

The demon wolf bit off a huge chunk of the grilled cat meat in his hand and talked in a casual tone. "You are doing great, Emery. But at the rate we're moving at, it will be a few weeks before your pillar is fixed, and unfortunately, I can't leave the barracks for too long. I am sorry."

"Don't worry at all, Senior. You have done a lot, and I am very grateful for your assistance these few days."

Seeing the look on Emery's face, Heorgar nodded his head slightly. The magus then talked about how the king had been recruiting more and more warriors for Zodiac City, that's why he has to return.

"Well... I feel that this Flag Bearer position makes me neglect my duties in the White Fang Clan." After saying those words, the demon wolf heaved a heavy sigh.

Hearing such words, Emery slightly moved his body forward. He was interested to know more about the White Fang Clan's condition after the last mission.

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