
Chapter Sixteen

"Abigail! What are you doing here?"

"Aren't you happy I'm back?"

"Well... I...am it's just.. I thought you wanted to pursue acting."

"Can we at least sit?"

They took a chair in the classroom, then Abigail proceeded.

"So I left Hallmark, to further my acting career,and take up that spot they offered in the family TV show UnBlended, but the spot was taken by another, so I decided to come back to school."

That's it?

"But.. School doesn't just let you go off and get back just like that.. "

"Yes, but the Principal and my dad, had a really good talk and then Voila! I'm back... I've missed you.. Missed everything!"

"Missed you too."


"You know her?" Maya asked. She sat on one of her class's chairs, while Scott sat on a table of another, legs slightly apart and they swung freely.

"Yes. Everyone in Hallmark, knows Abigail, she's Daniel's girlfriend... "

Girlfriend?... She must have been the one he asked about..

The words Scott spoke after that, didn't seem to matter anymore or she had chosen not to take note.

"You like him, don't you?"

Scott said bringing her back to reality where she was in class with a bunch of other kids attending to their different businesses.

"It's that obvious Huh?"

"All he has ever done is make you cry.. Either ways, you are done with that guy."

Maybe you are right.


"Abigail is back?... This can't be good," Tess said holding up some ribbons.

"I think I saw her dad, speaking with the principal.. Didn't consider the possibility of her return anyways," Patricia replied. They were at the hallway, setting up a stand that read 'Election of Hallmark's Student Body President'

"Where is Scott?" Patricia asked holding up a banner.

"No idea," Tess replied disinterested.

After some minutes, a little crowd gathered the venue, they positioned the stand at the hallway, so that it was impossible to go about one's daily school business, without noticing it.

Scott had showed up minutes later with Maya.. As the vice, he was supposed to be present. Although, Maya wondered why the vice couldn't automatically become the head, she didn't also see it necessary to ask. Especially not then..

Daniel had come over with Abigail they held hands... More like Abigail held his hand.

It sickened Maya but she stopped and directed her attention to her friend Tess, who now held a microphone to speak up.

"Hallmark High, as we all know, it's time for election.. Time to put someone deserving into a place of honor.. Without any further words, I'd like to announce the candidates. Surprisingly, they are only three..

Steven Jaffray, Jonas Sparks, Jerome Valendoff. Please step forward and read out your manifesto..."

Maya noticed Abigail tuck at Daniel's uniform shirt.. It seemed Abigail muttered something about eating because they retreated from where the crowd was, and went to get something from the School's cafe. Maya watched them leave.. She seemed to be so All over Daniel.. Like she owned him.

Maybe it's because she really did.

Everyone was now seated, and listened to each candidate read out their written Manifesto on what they would do if elected. They said what basically each student wanted to hear.. More snacks at the dispenser, More lab equipments... Maya was listening when they walked in...

Abigail literally was all over Daniel and it made Maya uncomfortable. She wanted to leave but Scott pleaded she waited saying the election would properly commence in minutes. He was right at the last candidate was the one who spoke up.. He was speaking from the elevated platform.

It was Jerome Valendoff... Maya listened while he spoke and he addressed a matter everyone dreaded raising up.. The School's abandoned storage room at the basement.. He raised three points which he called his 'Three point agenda'.

Maya was forced to look at Daniel's direction. She couldn't avoid it they were opposite her direction. Now Abigail was feeding Daniel some waffles.

He is right handed for God's sake and he can feed himself quite well!!..

Maya poked Scott.. She made an excuse to visit the restroom.. She had seen enough for one day.

She ran out of the little crowd and walked past some classes to get over to the restroom and pour some water on her face when she heard her name... She knew the caller, but most certainly didn't want to respond...

Oh I just have to?

"What do you want? Are you done bonding with your lost and found friend... Should have known she was the one you referred to.. "

"That's enough... Abigail is...well.. It's complicated"

"Please don't say it...don't.."

"Daniel.. You said you won't spend long" Abigail asked...

She's everywhere..

"It's just five minutes.. "

"Five minutes is long.. Who's she?" Abigail asked suddenly conscious of Maya's presence.

"She's... She's my.. " Daniel tried speaking... Words failed him..

"She's mine" Scott spoke, wrapping his hands over Maya's shoulder and fixing a stern look at Abigail.. Before proceeding..

"Abigail... Long time no see"

"Scott.. I see your flair for blonds is gradually wearing off"

"Well... Definitely for blonds like yourself."

"How dare you?" Abigail asked infuriated.

"Uhmm... I should go.. Really.. I.. there is no need for all this.. You're good he's good. Let's move on... Excuse me"

When they arrived, the votes had been counted and Jerome Valendoff had been announced at the winner.

Totally deserving.

He was adorned with some badges of honor and handed a certificate of Honorable leadership by the Principal. It was a graced occasion. Inception of duties, began almost immediately.


"Mum are you in?"

"Yes son, come on in."

"Sorry to disturb your study but can I ask a question."

"Well of course you can. "

"Mum can you please tell me a thing or two about Dyslexia"

"Dyslexia? That's a rather odd topic dear"

He nodded in affirmation, before she continued.

"Dyslexia is a rare occurrence amongst most people. They experience difficulty matching words up and if not properly managed, could last for a life time.. "

"So you are saying that there is a cure."

"Unfortunately there is none, but one can effectively make use of one's talent and with proper tutoring, could still perform amazingly... I happen to have a patient suffering such fate... About your age and she's very... "


His mom gave a confused look, which melted away when her warm smile came up.. Then she affirmed.

"Yes, very Beautiful..but besides that... She's talented I see talent within those eyes of hers"

Those eyes..

"Why the question anyways.."

"I.. It's just... Well..uhm... I kinda read it up somewhere"

"Well, now you have been cleared" She let out a loose yawn.

"I need to go to bed." She said with a slightly dim pair of eyes.

"Mum why do you study so hard? You should give yourself some break"

"Son.. If I don't study for even a single second, someone might loose a loved one."

"You are the best doctor I have ever seen"

"Oh please quit the flattery... You said same to your dad"

"Both of you are"

"Alright, fair enough...let me go get some sleep I'm exhausted and I have an operation due tomorrow... Help me tuck your sister into her blanket I know she's out of it already and turn off her lights would you?"

Even though Daniel hated admitting it, his sister looked so peaceful while she slept... So innocent and cute. He stared at his Now sleepy little sister.. Her hair was all over the pillow, and her legs wide apart on her pink Pajamas. He was almost tempted to kiss her forehead... Like the good old days... When she was still little.. He remembered how she would giggle and roll around..

Now, she awoke half asleep.

"What are you looking at?" She asked. Daniel smiled at the awkward transition from cute to not so cute... She was really a character. He quickly did as was instructed. He tucked her in, and switched off her bedroom lights.


"Mum please did you see my lavender sock"

"Sofie Sweetie the first thing you say to your mum in the morning is good morning"

"Morning... Did you see my lavender coloured pair of socks?" She asked again a bit impatient.

"I didn't dear. Don't you have other colors of socks?" Her mother asked as she made breakfast, pancakes.

"I do, but I'm matching outfit with Molly and it's lavender day today!"

"Can't you wear your Violet coloured sock? It almost looks like laven.."

"No!...Purple is Purple! Lavender is Lavender! Violet is Violet! Do not interchange them! They are totally different colors!"

Oh dear...

"Morning Mum... I'm off to school" Daniel announced with a soccer ball resting on his left arm..

"Have a nice day!! Wait a minute... You didn't say anything about your football academy... Weren't you chosen?"

"At least I didn't spill," Sofie mumbled.

"I was.. It's just... I.. I didn't want to go anymore."

"You didn't think we should know about this?.. " His Father said as he approached buttoning up his loosened shirt.. The audible and deep voice of his father, usually sent cold chills down his spine... His Father was most certainly going to ask him to go... He knew him so well.. So well that it appeared easy to predict him... After a little discussion, they decided he was to leave.

Dear Maya..

These things I'm writing, should have been said orally but on a second thought, I think I write to you because I'm afraid... I'm afraid of what will happen if I stand to talk to you.. I just wanted to say that I'm leaving.. I'm leaving Hallmark... I'm leaving Alabama to the football academy I should have gone for.. Turns out my parents figured out.. I just wanted you to know that you were the one after all... Not Abigail.. Like I said it's complicated.

I think this is for the better... I can finally be with Jack.. I will visit if given the opportunity.. But I'm not coming back.. So please say hi to Scott and Bye..

Wish you both well..


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