
Twenty-nine: MTOABB


I plug my earphones into my ears, readying myself to ask Chloe for a lift home after I make that detour at my locker.

She nudges me, and I immediately pull my earphones out and turn to pay her my attention.

"Are we not going to talk anymore?" She asks.

"I don't know, Cass."

"Come on, I said I was sorry, didn't I?" She raises an eyebrow at me, and I have the urge to roll my eyes, but I force myself not to.

"You know what, Cass - don't worry about it."

"What is that supposed to mean?" She moves in front of me to stop me from walking. "Is there something else that I need to apologize for?"

"What else happened between you and Zack, besides kissing?"

"Right... about that -- I was meant to talk to you, but everything happened so fast, between you breaking up with him and me heading to Miami to go celebrate Laurasia's birthday."

"Right - so there was more than kissing that transpired between you too?"

"We made out."

"Nothing more?" I narrow my eyes.

"What are you getting at?"

"You know exactly what I'm implying."

"No, none of that happened."

"So, your brother is lying then?"

What did Gomes have to gain by lying to me about this? I gave it a second thought, and nothing arises to mind.

"What did Prinse say to you?" She shakes her head in annoyance.

"That you and Zack did more than just 'make out', like you are claiming to me right now."

"I'm sorry, Rossita, really. How about you come over and we sort all of this out. I've missed you and your whining."

"I don't whine," I say.

She moves from in front of me, giving me leeway to continue my initial plan - get to my locker, grab the necessary books and go find Chloe before she leaves without me.

I get to my locker and unzip my bag. I quickly take out my History notes and place them in a folder before having them join the rest of my books in my locker. I grab my Math book and place it in between my thighs before closing my locker. I then place them in my backpack and Cass decides to stay put.

"I don't think I can today," I tell her.

"Why not?"

"It's a school night, Cass."

The idea of her leaving in a few months pops in my head - so both Gomes's will be out of my life and I wish there was a way that I could stop it, but there isn't - unless there is a route plan somewhere, but I'm too blind to see.


"What is it?"

"did I say it out loud?" I ask her, baffled.

"Very much so."

"It just sucks that you'll be leaving in a few months, it's been on my mind for the longest time." I shrug as we now move away from the lockers and are now walking side by side.

"I'll still come visit." She smiles and I am not sure if it's in my best interest to hold my breath to that - I would probably die from lack of oxygen if I do.

"Will you really?"

"Yes." She nudges me on the side and my body shifts in response.

"So, who is Laurasia?" I ask, and her feet come to an immediate halt.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The girl you went to Miami for. Was this the same time you and Prinse went to go visit Holly?" I bring my phone out, as it vibrates in my front pocket.

"Umm... I think so," she says.

"Who is she? Does she know Gomes? Has he been with her?" The first questions that pop to mind, I let them out.

"Gosh no, Rossita. Don't even want to imagine." She shrugs in revulsion.

"Why? Is she not pretty?" I ask.

"She is absolutely gorgeous-"

Well, I mean if she is gorgeous then why wouldn't he be with her? I put my thinking face on, trying to evaluate the situation at hand.

"-she just turned 3 years old," Chloe adds, and I feel like punching myself. How much of an idiot can I get?

"Can't believe I thought that she and P-" I trail. "I'm sorry about that."

She shrugs it off. "It's okay."

"Maybe we can hang on Friday, if that's okay?"

"I have to wait two whole days." She pulls a face, and I bite my tongue to force myself from not laughing too hard.

"And I thought I was the one that whines."

"You still do. I'm doing it for a good reason, there is a big difference."

"Right," I say and right there, I spot Chloe heading for her car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I quicken my pace to reach Chloe.

"Chloe, wait for me!"

She comes to a halt as she searches from where my voice had come from.

I wave at her and make a run towards where she is standing.

My Type of a Bad Boy

"Your dad is coming down on Sunday for Chloe's 18th, so I'm going to need you both to cancel any plans if you have any," mom says, pouring herself another glass of white wine.

"It's not her birthday on Sunday though," I chime in.

"I know, but that's the only day he has available."

Chloe turns eighteen on Saturday and she wanted Brody to fly in to celebrate, but he told her he couldn't get the weekend off which has her in a dull mood - It's been like this for a few days now, so I doubt she wants a crowd.

"I don't want to plan anything this year, mom," she says.

"Nonsense. I already invited your cousins from Australia - can't cancel on them now, their tickets are already bought."

Chloe exasperates as she stands up from the dinner table. She grabs her plate and glass and heads to the kitchen.

"What is wrong with your sister?" Mom asks, turning her stare at me.

"I wouldn't know." I take another spoon of rice and munch in silence.

I ended up washing the plates quickly and heading upstairs to get my maths homework completed.

"You wouldn't mind me inviting Zack on Sunday, right?" Chloe pops her head in, right as I'm about to change into my pyjamas.

"Why would you invite him?" I question.

"Juliet wants him there."

"It's your birthday, Chloe. If you want to, then I won't tell you no." She nods and closes my door behind her.

Saturday's events aren't today's problem, so I quickly strip to my knickers and put my pyjamas on before jumping on my bed.

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