
Chapter 9

Killian wished he could get rid of the itchy anxious feeling holding him in its grip since he’d gotten up that morning. No, since he’d arrived home the night before. No, no, no. Since he’d taken Lexie home the night before and walked away with unsatisfied desire and a raging hard-on. If it was just the physical attraction, he could deal with it and move on. After all, he intended to get his ass out of this town as soon as he could.

Unfortunately he had to face the fact it was way more. How had she captivated him so fast and so easily? What he was feeling for Lexie Choate had struck him with the force of runaway horses, and he had no idea what to do with it. She wasn’t a woman he could take his pleasure with and walk away. There was a lot more to her than the women he usually bedded. In less than twenty-four hours, he’d already figured that out.

Could he do what he’d had in mind, spend the week enjoying her company, and then head off to the rest of his life? It couldn’t be anything else. First of all, he had a plan, and now he’d have the resources to make it happen, just as soon as he fulfilled the terms of the will. And then, of course, there was his sudden re-examination of the kind of person he was. He carried the genes of a man who’d cheated on not one but five different women.

So, what did he do? Stay away from her? Hell, no. He might as well stop breathing.

Damn, Killian. You’ve really fucked up this time.

Okay. He’d do what he’s talked to her about last night. Spend time with her while he was here and leave with some damn good memories. She seemed on board with the idea, so what was his problem? By the time he pulled into the parking place behind D. Walker Minerals, he had worked himself up into such a lather, he wondered how he’d ever be able to concentrate on the complexities of mineral and oil rights and the delicate structures of royalties.

“Somebody bite your ear?” Abby asked as he walked in.

“No, why?”

“You look like you’ve been wrestling wild animals,” she told him.

“Must be trying to absorb all the info Elaine shoved at me yesterday.” He grinned

“I heard that,” the woman called from her office. “Better get in here, Killian. I’ve got another folder full for you today.”

He smothered a groan, sailed his hat onto his desk, and stepped into Elaine’s office.

“You trying to torture me? I thought you liked me.”

She smiled. “I do. And I have every confidence you can learn this stuff easily.”

He dropped into the chair in front of her desk. “Can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?”

“Uh-oh.” She lifted an eyebrow. “Sounds like I’m not going to like it.”

“You were with Dusty longer than anyone around here. Did you ever think he was the kind of guy to do what he did?”

Her brows pinched together. “What kind of guy do you mean?”

He shrugged. “You know. One who would cheat on his wife, collect a bunch of mistresses, and sire some bastard kids?”

“Wow. A pretty harsh description, isn’t it?”

“How would you describe it?”

She was silent for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts. “I’d say he was a man who desperately wanted children to carry on his name, who loved four women equally, and who would have married any and all of them in a hot minute.”

“Yeah? And how do you suppose those women feel? Don’t you suppose they feel betrayed?” he demanded. “And what about his wife? How did she fit into all of this?”

Elaine sighed. “Quite a dicey story, Killian. I’m going to try and make you understand.”

“Please. It would be a big help.”

“Dusty’s wife knew he wasn’t in love with her from the beginning. He wanted into the oil and mineral business, and she wanted Dusty for a husband under any circumstances.”

“Just a business decision.” He snorted.

Elaine nodded. “And it would have worked out well if they’d had children. But poor Dusty found out after the fact that she didn’t want kids at all. It was a real blow to him.”

“But he stayed with her anyway?”

Elaine nodded. “That was Dusty. It went against his grain to divorce her. He’d made a commitment, and he was going to honor it.”

“Which is how he ended up creating a family with four other women.” Killian didn’t know whether to be disgusted or feel sorry for the guy.

“It wasn’t that he did it deliberately. It just sort of happened with each woman.”

“And his wife?” he asked again. “Did she know?”

“I think she knew he was attached to other women. But she was desperate to keep her marriage together, so she overlooked all the signs another woman would have made a fuss over.” She paused. “But you should know he took very good care of her and, when he was home, he was faithful as the sun coming up.”

Killian twisted his lips. “Saint Dusty.”

“No.” Elaine’s voice was quiet. “He was no saint by any means. But he loved all four mothers, and he loved each of you boys. He took care of everyone financially, which is more than a lot of other men would do.”

“So, I should overlook all the crap?”

“What you should do is spend some time thinking about everything. Talk to Marliss and Lou. They knew him better than anyone. But, meanwhile, get your ass back to work.” She handed him a thick folder, smiling to soften her words. “Now, cowboy.”

But, when he went into his office, his mind was still in turmoil, over both Dusty Walker and Lexie Choate. Reaching into his briefcase, he pulled out his favorite length of rope and sat there, sliding it through his fingers while his mind raced like a stallion chasing a mare in heat. How the hell was he supposed to concentrate on complicated contracts under these circumstances? Later this week, one of the guys in the office was going to take him out overnight to visit some of the sites already leased and explain the process to him. Then he had the weekend and he’d be gone. Could he possibly resolve everything in his mind by then?

Especially the situation with Lexie.

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