
Organising a gathering

The weather, today, isn't warm at all. There's this icy wind that freezes my bones, and the clouds are hiding the sun. Maybe, it will rain.

After strolling in the garden for the whole evening, I walk to the Duke's study, in search of someone that can help me.

Luckily, I meet Pericle in the hallway.

«Do you have some time?» I ask him.

«Of course, your grace. What can I help you with?»

«I'm supposed to actively participate in social events. What does it entail, exactly? How much would be satisfactory for my role?»

He blinks, surprised, and I roll my eyes. What did he expect me to ask? These damn noblewomen only talk about dresses and tea parties.

«The other Duchesses have gatherings twice a month,» he starts, holding his chin in a hand while thinking. «I suppose you don't have to organise something weekly, as most noblewomen do.»

«So, the more they're important, the less they strain themselves by organising parties.»

«It seems like that, yes.»

«But I'm no ordinary Duchess. Is there any Archduchess in the Empire? What about princesses? How often do they invite people to their wings?»

«Archduchess Ryle organises only an evening gathering once a month, while the princesses even less, and they usually stop at tea parties.»

«So, if I have a tea party this week, I won't be forced to hold another event before the Autumn hunt. Am I right?»

«Yes, your grace.»

«Good. Then how many people? And how should I select who to invite?»

«Since your grace doesn't have any personal friendship yet, your grace can select people according to their title and age.»

«All the women I've met so far are older than me by a few decades. Are there younger ladies that I can talk with? Also, should I invite just married women?»

«Most of the ladies your age are already married, your grace. In the Empire, women are considered eligible for marriage at fifteen. They have their debut immediately after their fourteenth birthday, and they get married within two years.»

«Things aren't much different in Polis,» I notice, «but I didn't have time to find a husband. I was busy with the war.»

Pericle winces, surprised by my harsh words. I sigh, admitting that I shouldn't treat him poorly. He's been nice to me till now, and he hasn't shown any ill intention.

«Are there any noblewomen I should avoid? For example, my husband's old friends...» I continue, trying to look uninterested. Still, I'm curious to know if the Duke has always been such a flirt, or he became one after marrying me.

I have to admit that a big, big part of me hopes that his charm is natural, and not the result of a lifetime of training. However, chances are low.

He was too convincing, tonight, to be natural. I'd like to know what type of girl has attracted the Duke's attention in the past, though.

«I think you should avoid Lady Elisabeth Gramh,» Pericle says simply.

Since he doesn't add anything else, and I can't continue asking, I change the topic and inquire what does 'organising an event' mean.

In the end, I find out it's just telling the servants to prepare a room, order pastries from the kitchen and choose the type of tea.

I'm not really required to do anything, other than express my wishes. How boring: I hoped I would be doing something.

As for the invites, I do have to write in person. At least the most important few. Since I don't have a lady in waiting, I'll have to do everything on my own. I surely can't ask a maid, and I'm not sure they know to read.

After thorough consideration, I followed Pericle's suggestions, and I sent the invites to a few of the younger ladies in the court. Most of them are married to the son of a Duke or a Marquees, and their husband will one day inherit the title. Now, they're not very relevant, but one day they will form the highest circles of the social system here in the Empire.

After lunch, I walk in the garden with one of the invites in my hands. It's for Princess Lyland, and I wanted to deliver it personally.

It would give me credit if she came. At the same time, though, I'm not sure how I feel about her. She might help me set my social position, as well as ruin every my effort.

If I invite her, she might criticise me to the bone.

If I don't invite her, she'll surely complain and hold a grudge.

«Duchess Kyre,» the girl says when she sees me walking to her. «Are you here to invite me to your gathering?»

I startle, surprised that she already knows everything. Are a few hours enough for gossip to circulate? I should start to get used to this, though.

«That's correct, your highness,» I reply. «I'd like it if you could honour us with your presence.»

«My brother kindly asked me to help you settle in the Palace. Since I owe him a favour after what I said to you last week, I have to accept.»

«I hope it won't disturb your highness too much.»

«Depends on who you invited. However, since Pericle helped you, it shouldn't be too noisy of a gathering. Did you follow his instructions?»

I nod, beaten. I can't even do something like this by myself, I'm really becoming useless.

«Then it will be all right,» she sentences, in the end.

Her smart grin reminds me that of the Duke. She's planning something, but I can't really stop a royal princess if she wants to make trouble for me.

I have just to endure it. Soon, it will be over, and I won't need to meet people for a while. Who cares if they start to think that I'm a disgrace?

The Duke and I will soon head to the North, and they will forget about my mistakes by the beginning of the next social season.

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