
It Can't be...

Two things came to Lucile's mind as she looked at the fan in Melinda's hands;

First, the lady Hal had bought the fan for was a Dane. That itself was a big deal 'cause the family was a big deal and,

Second, this lady was already aware that Hal and Lucile knew each other.

There was something about Melinda's smile that made her so sure of the second thought. 

However, in all honesty, the fact that she was now in contact with a lady who could very well be just one of those Hal had gone about charming did not change how Lucile felt about Hal.

That was not to say she was in love with him, it was just that she still did not mind his company.

"He got me this fan at some auction and I felt I might as well get him something from YOUR trade union. But I didn't want to get something from some clerk.

I wanted YOU to guide me to what would be best to get"

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