
The Duke's interpretation of delicate

What I intended was to find a room! Not to hide behind some bushes. Can this even be considered hiding? We're standing in between a bunch of trees, but they're not enough to obstruct vision. Groups of ladies and other couples are walking together in this big garden, and someone might have a similar idea. This place would become crowded, in that case.

Hasn't this cunning war commander already realised it?

«Alexander,» I whisper. «I don't think I can do this...»

«Is my Duchess shy?»

«I think I am,» I continue. Rather than shy, I'd prefer to keep a certain level of decency. I'm not capable of showing affection out in the public even though that was my original plan. Not in a place so adversarial to me.

I sense the stares from the people watching us closely, even if I can't see them. It makes my stomach turn, and an awkward feeling spreads in my body. It's as if I was caught doing something wrong, and all these eyes were judging me for every misdeed I committed in my whole life.

«This will speed up your plan, my dear,» the Duke murmurs to my ear while circling my waist with his arms. His caresses usually would make me sigh or relax, but this time all I can think are the whispers. Even the rustle of the fallen leaves resembles a low murmuring.

I know this is a great opportunity, but I can't move my muscles. Aren't there other ways to show your affection?

«We have only two days to convince the court that we get along,» he continues, biting my earlobe playfully. He kisses my neck and pulls me closer to him. I press my hands on his chest, weakly trying to stop him. I don't put any real resistance, though. It's not the Duke that is making me feel this awkward. I've already got used to his presence. I let a desperate sigh leave my lips, and Alexander stops pecking my skin.

Only then, the Duke looks at my face and realises how I feel.

«Well, I guess we can continue later,» he sighs. His eyes are so disappointed that I almost feel at fault. I would like to point out that it's not him that I rejected. It's the place, the problem.

«Just not in public,» I utter, trying to explain the reason behind my uneasiness. I don't want my husband to hold grudges, especially for something this petty.

«All right,» he accepts and pecks my forehead. «Don't bear everything in silence. Just tell me when you're uncomfortable.»

I nod and cling on his arm. I dare to lean my head on his shoulder, and the Duke smiles reassuringly. We continue our walk, even though I'm now worried about something else.

How close were the court's eyes watching? Could they see my rejections? In that case, they'll think that I'm playing hard to get to reach the Duke's heart, won't they? Would that be a bad thing for me?

We walk until we reach a group of noblemen playing cards and conversing leisurely. There are four of them, sitting around a round white table and drinking wine. One of them is smoking a cigar, but it looks like he's gotten tired of it because he puts it out.

«Duke Kyre!» another one of them shouts. He's middle-aged, maybe forty, and his hair has been fixed orderly with wax or something like that.

I lift my head and stand straight, as any noble lady does when in front of strangers' eyes.

When we step in the noblemen's direction, I smell an ungrateful amount of perfume. It's like a women's tea party, just without the skirts.

Their clothes are layered as well. Fortunately, my Duke is quite sober with dressing, and I don't have to bear seeing him like this.

«Good afternoon, gentlemen,» Alexander says, squeezing my hand under the shawl. He's already trying to soothe down my worries, even though I'm still as calm as a resting snake. I'm not too concerned about this encounter, and these gentlemen certainly won't attack me for no reason.

«You've brought your wife to take some fresh air, haven't you?» another one replies.

What am I, a pet dog?

I blink graciously, pretending to not be paying attention. Indeed, I have overstated these people's manners. I thought the greater Empire of the continent had better leading casts. I couldn't imagine they would talk like this in front of a lady.

«I haven't been able to stay with my Duchess due to other commitments, so I'm recuperating now.»

Hmm, I can accept a statement like this. The Duke saved himself from my harsh judgement. Not that I would have done anything if he was rude as well. I know very well my position.

«The garden is not the place where you're supposed to take your time back, though,» the first noble notes.

I wince surprised. How impolite! I'm right here!

«That would be a good idea,» a voice from nearby interrupts. «Your wife has been fooling around in your absence, your grace.»

I straighten my back, recognising the man that is talking.

«It looks like she needs more attention than your grace can provide.»

George walks to us from one of the buildings facing this garden, staring coldly at me. When he turns to the Duke, though, his gaze becomes friendly.

«Is that the reason why you're not leaving her alone a single moment?» he utters.

Alexander continues to tap on my hand, reminding me to stay calm and not fall prey to fury.

I bite my tongue and glance at my husband. I don't have any strength to get angry. All I feel is sadness, disgust, and fear.

Yes, I'm still afraid. That man hit me in clear daylight, what can assure me that he won't do it again?

«What are you talking about?» Alexander voices, his expression solemn yet cold. He's pretending not to know what the rumours in the Palace are.

«Haven't you heard?» George adds.

Some ladies have seen the commotion and joined to see what's happening. All of a sudden, this small gathering of a few gentlemen has become crowded.

«I heard some disturbing news,» Alexander nods. «Like the one that someone dared to raise his hands against my wife.»

«You heard?» George continues. «No need to thank me, I did it wholeheartedly.»

My teeth have cut my tongue from how much I pressed. The taste of blood has spread in my mouth. It's disgusting, but not as much as the person that's scowling a few steps from me.

What exactly does he want?

To have me killed? It won't work.

To ruin my reputation? I don't have any.

Alexander clenches his teeth, finally facing something he didn't expect. I haven't even noticed how tightly my grip on his arm has become.

«Let's go,» he says.

«I would have killed her if I were you,» George adds. «Even though the way she reacts to bites is rather charming. Or how she twists her waist when you grab her... I guess a wife like that does have some positive traits.»

My blood pressure suddenly drops, and I feel my knees shaking. Alexander stops mid-step.

«Bites?» he utters, confused. «My wife is not to be bitten.»

He frees his arm from me and turns slowly.

«She's too delicate for that. My wife reacts only to the lightest caresses...»

Hearing the Duke's naughty words, I look at the ground with a hot face. The dames in front of me widen their eyes in surprise at my blushing, and I gulp, embarrassed.

The lightest caresses? I'll have to explain to the Duke the meaning of the word 'delicate', later. I wonder how he would be when not holding back, though.

When he reaches me, I look at him in the eyes, and I notice discomfort in them. He's not as cool as he wanted to look. What surprises me more is that I'm not sure whether he's like this because of George's attack, or because he doesn't want me to bear this any longer.

«Let's go, my dear,» he repeats.

We get out, reaching a calmer wing of the Palace.

«You just let a person insult your wife,» I point out. «You didn't react. Will it endanger your honour?»

Alexander sighs, thinking about the situation thoroughly.

«Let's talk in the room,» he says, in the end. «I will explain, one day.»

«I think I already know enough,» I mumble. «The Emperor ordered you not to retaliate. I'm sorry for always causing trouble.»

«You asked his majesty about it?» Alexander repeats, surprised. «You two had a nice chat, it seems.»

When we enter his chambers, he remembers what that brute man said.

«Duchess, how did Marquise Lindell know about how you react at bites and grips?» he inquires.

«I have no clue,» I shrug. Isn't that how any woman reacts? What's so strange about it?

A shiver reminds me that even things I don't do can endanger my life.

«I haven't betrayed you, my Duke,» I exclaims.

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