
Chapter Twenty Eight.

Nine months had passed since Zawadi and Lucas started dating. And today was the day they marked their nine months together. Lucas hadn't been keeping count or so Zawadi thought even though she had a detailed record of their days together as they passed and especially the day they met.

Nine months of being in a relationship might seem like nothing to many people but to her, it was as important as the first wedding anniversary.

She bought him a present, a fancy watch. It had cost her half of her savings but it was worth it. She thought.

It was around 6:30pm and Zawadi was at Lucas's place. They were currently cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.

"I got you something." Zawadi said sitting up from his embrace.

"Really? What?" he asked curiously.

"It's a surprise. I got it for you especially for today" she stated.

"Today? What do you mean today? It's not my birthday. " he said .

"Don't you remember what today is? " she asked, almost in irritation.

"No, why don't you enlighten me. I really don't know "

"Today marks our nine months together. How could you not know? " she asked in disappointment.

"I'm just kidding, of course I know what day it is. In fact I though you would have forgotten. But then again, how can you when we celebrate the day we met every month. " he drew her closer and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I love you" he told her.

"Today, I want to tell you what I have never told anyone. I love you more than life itself. People give their hearts a lot, but today I give you my life. It's only you I think of during the day and dream of at night.

For your sake alone are my prayers. My first wish every morning is to see your face before anyone else's. And when you smile at me, my whole world lights up.

If you don't believe me then you can go ask the moon. It was my witness every night when I stood under it with your thoughts in mind.

I don't want money or cars or the wealth you have. I just want you. But still if one day you feel that I am lying to you, then ask me about it calmly. I would never hurt you intentionally.

Tonight I ask you to never question my love, it would kill me. I trust you as much as a child trusts her mother, blindly. You have my life in your hands, you can either make me happy forever or kill me forever.

I know that I shouldnt love you this much or have this much faith in you, but I am helpless. My heart is stubborn. It has chosen you though, I can't change its decision, I can only hope that you have as much trust in me as I have in you.

Misunderstandings are there in life, but I hope that you will listen to me first before jumping to any conclusions.

I love you, so much. You have my life in your hands, don't end it. You are all I have" she pleaded, tears falling from her eyes.

"Don't cry cupcake. I know that I have messed up in the past, but I love you. Just as much as you love me if not more. My heart has chosen you. Hurting you would kill me, so I promise you that I won't let you down .I promise to always listen to you and I pray that you do the same. I love you " he told her.

"I got you something " he said suddenly getting up from his seat.

"Really? What? " she asked in excitement.

"This" he handed her a big box. " Open it" he demanded.

"Yes sir, " she playfully replied.

"It's beautiful " she commented, staring at the beautiful red dress in the box in awe.

"Do you like it? " he asked.

"I love it. Thank you. " she said planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Anything for you "he drew her in for a hug.

"Now I feel guilty. The gift I got you can't be compared to the one you've given me. " she said sadly.

"I would love any gift you give me. Not because it's cheap or expensive but because it comes from your heart. So whatever it is you got me, I am sure that I'll love it. "

"Here you go" she took out a small box from her pocket and handed it to him.

" You got me a watch. Thank you cupcake. I don't know what you were worried about, I really like it. Thank you" he kissed her cheek.

"You are just saying that so that I don't feel bad. " she pouted.

"Of course not. I really like it. Thank you so much "

"I am hungry " she said.

"Then let me make something for both of us. Wait for me here. " he told her.

"No, I'll help you make it " she decided and followed him into the kitchen.

After having their dinner, Lucas insisted on Zawadi staying since it was a bit late in the night. The next day would be a weekend so they were not expected in the office until Monday.

After watching a movie, they fell asleep in each others arms. Cuddled together.

It was a wonderful feeling, they both realised, to be in each others arms.

They both had their flaws, none of them was perfect. But they would try, for each other and for the sake of their love.

They would take on day at time. Live their life to the fullest and find ways to constantly grow their love.

He would ask her to move in with him soon. For he had gotten addicted to the feeling of her being in his arms when he woke up, that he didn't want to miss it anymore.

It would be hard to convince her but he wouldn't relent this time until he got her living with him. Laying a gentle kiss on her forehead, he went to sleep.

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