
Chapter 200: Blunders of Being

"One thing I agree with what you're planning to do is that the hammer shouldn't be in your hands," uttered Gwendoline as she entered the room where the Hammer of Justice was. She then approached the Chamberlain, who was quietly staring at the said legendary artifact. "However, young Erida Seijurou is my champion. Don't even think for a second that you can easily take him away from me for your own personal gain, Father."

Zero took a step forward and touched the small smithing tool, causing it to glow a little more. Shortly after, he snickered before he turned around and faced the childlike-looking nun. 

"And, are you not using the boy for your own personal reasons as well, my child?" asked the Chamberlain with a devious smile unfitting for an agent of the church.

"You know I'm doing this for my brother's sake, and don't even call me your child as if I'm lower than you within the ranks of the church. I have a grasp as firm as yours when it comes to the inner workings of the faith."

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