

Emery had somewhat expected that he would be summoned by the Headmaster as soon as he returned. This time, however, he was a little surprised because he was taken to a different place, instead of the usual headmaster's office.

He was led into some kind of meeting chamber and there were a dozen figures already waiting inside.

Emery quickly noticed Headmaster Delbrand amongst the twelve figures. They all stood behind a tall desk in a half circle shape, but with a brief glance, Emery could tell that other than Headmaster Delbrand the other nine were not real people. They were all merely visual projections made  of light.

"Emery, please step closer, to the podium," said Headmaster Delbrand when he saw Emery.

He immediately did as he was asked, and as soon as he stepped onto the podium, the floor lit up and the eleven figures projected by the light turned their attention to him. Immediately after that, all kinds of voices began to sound.

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