
Lethal Gamer

Penulis: Edenistic
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Now in the world of Harry Potter with the P-System, what will Allen do? Will he continue to protect his family? Read as he finds out more about this new world! Rated M just in case!

1 tagar
Chapter 1Sto-

Disclaimer! I do not own the Harry Potter series or The Gamer or Solo Levelling, they all belong to their respective owners.


I was floating in something, I could tell that much without opening my eyes. How long has it been since I first came here? It was maddening but amazing at the same time, it allowed me to think about everything I've ever done. The good, the bad and what would've been better, letting out a sigh, at first I freaked out and started cussing uncontrollably but… I just learned to accept. I thought back to how I came here.

I was stabbed to death by a couple of gangsters, and let me tell you it was painful… like really painful… so much that I couldn't even think straight, and I don't even know why.

Welcome! You have been chosen to become the user of the P-System.

My azure eyes snapped open once again, I could see everything around me. But I couldn't really, it was all pitch black, darkness draped over everything like a curtain.

A robotic voice rang out throughout this black space, making me jump. 'What the hell, doesn't this stuff only happen in fiction?'

I am as real as you are.

"Then what happened?" I said I might've sounded impatient but hey! You would too.

You have died and have been chosen to become the user of the P-System

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, do I really even have a choice now?

No, you don't.

Nice to know that I'm doing this unwillingly, anyway let's start.

Please say 'status', this will show you your current stats and what each one relates too.

"Status" I said, in front of me a glowing blue screen appeared that said:

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title –

Class – (Locked)

HP – 150/150 (35HP/minute)

SP – 200/200 (70SP/ minute)

MP – 150/150 (35MP/minute)

Lvl 1 – 0/100

Race –?

STR – 5 –It's your strength, it's how much muscle power you have, affects SP it also relates to some damage

DEX – 5 –It's your Dexterity, it's about your movement, how fast you are flexibility, affects SP etc.

VIT – 5 –It's your Vitality, it affects your life force, SP and HP regen

INT – 5 –It's your Intelligence, it affects how much information you can take in, process and memories, it's also related to you Magic power and capacity

WIS – 5 –It's your Wisdom, allows to make better decisions and affects your MP regen

LUC – 5 –It's your luck. It affects your Luck, Loot drops, Quality of Loot, etc.

CHA –5 –It's your Charisma. How good you look, your social skills, etc.

Points – 0

HP – (Lvl x 100) + (VIT x 10)

HP Regen – (Lvl x 10) + (VIT x 5)

SP – (Lvl x 100) + (STR + DEX) x 10)

SP Regen – (Lvl x 10) + (STR + DEX) x 5)

MP – (Lvl x 100) + (INT x 10)

MP Regen – (Lvl x 10) + (WIS x 5)


"Hey! What's with the race? Huh? What the hell am I not even human?" I shouted out, disbelief fuelling my shout.

Because you are currently a spirit you do not have a 'race', for the class, it is because it is locked by the next world you would be going to.

"Oh, that makes sense, so wait can I pick my own race?" I questioned already over my race, it would be cool if I could make myself kind of like a half-dragon half-human hybrid or something even an elf if it was in a fantasy setting.

No, race is picked as standard race of world, it can be changed due to other factors though.

'What other factors?' seeing as the voice didn't respond I gave up on that front, hmm… what's perks?

Perks are traits that can be gained that either gives a good, bad or both bonus.

That's neat, pressing on the perk button I saw I could get 1 random perk.

'Well, what the hell, let's do this' I thought as I pressed on the button, I saw many names go by in a flash until there was only one.

Prince of Gluttony

You have taken the spot of one of the Princes of Hell, the Prince of Gluttony the Wolf sin. Beware the previous Prince and Lord may come after you. Beware the other Demon Lords and Heirs may also take an interest in you.

You are very susceptible to the sin of gluttony and may have urges.

You now have Skill: Demonic Army Uprising

You now have Skill: Demonic Army Storage

You now have Skill: Heaven Eater

You now have Demonic form(s)

You now have skill: Demonic-/Fire Manipulation

You now have Demonic Affinity

You now have Fire Affinity

You now have control over the demon in your sect.

Shit, a look of absolute terror dawned on my face. This perk while absolutely fuckin amazing is horrifying, I probably have a former demonic sin coming after me, the other sins may be interested in me and they may all be hostile as the cherry on top.

I started hyperventilating until I saw another pop up in front of me,

Gamer's Mind (Passive/Active) Lvl Max

Allows the user to have a peaceful state of mind.

Grants immunity to psychological status effects and attacks are completely nullified.

Gamer's Body (Passive) Lvl Max

Allows the user to have the body of a videogame character.

Like a bucket of cold water was poured on me, I stopped panicking, I felt calm. Taking a big breath of air I started thinking, if this is the former sin of Gluttony we're talking about then he must have at least had the same skills as me, maybe more since he or she is probably older.

Checking my skills I saw that I had the skills:

Demonic Army Uprising (Active)

Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

The ability to raise the defeated enemies of the Sin of Gluttony.

(30 + LUC)% chance of obtaining the soul of the defeated as a soldier.


Demonic Army Storage (Passive)

Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

The ability to store your demonic soldiers in a space.

(30 + INTX2) amount of soldiers may be stored

If I can't defeat him alone, then I'll bombard them with my army. I started cackling madly, hehehe this will be fun. System I want to go now.

Setting world…

World has been locked onto…

Good Luck, Set World: Harry Potter World

All Perk Skills have all been blocked

I was no longer feeling so confident as I got that notification and was thrust into the darkness, colours streamed past my face, "sto-" I never finished as I was thrust into a new world, the world of an evil snake faced dark lord, a wimpy brat with plot armour, bigoted fools and a manipulative old man.

Well, what could go wrong?

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