
Prologue Part I

It was around 23:30 when I finally arrived at home.

I thought that my day was going to be like any other, but it turns out that things can go to lightly bad to fucking disaster.

I'm 30 years old and work as a waiter in a restaurant designed to people that can afford to spend their money in ridiculously expensive food, presented in absurdly small quantities.

Well... used to work anyway.

My life was just a series of unfortunate events. I was an orphan for as long as I remembered, going to one house to another or staying in some kind of institution when there was no one willing to accept me. On the best places the owners would do the bare minimum to keep me alive, feeding me, let me use a proper bedroom but that was it, no kind of personal connection or anything. On the worst places I was beaten, poorly fed or not even that, sleep it in the floor and other things that I wouldn't like to remember.

I suppose that, if I had worked hard in school, I might have find a way to turn things around, perhaps gaining a decent enough education to be able to have a decent job, but unfortunately that's not how things went by.

As soon as I completed high school, I looked for a job so that I could live by myself and don't rely on anyone as fast as possible. It wasn't that hard to find one, but it didn't paid good enough money for me to live on my own, so it didn't take long for me to find myself working in two or three places at the same time. With so much of my time filled with nothing but work, I barely had time to study in some public college and, after paying the bills, there was almost no leftovers to take some kind of online degree.

It was when I turned 26 that things started to turn a little to the better for me. I was passing by when a well dressed servant, I assumed at the time, when discussing with another man in a expensive looking suit. I don't remember what they were discussing, something about someone sleeping with another man's wife. Anyway, the man I assumed was the waiter lost his patience and quit his job than and there, leaving clearly furious and stomping his feet, leaving the other man with a stunned expression behind.

Seeing the situation, I offered myself to take the other waiter place, hoping to earn some extra money on the rare day that I was entirely free from all of my jobs. The man in the suit was clearly exasperated by my proposal but accepted anyway, stating that they were already short handed and couldn't afford to lose any more help.

The atmosphere on that place was very different to all of the places I worked before. That place was clearly built for people to which money didn't mean almost anything, since they had much more than they could spend.

It took me some time until he was able to properly serve the costumers, since it was so different to what I was used to do, but I was able to adapt fairly quickly, being able to present myself as a passable employee. After working for six hours the manager, the man I offered help, offered me a permanent job, claiming it was easier them looking for someone else.

For a time things went smoothly, the new job payed more than the three jobs I had before, which gave me enough time to be able to study online and get a degree, focused in investment.

Sadly things would would turn to the worst not much time after. Due to unforeseen events, about one year ago the number of shifts that I worked was cut short, forcing me to start to make difficult choices to be able to survive.

Finally today, after my shift ended, I was fired due to recent circumstances. And it was on the worst possible time, since practically everywhere people were being fired, making this the worst possible time to be out of a job.

I'm in a very difficult situation right now.

Just yesterday I finally completed my degree and was planning to save enough money to finally start to invest, and now I'm out of a job and probably will have to seek for months until I get a new one.

Ahhh... I'm too tired to think about this now.

Probably best to think about this tomorrow. Anything I think right now will just left me depressed.

After taking my clothes off and taking a long shower, I just left my dirty clothes on the floor and dropped on the bed.

Tomorrow I'm gonna start to look for a job, or at least something that I can do that will give me enough money to survive for a while.

But now, it's time to go to...


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