
A Hidden Injury.

Having firmly replied to Ka'lor'ah, Lucius was about to resume eating the Canis when his body suddenly froze. 

The expression on his face fiercely twisted with pain, letting out a beastly roar from his mouth.

"AHHHH!!" Lucius dropped the crystal and tightly clutched his head. 

In the depths of his mindspace, an enormous black tidal wave of energy assaulted the blurry, silhouette in the middle. The crystalline clouds of soul power, which stood in between, had no chance in resisting this wave of foul energy.

In but an instant, Lucius' Stage 1 soul was flooded with a massive amount of emotion and desire, chief of which were madness and hunger.

Just a moment ago while talking with Ka'lor'ah, transparent sword-like energy had suddenly attacked, erasing his thoughts and feelings, reverting him to his aloof, uncaring state.

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