
qualifier finale team shirahama versus team yomi

Kenichi yawned as he arrived at the Colosseum miu kept him up all night because she was crying in her sleep kenichi had to comfort her and as a result he discovered she was dreaming about her father that bastard had some nerve showing his face to her during a time like this

kenichi had used his ki to calm here down by channeling it into here mind and sending her images of her grandpa and him celebrating her birthday witch had happened since he began training three years ago with her.

kenichi entered the backstage area where sho kano waited for him so you have come kenichi shirahama.

"Howdy bird obsessed neurotic! "kenichi said

your lucky Ryuuto spared your friend thor.

kenichi smilrked "well I'll have you know if it wasn't for my doing you wouldn't even have Ryuuto on your team"

but tonight will be different you won't win so easy besides i've broght gift's for your team

kenichi walked over to chikage and handed her a carrot cake cupcake he said" don't worry it's made from carrots that way you won't get in trouble"

"but the icing?" she asked

"it's lemon meringue!"he said made from fresh lemon's and vanilla yogurt" he said

she was starry eyed then she ate it

"it's delicious!' she said with a smile before catching and recomposing herself

then kenichi walked over to Ryuuto and tossed him the yin yang badge they had fought over as a kid "it was really a childish fued anyway!" said kenichi then he walked over to boris and gave him a practice knie he said it's made of fiberglass so don';t use it unless your practicing he then walked upto rachel stanly and handed her a gift it was one of his shirts he said you might need this in your match against junko he said as he told her to keep it in reserve.

then finally he walked over to sho

"hey where's my present!" sho demanded

kenichi smiled here don't ejaculate to hard he said tossing him a picture sho pulled it and it was a picture of niijiima dressed in drag.

"you bastard but kenichi had already left and changed into his gi for the match witch was the xenogoku inspired out fit hiro had actually decided to change his outfit to the vegito inspired gi since technically they had no way to use potara.

"so you sure about this according to saishou the followers of oorochi are going to need a sacrifice to resurect him and it has to be a pure maiden of healthy beauty.

kenichi turned to shiro and they realized why saigai was there keichi telep[athicly communicated to the elder elder stay with miu at all cost and watch for saigai also if you see a blonde and brunette in a tuxedo dress stop them.

the elder and the rest of Ryozanpaku's members had just entered the crowd and were prepared to defend miu at all cost.

the announcer came to the stage the announcer was none other then a young woman dressed in a sexy tuxedo dress she also had blonde hair.

"that's her" said the elder.

"who!" asked miu

"someone to be wary of." said the elder

"the final round of the king of fighters Japanese team Representative is here"

in the red corner team shirahama

in the blue corner team yomi.

the order of the team will be decided randomly ad it is takeda versus chikage boris versus ukita junko versus Rachel

and kenichi versus sho.

the fight wasn't really fair since takeda was the type of guy who wouldn't fight a child.

"takeda just remember chikage may be a kid but she's just like us"shouted junko

but kenichi just smiled towards her direction it was a freindly shonen protagonist smile a mix between son goku and monkey d luffy freindly

and chikage felt her mind remembering how kenichi had been nice enough to give her a cupcake she could eat without her mother getting angry then she turned and saw sho he had never been nice to her and she said i don't want to fight kenichi onii chan's team cryi9g and pitchinga temper tantrum that had been building up over the years stop that right now shouted her mother as she walked upto the ring and raised her hand but before she could bring it down across her daughters fce shiro stepped between her grabbing her hand and shook his head

"chk chk chk." he chided

and she tried to pll him into a throw but he held his trapped her arm she went to use her other arm but e trapped it then used a grip to lock her in befor administering a chop to her neck and knocking her out i'll take this lady to the locker room said shiro and with the surrender of chikage takeda was the winner by forfeit takeda picked chikage up and took her to their side ukita went to face Boris Ivanov who had prepared to fight him the two grappled getting each other in a series of locks until ukita got him and sweeps his leg slamming his face into the ground Boris pulled back and jumped going for a circle kick but ukita grabbed him mid air and tossed him to the ground with a heavy back toss Boris got up and ran to punch Boris ukita grabbed his arm and threw him three times with tremendous force over and over again using the dance before hells gate throw.

Boris lay unable to continue

what boris lost shouted ryuuto

the next fight was between Junko and Rachel

Rachel smirked "your boyfriend gave me his shirt!" she said

"he knows i'm going to ruin those tights of yours also he's my fiancee." said Junko

Junko waited as Rachel ran up to her to drop kick her but Junko used a style 99 revision to knock her up into the air then landed behind her turning around going for a hook punch Rachel wanted to defend from it but was unable to because the hook suddenly turned into a grip as junko preformed a elbow smash to Rachel's neck.

Rachel got back up then jumped to the corner post

Rachel got onto the top of the ropes and went for a moon Sault but Junko had already charged up a flame into her hand and tossed a flame towards her calling out eat that using style 120

serpent burn and kshreading Rachels top.

Rachel ran to the corner and grabbed the top kenichi gave her to save herself from the embarrassment of having someone other than her strip her naked.

the last match between \the two team captians

shö climbed into the ring and so did kenichi.

you ready said sho gong golden

kenichi smiled i'm going to hit you with my strongest punch and he transformed

every one was in awe

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