
My Parents Don't Take Returned Goods **

Rowena batted her eyes at Raphael's words. This was the first time he called her with a nickname, a short version of her own name and she liked it very much.

She actually thought about how her name and his sounded so nice together. Creteans didn't have last names like humans and there were not that many of them to have the need to identify themselves based on their family names.

She looked at him with gleaming eyes, he was truly a feast to the eyes.

"I like that," Rowena said, before she pulled him closer for a kiss. His naked body pressed on hers and he gently positioned his manhood on her fold and entered her while they were engulfed in a fiery kiss.

It was a smooth process. She was so wet and ready. When he filled her up, Rowena bit her lip and let out a long moan. The union of their bodies felt so right, so natural.

She suddenly remembered someone said a home is not a house, but a person.

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