

*Ding* *Dang* *Ding*

The alarm on my phone rang out, interrupting my cuddle time with Ryuu. At the least, we finished the book. It was quite a fun read.

"Time's up." I said to Ryuu as I stood up.

I picked up the book from the table and walked towards the bookshelf where we took the book from.

Not hearing any footsteps behind me, I turned around. I found Ryuu sulking in his seat, staring at me with unwillingness.

I laughed softly and walked back to him. I cupped his cheeks with my hand and kissed his forehead.

"You're so cute." I leaned back and smiled.

"Y-You're cute too." Ryuu blushed.

I blinked twice before I reacted. I smiled brighter and held his hand.

"Let's go. We can read together next time, ok?" Ryuu slowly nodded and stood up.

We returned the book to its original place before we started walking out of the library while holding hands.

When we walked by the magazine and newspaper stand, a certain headline caught my attention. The headline was, "The Heart Stealing Reaper Strikes Again!"

I picked up the newspaper out of curiosity and read the article. Ryuu stood behind me and looked over my shoulder.

According to this paper, a serial killer has appeared and killed a total of 5 victims over the past 2 years. The most recent one being murdered a few months ago, and there were several common traits shared with each crime.

The victims were teenage girls. They all went to this high school. Every single one was raped before their death. They had their hearts, which are also missing, taken out, and it's assumed the murderer has them as keepsakes or trophies. And all victims had a number carved onto their stomachs, likely as a way for the killer to keep score.

It's said the police have no conclusive leads and warn the students of our school to be careful.


'A serial killer in a yandere game... Not suspicious at all...'

This has to be the hidden character right? But I thought Akira was it.

'This is great...'

Akira has a character sprite and could be the stalking, best friend yandere. But this killer could also be the yandere. This adds quite a few problems.

"Haru?" I looked up to see Ryuu looking at me with worried eyes. "Are you scared?"

I blinked a few times before giving him a smile.

"No, I'm not." I threw the newspaper back to the stand and gave Ryuu a hug. "Don't I have you protecting me?"

"Of course." Ryuu hugged back. "I'll protect you with my life."

A warm, intense feeling erupted in my chest, like a fire burning me from inside out.

I know that he's telling the truth because he really loves me more than his life.

This intense feeling of love filled up my heart, completing what I was missing for so long. This is his real love.

Even if this will burn me alive in the end, I'm not ever letting it leave.

"I know you will." I separated from Ryuu and we smiled at each other.

I've been smiling a lot starting from yesterday. And I want to keep it this way.

I turned back to the stand and found that the newspaper that was thrown was on the floor. It seemed like I completely missed the stand.

Was I that bad at aiming?


Na, it can't be. It must be because I was focusing all my attention on Ryuu.

'Whatever makes you feel better.'

I picked the newspaper up and placed it back onto the stand correctly this time. I spun around and saw Ryuu with a slight smile.

I moved my arm closer, wanting to hold his hand again.


Unfortunately, a voice stopped me before I succeeded. I turned towards the voice along with Ryuu.

It was Ando-sensei.

"Hello sensei." I gave sensei a small smile while Ryuu only nodded.

He's totally not 'The Heart Stealing Reaper.'

I mentally sighed.

Alright, I have to note him down as a suspect. Probably the only suspect though.

'Ok, I got it.'

Although 'she's stupid, 'she's not that stupid. 'She' could tell I was telling her to note it down while making the system think I was talking to myself.

"What are you doing here with Yamamoto-kun, Suzuki-kun? Shouldn't you two be helping your classmates or practicing for the festival?" Ando-sensei tilted his head in a way that reminded me of a golden retriever.

... Yeah no. I'm adding a strike. This just makes him even more suspicious.

'On it.'

"Oh, they're doing fine without me, so I decided to do some research and brought this guy along." I pointed towards Ryuu. "Besides, I will be practicing soon."

"Hm? Should I be concerned?" Ando-sensei looked at me with wet eyes that, again, very much resembled a dog's.

Nope, that's another strike that I'm adding. Scratch that, I can basically confirm that he's the Reaper.

I mean, look at how fake those dog eyes are! And are your eyes really wet just because you're worried?! Wow, I never knew you were such a crying bitch!

'...' Ok.jpg

Are you really trying to act like a dog?! Bitch, I got a real one right next to me!

'I mean... Huh, I actually can't refute that.'

"No need. Haru will be fine with me here." Ryuu stepped closer to me. We turned our heads and locked eyes.

Ryuu's eyes looked very pure, gentle, cute, and like a real dog's!

See! This is what the real one looks like! Fake ass bitches like you will always only be that! Fake! Ass! Bitches!

'Jesus, you're being so intense about this.'

"Yep. I'll be fine with him here." I looked back at the Bitch, who's looking at Ryuu weirdly.

If this fake ass bitch touches him, I'm going to send him to hell myself.

'I'm... not against that idea, surprisingly.'

"Are you sure?" The Bitch looked back towards me, worry was clearly in his eyes.

Fake. This is so fake. Disgustingly fake.

"Really I'm okay." I tried to control myself by looking away from the Bitch. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. "It's about time I start heading to the field."

"... Alright, but if you ever have any troubles, you can come to me, Suzuki-kun, okay?" The Bitch smiled warmly and patted my shoulder.

I am dubbing him the Bitch from now on.

'Aren't you doing that already?'

"Okay." I nodded with a perfunctorily smile. "I have to leave now. Goodbye Bi- Ando-sensei."

I started walking away. Ryuu followed me after giving the Bitch a nod.

This is great. It's just another threat. It's not that big of a deal. I only have to get some more 'equipments,' that's all.

'Oh no.'

It should be counted as a good thing right?

'Uh, it's not really-'

Right! I'm doing it for justice! It's perfectly fine!

'Girl, you're being really excessive right now. Calm down.'

All I need to do is-

"Haruka." Ryuu grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug, in the empty hallway.

I calmed down immediately and hugged back.

"Haruka, what's wrong?" Ryuu lifted his hand and moved a strand of hair back behind my ear. "Why are you in a bad mood?"

"I..." I tilted my head up and looked right into Ryuu's eyes. Seeing the worry in them, I feel better about the Bitch.

Ha! This is what a true puppy looks like! It's so much better than that fake one!

This is real! Genuine worry that I can see in his eyes. They are real.

"Haru... I don't like to see you upset." Ryuu cupped my cheeks and hugged me a little tighter.

The bad mood immediately disappeared when I heard Ryuu's words.

"I'm fine now, really." I smiled brightly. "Thank you."

"Alright then. Just tell me you're in a bad mood. I'll try my best to make you happy." Ryuu kissed my forehead.

The fire in my chest burned even brighter.

"Okay, I will." I held Ryuu's hand. "Let's go."

Ryuu nodded and we started to walk hand in hand. Down the empty hallway, in each other's comfort.

This feeling is really wonderful. He'll protect me and I'll protect him.

My eyes darken considerably. Ryuu didn't see it at all since he's walking behind me.

Looks like I'll need to get the 'equipments' sooner.

N0tH|nG W1|L 3V%r H^pP3N t0 mY PupPY!

'Holy crap you overprotective fuck! The Reaper doesn't even go for boys!'

###Extra/Continuation/Omake (Non-canon because this can't go in the story, since the Harukas couldn't talk to each other. I'm writing this part just because I missed the back and forth between these two. Not because I needed the word count to reach 1500.)###

Looks like I'll need to get the 'equipments' sooner.

N0tH|nG W1|L 3V%r H^pP3N t0 mY PupPY!

'Holy crap you overprotective fuck! The Reaper doesn't even go for boys!'


'W-What are you laughing about?'

What about me then?

'What about you? You're a boy right now. The Reaper only goes for girls.'

And why can't the Reaper change to also go for guys?

'Because of continuity! There's no way he'll change just because of you.'


'... W-What?'

What about Ryuu?

'W-Well, that's because you showed him what love is.'


'T-That's because he likes cute things and you're cute.'


'Th-That's because... Fuck.'



Should I get the 'equipments' now?

'Please do.'

Sorry for skipping last week's update. It was my B-day(12/7) so I decided to take a break.

It's not because of some other reasons.


Full story in the comment.

Inactiverightnowcreators' thoughts
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