
Chapter 58

" It's been a long time. Welcome back. " Endeavor said as he stared at Axel who walked into his office with his stuff.

After catching up and taking a break from hero work for a while as everyone suggested, Axel finally started hero work again. When Endeavor heard this, he sent Axel a request to come intern with him, which Axel agreed to.

" Thanks, Endeavor. " Axel said with a blank face.

The lack of emotion took Endeavor by surprise. He was already informed of Axel's change through Nezu.

' Did he ever change? Was Nezu wrong? ' Endeavor thought as he looked at Axel.

" What happened on Nabu Island? " Endeavor questioned.

" Shit happened. " Axel said as his eyes told Endeavor everything. Axel's eyes went from calm to one of distress before going back to calm.

Endeavor, solving many cases, could think of a handful of scenarios that could have occurred. He decided to take a chance.

" You killed Nine, didn't you? " He asked.

" Yep. " Axel said as he stared at Endeavor, admitting that he did kill him. Endeavor nodded in understanding.

Looking at the case files, Nine was nowhere to be seen. While the LOV using Kurogiri to teleport Nine away from the battlefield was a possibility considering Nine was inside the truck they were driving. However, that possibility wouldn't make Axel behave the way he was. Killing a person was the most probable explanation Endeavor could think of.

" Well, the deed is already done. Are sure you are ready for hero work after your first kill? " Endeavor asked seriously with a look of understanding.

While heroes won't always kill, they have to make choices every once and a while. Killing is also an option that Endeavor has made before during a case. While social backlash for killing would happen, it is a small price for doing your job.

" Yes. " Axel said seriously as he looked at Endeavor.

" We will test that now. You'll have a spar with me and I'll decide if you're ready, considering that you're behavior." Endeavor said as Axel stood there.

" For what it's worth though, don't beat yourself about one kill. I won't say your choice was right or wrong, that's up to you, but just make sure to keep it off the battlefield. " Endeavor said, surprising Axel.

" You sly dog. " Axel said with a smirk. " Using my own words against me. "

" It's good advice. " Endeavor said with a smirk. " Now then, let's go. "


" Axel. " Midoriya said in delight as he looked at his classmate walking into the training room with Endeavor.

" Yo. " Axel said with a smile on his face.

Shock ran through Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou as they looked at Axel who immediately went back to a blank face.

" He can smile?! He's an imposter! " Bakugou said as he pointed at Axel. He has never seen Axel before.

" Coffe jelly or ice cream? " Todoroki asked as he grabbed Axel by the shoulders.

" Coffee jelly. " Axel said seriously.

" He's not an imposter. " Todoroki with a breath of relief.

" It's that easy!! " Bakugou yelled.

" Yes. Whenever he chooses Coffee jelly, his face gains a super-serious expression with a fiery passion in his eyes. " Todoroki said.

" Just like with you and Soba. " Midoriya said in realization.

" Exactly. " Todoroki said.

" Wait a minute. Is this why you like him more than us?!! " Bakugou yelled to Endeavor.

" No. That's not the reason. The real reason is that he's a lot more tolerable than you too. " Endeavor said as he looked at Bakugou and Midoriya.

" It's good you have you back. " Todoroki said as he held put his fist while Midoriya was holding back Bakugou from attacking Endeavor.

" It's good to be back. " Axel said as he fist-bumped Shoto.

" Alright, listen up. " Endeavor said. "I and Axel will have a one-on-one fight. "

" What?? " They yelled.

" Quiet!! He's been in a coma for the past 2 weeks due to a villain attack. This is more of a test for him, to see if he is in the right mind state to do hero work. " Endeavor explained.

His sidekicks understood and got pit of the training area, muttering pungent themselves for the upcoming fight.

" Good luck Axel. " Midoriya said with a smile on his face as he went toward the door.

" You better not lose. If you do, I'll kick your ass, Axel. " Bakugou said to Axel before walking away.

" Beat us ass for me. " Todoroki whispered as he walked past Axel.

" You're going record the fight, aren't you? "

" Yep. My brother and sister need more happiness in their lives. " Todoroki said as kept walking away to the door.

Axel just stared at him before looking at Endeavor who standing in one spot of the training area as Axel walked up to the other side. Endeavor and Axel had a stare-off where Endeavor noticed Axel's face. It was calm. It's similar to his previous behavior.

A blast of fire went straight towards Axel who blocked it with a simple rectangular barrier. No problem at all.

As the fire phased put, however, Endeavor was already in front of the barrier that was guarding Axel and slammed his flame-covered fist into after propelling himself with flames. It did nothing though as Axel's barriers stood up to the attack easily.

Endeavor served around Axel while releasing multiple blasts of fire towards Axel. Axel noticed and just protected himself with a simple spherical barrier.

Endeavor soon stopped as he then blasted himself upwards as swords went flying straight towards him. The swords served upwards as they followed behind him.

He maneuvered through the air, avoiding the blades all together and stopped with his back against the wall as the swords went straight towards him, closing in fast, with cuts over his body from the swords. He then used more firepower to propel himself upward to avoid the attack as the swords went straight into the wall.

Gathering his flames he condensed them into his fingers...

" Hell spider! "

Multiple thin blasts of fire were sent out from the tips of his fingers straight towards Axel. Axel stared in surprise as he created barriers in front of the attack. That attack seemed similar to an attack he used before.

" Let's see how the Newbie deals with this. " Burnin said with a smile.

" It won't work. " The three students said.

Endeavors Hell Spider hit Axel's barriers but they were instead reflected, going straight towards Endeavor. Endeavor was surprised by the development but gained his barrings quickly to dodge the attacks.

" Told you. " They said to the shocked Endwavor sidekicks. They haven't interacted with Axel and Todorki at all when they were interning here, after the sports festival.

Axel continuously reflected the attacks with barriers as Endeavor kept dodging the attacks in midair. Endeavor then concentrated his flames to his fists to destroy each attack.

He then went back down to the ground and concentrated his flames, going for the finale.

" Prominence burn! "

A massive burst of concentrated flames went straight towards Axel. Axel just stared at the flames heading towards him with a calm look on his face. The flames engulfed him.

" Okay. That has got to have hit him. " Burnin said.

Her dreams were crushed as Axel just walked out from the smoke created by the flames, completely unharmed.

Endeavor looked at Axel in shock and acceptance. He hasn't lost his touch at all. He follows his advice to the letter.

" You pass. You can come with me for patrolling. " Endeavor said.

" Okay. When do we leave? " Axel asked with a blank face.

" In about an hour. " Endeavor said.

" He hasn't gotten weaker. That's good. " Bakugou said.

" Did you want him to be weaker? " Shoto asked.

" Fuck no, Icy Hot. If he got weaker? I would've made sure to get him back to full strength then kick his ass. " Bakugou yelled.

" You care. " Shoto said in complete shock.

" I've always cared. " Bakugou yelled.

" Hey calm down. " Midoriya said.

They were glad Axel was awake. They admit that it just wasn't the same without him there in the dorm and were glad Axel was alright. Of course, that was just on the outside.

During his break, Axel learned to control his domain to push his emotions out of the way during battle. When he did this, his domain vanished. When he didn't restrain his emotions, he had complete control over his domain, expanding and shrinking the range, the max being 800 meters.

By limiting his emotions as much as he does, his domain gets removed, as he goes back to the level of expressing emotions he had before he awakened his quirk. While he tested out his domains abilities, he was always reminded of what happened and chose to limit himself.

As everyone else talked to Axel, Endeavor walked outside the room and took a phone call. After finishing, he lowered his phone, and on the screen, it showed the contact.




Sorry for the very late update and this story is not dropped.

I honestly had writers block while also having a lot of work that piled up on top of me when I thought I didn't have any before. Because of this, chapters will come out when ever I actually feel like it, mainly because I don't want to fuck up because I rushed to publish the next chapter.

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Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Leave a comment or a review.

Have a nice day.

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