
Title and Honor

In the last few months subsequent to his return to Rome, Julian had been having a very close relation and interaction to this Roman magister Marcus Crassus.

The man was not only the richest man in Rome, but he was also the person who held the most influence. As he followed and walked through the man's daily life, Julian had a firsthand experience of how money and power could easily determine the outcome of a war.

He used his own wealth, thousands of coins, to instantly form 6 full legions fully equipped legionnaires to quell the chaos. When they arrived, the legions quickly besieged the city.

"We shall see how long they can last, starving to death," said Marcus Crassus, as he looked at the completely surrounded city. 

"Well done, Julian. If it wasn't because you were able to bring the citizens out safely, the senate might force us to attack the city right away."


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