



Due to the stress of the previous day, Ye Cheng woke up quite late and quickly hurried off to work. As usual he did not wake Li Jing up and dashed off.

By the time Ye Cheng got to work, he quickly decided to finish the work he had started and slept off on. Only for him to switch on his system and when he went through the work, he found it already done and fixed.

His eyes widened when he noticed all the changes been made and corrected on the work.

Not wanting to believe what he was seeing, Ye Cheng exited the word document and shut down his laptop. When the switched it back on and went to the said document, he was shocked to see everything still as it was.


That was a huge surprise for him and then his mind went back to the previous day in the room when Li Jing had turn in her sleep. She really was not sleeping.

A splendid smile appeared on his face as he went through the work, page by page.

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