
Chapter Three.


Nat?! You home?!" Yashina called from the kitchen as Natalie stepped into the apartment. She soon peeked her head out and smiled. "Hey! I'm making hot chocolate, you want in?" she asked shakily before leaning her hip against the doorway.

Natalie glanced up as she adjusted her back pack. "Nah.. I'm probably gonna grab a shower then get to bed, we still on for that run in the morning?" Yashina smirked. " you kidding me?! Of course we're still on! Juuno and Phil are overly excited. They're brining Kayla along.'' Natalie made a face and shook her head. "I'll be staying home if they bring her, sorry but Kay is utterly annoying.. See ya in the morning Yashi!"

Yashina nodded. "Mkay! Love ya Nat!"

"Love ya too!" Natalie called as she headed to her bedroom and shut the door.

Everything fell silent for a few moments.. Until the doorbell chimed.

Yashina glanced at the clock on the stove and rose a brow in confusion yet curiosity. "Who could that be this late at night?" she pondered aloud while grabbing the door handle, pulling the door open. Her eyes immediately widened.. "F... F..." She whimpered as her cheeks flushed with color. "Fuuto Asahina? Are you seriously here?!"

Fuuto smirked and leaned toward her, grasping her chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Hello beautiful.. Is Natalie home? She left something at my concert, and I wanted to return it." His voice made her want to melt.

"Uh huh... Up... Stairs" Yashina giggled as she watched him head up. She bit her lip as her green eyes trailed to his behind. "Mnnh. I hope this isn't a dream.." she mumbled softly and leaned back against the door.


Upstairs, Fuuto made his way down the hall, checking rooms on his way. He soon stopped in front of a white door decorated with a picture of Asahi and Tojiro from a romance novel, turned movie, Crossing Field. He cringed inside before wrapping his knuckles against the wood.

"It's unlocked Yashi! You know this!" Natalie's voice shouted from within.

Fuuto smirked and opened the door to reveal the bare back of the young woman as she pulled her nightgown on. His eyes trailed down the narrow dip in her spine, and stopped at her perky behind, clad in white lacy panties. "You shouldn't just shout that your room is unlocked, what if I were some robber.. Or a rapist?'' he asked, watching her jump.

Natalie yanked the gown down and turned to face him. The front of her blue gown had Fuuto's face plastered on the front. He chuckled and pointed at it. "Not a fan huh?"

"It's NOT mine" Natalie hissed and folded her arms. "It's laundry day, I'm borrowing this from Yashina, why are you here?" She watched as he stepped in and shut her door, which made her insides clench in an unpleasant way.

"Well, if you don't want your notebook.. I can always leave?" Fuuto suggested with a smirk as he held said notebook in hand, keeping his eyes on her. She quickly grabbed for it but he pulled it out of her reach and chuckled. "Not so fast.. I should get a reward for taking time out of my night.. To return this."

How arrogant can this man be?! It only made Natalie hate him more.

She folded her arms and glared at him. "What are you talking about? You brought it back which is a decent human being thing to do. And for a moment there, I thought you actually had a heart under that pop star brat exterior.. Guess I was wrong?"

This made Fuuto tilt his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh? You thought I had a heart? To tell you the truth princess.. I do.. It's just not with you" he growled low and held the book out to her. "Thanks for the rude greeting.. Now I know what I want from you. For spilling your smoothie on me, AND for making me return this notebook to you.."

"Hey! The smoothie thing was an accident, asshole! And secondly.. I didn't MAKE you do anything! So don't put words in my mouth, and give that back!" She reached for the notebook and he grasped her wrist, stopping her.

"Be patient little girl~ I'm not finished here" Fuuto purred before releasing her wrist.

Natalie rubbed her wrist and kept her eyes locked on his. "What more could you want? Hm?" she asked shakily. She was nervous, and this man only gave her bad vibes. She wanted him to leave her room.

"Well.. I figure, if you don't want all of Japan to know of your.. Extracurricular activities.." He waved the notebook a bit. "Then you'll do as I say, and I won't get my lawyer involved in the smoothie incident.."

her eyes widened for a moment. She then clenched her teeth. "What fool do you take me for?! I'm not going to do ANYTHING for a bratty pop star like you! So forget it! And you have nothing on me.. So kindly hand over the notebook and don't let my door hit your arrogant ass on the way out!" she said with sarcasm and held her hand out.

Fuuto only smirked as he opened his coat and stuffed the notebook in the inside pocket. He then closed the jacket and zipped it up before folding his arms. "You'll come around dear, I can guarantee that.." He leaned down so that his nose was an inch away from her own. "By the time I'm done with you.. You'll be begging me for mercy.."

Natalie's eyes were wide as he straightened himself and gave her a cute two finger salute. "Have a fun night princess.." With that said, he left the room and shut the door.

Natalie just stood there, floored. What the hell did he mean?!

She glanced at her open window as the sound of a car's engine could be heard, and not long after Fuuto left, Yashina burst into the room. "What..  What was that about?!'' Natalie didn't even need to see her friend's face. She could hear the cheeky grin in her voice. "He was returning my notebook" she hissed. "I have a test in the morning, please shut the door on your way out Yashi.. I'll see you in the morning."

Yashina's joyful expression faded to a look of concern. She could hear the upsetting tone in Natalie's voice, but she didn't want to pry. "Uh.. Okay. Goodnight" she mumbled before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

Natalie stared out her window a bit longer before closing the curtains. She then shut the side lamp off and cuddled up in bed, yanking the comforter up to her neck.

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