
Chapter 35

"Now that I'm safe," I said slowly to Keir, "I'd like to go back to San Francisco and make sure my Dad is all right."

It was late at night; my coronal celebration had finally wound down and Keir had escorted me to my bedroom. He followed me in; helping me gather my long train before he shut the door behind us. Cat went straight to the bed and did her usual three circles before she curled into a fur-ball and went to sleep. Keir frowned and waved us over to the couches before the fireplace. He glanced pointedly at the piled logs and then over at me. I lit them with a thought, and he smiled delightedly as he took a seat. I sat beside him; my elaborate dress foaming around us and over the side of the couch. I punched my arms down into my lap; flattening the puffiness like risen dough.

"I can send someone to check on Ewan," Keir said reasonably. "There's no call for you to risk the trip."

"I thought you said that I was safe now," I shot back.

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