
Chapter Eight.

Zawadi sighed heavily. She took her phone from her pocket and checked it for the hundredth time. He hadn't called her since their date the previous night.

She was worried. Maybe he didn't like the date, maybe he regretted it. Maybe he changed his mind, or maybe he was just busy.

She gave a frustrated groan as she plopped her head on the counter.

"What's wrong sweetie , why the foul mood" John asked appearing behind the counter.

"He hasn't called me since yesterday" she said.

John smiled, " Awww. you like him and you are missing him. Finally someone managed to catch your attention "

"Are you even listening?" she lifted her head head to look at him. " I'm here dying of worry and you are happy that someone caught my attention. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he regrets our date. Then what? Oh John, he is a billionaire, and me, Just look at me" she said.

"Come on, you are beautiful, and smart, of course anyone would be foolish not to like you. Don't beat yourself up girlfriend, he is probably busy. Give him time okay" he gave her a hug.

"Thanks John"

"And, speaking of the devil, here he comes" John whispered in her ear before he drew back.

"Lucas?" Zawadi questioned in disbelief.

Involuntarily, her body moved, as if it had a mind of its own and wrapped itself around him.

" I see you missed me cupcake " his voice pulled her out of her trance.

She quickly stepped away from him muttering a quick 'sorry'

"That's okay sweetheart, I am all yours to hug" he smirked.

"Who is your friend?" Lucas asked looking behind Zawadi.

"Oh I'm sorry, this is John, and John this is Lucas" Zawadi introduced.

"Nice to meet you Lucas. It's good to see Zawadi happy. And since you are the cause, thank you" John said.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that she is happy because of me" Lucas said and both men laughed.

"Zawadi, can I talk to you for a minute? " Lucas asked, and John excused himself.

" I don't like it when you get close to other men. I know we aren't dating yet but I get jealous when I see you close to other men. Don't hug John like that again, please. okay? " He pleaded.

"Okay. But John and I are just friends. Plus, He is gay. " she said.

"Please " He pleaded again.

"Okay fine " She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, why are you here? I mean are you here for a meal or? " she asked.

"I wanted to see you. And if I recall correctly you missed me too. I mean you threw yourself at me the moment I walked in. But other than that, I wanted to ask you to be my date to a charity event tomorrow. " He said nervously.

"I wouldn't mind being your date but I don't think I belong with you in your charity event. It sounds fancy and we'll, I'm just....me. " she said.

" Come on cupcake. please. You know what? If you don't go with me, then I won't go at all" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"What? No, you must go. The charity will benefit many people. I would feel horrible if I were the reason those who need help don't get it"she stated.

"Come with me then " He persuaded.

"But I don't have anything to wear. I have no fancy dresses. " she frowned.

" I'll get you one. Just please say yes" He pleaded.

"Okay. I will come with you. "she sighed in defeat.

At her words, his face lit up.

"Really? " He asked in disbelief.

"Yes really " she answered.

"Thank you. You have just made my day. " He smiled giving her a hug, and she smiled too.

"Okay, now that this is settled, I have to get back to work. Goodbye Mr. Steele. " she said turning on her heels.

He caught her by the wrist and pulled her body to his, making her collide with his hard chest.

" Mr. Steele " she squealed.

"You are not going back to work. We are going shopping " He stated.

"What? No. I can't just leave in the middle of work. I'll get in trouble with my boss. " she whisper yelled.

" Of course you can baby. These are the benefits of being the billionaire's girlfriend ", he said with a grin.

"I..... I'm not.... not your girlfriend "She stuttered out, Her breathing becoming raged.

"Not yet" He threw a wink her way making her blush. "come on" he said.

The store were he took her was beautiful. It was fancy. The gowns around were the prettiest she had ever seen. They were too expensive though, she thought and frowned.

" Here try these on" a beautiful woman handed her a few gowns. She looked at Lucas who just winked and went back to his phone.

After what felt like hours of trying on different dresses, she finally settled on one.

The gown in question was a silk gown, black in colour with lace covering the chest area. It had an open back and was short sleeved.

It was tight around her burst and waist but floated from her waist to the ground. It had a slit on the side running up to her mid-thigh, showing her long legs.

He had his eyes glued to her the moment she stepped out of the dressing room. The gown was beautiful and to add to it, Zawadi's hair floated down her back, ending just below her bum.

She looked like an angel, and that is when he realized that he had to make her his.

"How do I look? " She asked him shyly.

"Angel" he muttered subconsciously .

"What was that? " she asked, Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Huh?" he looked up to meet her eyes.

"You said something. Do you not like it? " she questioned eager to learn his reaction.

"You are beautiful. Very beautiful " he said getting up and making his way to her.

She blushed a deep shade of red and fiddled with her fingers. That was a first.

" Thank you" she said, looking at her feet, making him release a deep chuckle.

"I like it when you blush" he said going to her. He moved closer and planted a kiss on both of her cheeks making her giggle.


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