
Chapter 7 (ToXiC)

I wake up around 5 am in Koshi's arms. Oh my god is this heaven? I try to break free from his arms but then he just wraps them tighter around me. I decided to just sleep until my alarm went off. Oh right! I did set my alarm early, so It should go off in any minute. A couple of minutes later it goes off. But, the worst possible song was on. Toxic. I mean its one of my favorite songs, but with a guy knowing the lyrics, and know that its their favorite song I just imagine a lot of scenario's. As quickly as I could, I turned off my phone alarm, looked at Koshi and it looked like he was still asleep. Good. "Good morning" I heard a muffled voice.

"G-good morning Koshi" I said tripping over my words again. Then there was a awkward silence. "I-I'm gonna take a shower" I say, trying to break the silence. "And if you want, you can go back to sleep and I can set my alarm for later." "Sure, and thank you" He says. This time when I put the alarm on my phone, I didn't put it on random I used the song "Sugar" by maroon 5, I think he'll like it. I grabbed some towels and clothes, and then I took a short shower.

~~a little timeskip to 6 am~~

I hear my alarm go off, I put on the rest of my clothes and then rushed out the door to turn it off. Once I did that, I looked at him. He's so cute I'm gonna die. "Oki Koshi you got to get up" I said poking his shoulder a little. I heard a muffled voice once again. "I don't want tooooooooooo" He says. "But we have school today and we can't be late like last time" I said chuckling. "Fineeeeee" He said getting up. Wow I didn't know he had bed head but then again, its cute! I start laughing a bit and he's confused. "What are you laughing at?" Oh my god he sounded like Hinata at the moment wow this is the best day ever. I grabbed my phone and started recording and taking pictures. I know its mean but its funny. He realizes I'm recording and tries to take my phone away. He misses by barely a inch. "Y/N stopppp its not funnyyyy!" He says. His eyes were still closed which made it funnier. I stopped recording after two minutes and told him he really has to get ready for school. After what seemed like years, he finally got up. He got his bookbag and pulled out some clothes. "I-I'm go make something for us to eat" I say getting up right away. Ugh, am I back to stuttering?? I tried to ignore that and then got some eggs, beacon, and toast.

(Sugawara P.O.V)

I started to get dressed and started coughing. Damn it. I think Y/N heard because next thing I knew she was yelling, "Are you okay Koshi? Do you need some pills or medicine?" "Maybe but I think I'm fine for now" I yell back. I saw a notification on Y/N's phone so I just decided to look. Her background was us in a cat filter. I smiled a bit and then looked at what the notification was. It was Noya, his message said "Hey Y/N! Did anything spooky happen when you were asleep?? ����💀". What was he talking about?? I started coughing more and more so I asked Y/N where the medicine was. She said in her bathroom in the bucket under the sink. I walked in there and opened the cabinet. I digged through some makeup and face wash and I saw the one thing a guy doesn't want to see. Pads. I closed the cabinet and went back in the room. "S-sorry Y/N I couldn't find them, can you?" I said. "Sure just give me a second." She replied. She came in and grabbed her phone. She opened the sink cabinet and grabbed the bucket in front, and pulled out pills. "Here you go" She said tossing the pills over to me. "T-thanks." I said. "Are you okay? You don't usually stutter" She asked. Her face looked a little worried. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. She looks down and her phone and laughs a little bit. I see her typing and she puts her phone away. "Breakfast should be ready soon" She said with her eye shut smile. "Okay" I say smiling back. I follow her into the kitchen without her seeing me. I kissed her cheek from behind and smiled. She blushed a little and smiled as well. "Okay breakfast is ready" I said. I brought some plates over to the table. "I'm go do something really quick, you can start eating without me" She said getting up. She went in her room, and closed the door. I heard a little bit of laughing and some notifications from my phone, from the group chat

Sugamama and Y/N are online

Simp #1: Y/N are you ready


Sugamama: Y/N you choose the dark side??




Simp #2: May I join?

Simp #1: Yes


Salty dino: why tf you guys doing this in the morning



Jesus: I am scared, very scared

Sugamama: Y/N.....why....?


Simp #2: *kazoo kid music starts playing*


Simp #1: Look at this graph

Y/N: wooooooow that was ✨f u n✨


Simp #1 changed Y/N's nickname to ✨Meme Queen✨

✨Meme Queen✨: lolz

✨Meme Queen✨: I'm go offline for a bit cya

Simp #1: BYE Y/NNNNN

Simp #2: BYE Y/N!!

Y/N is offline

She came out of the room and looked at me. I only said one word. "Why." She bursted out laughing and could barely get through her words. "B-because *laugh* its so *laugh* f-funny!!!" She looked like she was going to die. "Lets just go to school, its almost 7." I said. "Alright, alright" she said getting her shoes on. "Oh right Y/N! We have a practice match against Nekoma at the training camp do you want to come?" I asked. She froze. "A-against Nekoma, huh?" (If you Don't understand, then go to chapter 1 in the flashback) "Is there something wrong?" I said. "N-no I'll come..." She said with her voice trailing off. I wonder whats going on.....

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