friends. Judging from their overall, positive attitude, the alchemical attempts they’ve made were a great success!

“You can’t be this happy about the bug meat,” He joined them, “Did the potions turn out well?”

“Oh, heck yes, Terrence!” Ortana remarked, as she continued celebrating. “I had a flash upgrade an hour ago!”

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