

The bearded old man, Chief Beowulf was the former Chief of the White Fang Clan before he was fatally injured at the battle of Kulturmak and later handed over his reign to Heorgar the Demon Wolf.

The last time Emery heard from the other party was that he was going to retire, but now the man was standing in his backyard. Because of that, he couldn't believe what he was seeing for a moment.

Emery quickly dispelled his shapeshifting and walked towards the man with respectful attitude. "Chief Beowulf."

The elderly man stepped forward, put his hand on Emery's shoulder, and with a proud smile on his face he said, "You have grown now, kiddo. Truly amazing.."

Even though the man had retired, there was clearly still vigor to be seen on the man. However, after four years of not seeing each other, not only had he still not recovered his strength of the magus realm, the man looked ten or even twenty years older than he should have been.

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