
Sanguine VR training

And how am I supposed to get a new skill to level three when I don't even know how to use it yet?

<But you already do! Remember that feeling when you stopped Valeria from sucking your blood? That was blood manipulation, the basic spell you get when acquiring blood magic.>

You're telling me that all it takes to learn blood magic is to get a vampire to suck your blood?

<Not quite. Usually, people need to repeat this process a very large number of times to get the skill. You had several beneficial factors helping you so it went faster than expected.>

Really now? So how do I train blood magic?

<You can only use blood manipulation at this point so you have little choice but to keep using that. You need blood to do so but you can always increase the speed of the blood circulating in your body or alternatively slow it down. If you have spilled blood available you can try whatever comes to mind. Most of the spells you get later are just fine-tuned and specified actions that could also be done by just using blood manipulation.>

So to summarize, move my own blood or a different source of blood to play with? Can you send me to a dungeon so I can get in some killing?

<Right now there are no targets you can take. After the large, failed raid from last time, things have calmed down. There was one instance where some rookies entered a forest dungeon and got wiped out by Guy's goblins but apart from that, there are no newbies or beginners in our sphere of supervision.>

And outside your supervision?

<There are some dungeons that are constantly filled with adventurers but we need permission to send you there.>

Permission from whom? And what dungeon wouldn't want help despite being constantly assaulted?

<The big five that Darwin told you about. The people outside have long noticed that these five dungeons are especially hard to crack so they are pouring immense amounts of resources into conquering them. I can put in a request to send you there but it may take some time.>

If I can get an endless flow of adventurers I should be able to level up and train that skill. Maybe I can find a way to quickly raise it to level three. Navi, please put in the request.

<Kay. In the meantime, how about we brainstorm what work you can do here. Since you work here you should at least offer a single course but due to your appearance that may be problematic.>


Right, this place poses as some training institution. But what skill can I teach?

<Your current skillset also seems troublesome. There aren't many inexperienced sanguine swordsmen and if there are they will go to a true master. Your stealth is pitifully low and most of your other skills can't be learned by humans.>

Yes, I get it. There is nothing about me to sell... Wait, sanguine swordsmen!

<Did you get an idea?>

The first sanguine swordsman must have learned the skill from a sanguine monster! Back under my master, I was told that they have yet to find a decent way to make sanguine boost level up. To this day there is no written description of what comes after level ten.

The only one rumored to have passed that level and managed to evolve the skill is its creator who is long dead. The highest level currently alive is only on nine and his time in this world is running out.

If we create a virtual reality based on my dreams it may stimulate something in the sanguine swordsmen and allow them to level up sanguine boost at a faster pace.

<The idea sounds good and we could really use some data on the sanguine swordsmen. But are you sure it will work?>

I have no clue if it will be successful. However, to keep up the guise of your whole training thing I don't need to know if it works. You can just say it's an experimental approach to see if you can cater to a specific class. If it's successful that's good and if not you'll just say that we need further development.

<You make it sound so easy. Believe me, keeping up this ruse to fool both the public and the government is way more exhausting than you think. I'll see what I can do. Since we need to build that virtual reality based on your memories from that weird dream please head back to the lab so we can extract them.>

Isn't there an easier way? You can read my thoughts too, can't you just extract it that way?

<Not as long as your soul is in a physical body. If you want to I can come and snap your neck again. That way you won't have to go to the lab.>

Okay, I'm going straight to the laboratory to get my memories scanned.

Navi gets kind of scary sometimes. Especially when she's basically in my head all the time. Can't a girl get some privacy? No answer.

I walk to the laboratory but Navi tells me to take a small detour to go around some customers. It would be really bad if they saw me with my scaly exterior.

Shin is still in the laboratory but seems a little scared of me. He must be associating whatever Navi did to him for talking with me. He definitely will be defensive around me for a while.

What device are they going to use to scan my memories? Is it going to be a helmet with a ton of cables coming out of it that emits electric shocks and glows in the dark?

<You watched too many science-fiction movies. Using such a helmet would only increase a patient's anxiety and make things harder for us. All you need to do is lie down on a specific bed and well use short distance scanners to do all the work without touching you.>

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