
chapter 23

It was almost the day of the year I hated the most, valentines day. But for a change now I didn't know what to think, now that I was in a relationship that too a good one. I didn't know to be happy or hate it as I have been doing for last few years. To think it as happy and good day as I met Zen for the first time on this fateful day or still linger on those unpleasant memories of my past relationship. In between all those things I just realised that it has been a year since I met him on this day last year.

I threw all those thoughts out of my head as I decided to make the day special for Zen. I decided to keep it a secret. As I was thinking of surprising him my cell phone rang. I zoomed into my phone to see Zen's name flashing on it. I picked the call and said hello.

"Hey" he replied from the other side. "What are you doing".

"Nothing much and you" I replied.

"Hey listen valentines day is in few days. What do you want me to get you" he asked.

I was about to say but he cut me off saying. "By the way Haru what are you planning to get me".

"Nothing. And I don't do valentine's day" I said in an discarding tone.

"But I do. Especially with you. So just tell me what are you getting me" he said.

"You know my answer but to make it more clearer to you. Nothing" I said as I disconnected the call. I laughed to myself at my childish act.

At that moment it hit me, seriously what can I get him. He already has everything I thought to myself.

The thought of what to get him and how to make him feel special left me hanging. I thought for a while and after a hour of nothingness I gave up. Then idea popped into my mind. I decided to call Zen's sister Erina. I dialed her number, the phone rang. After a few seconds it got connected.

"Hey brother-in-law" she cheered out.

We became so close after we met when I was abducted to Tokyo. Talking to each other all the time as if I have found my long list sister.

"Hey Erina" I said.

"What's up?" She said.

"I need a favor" I said to her.

"Anything for you. Who has to be killed" she said laughing out loud at her own joke.

"Nothing that sort" I said laughing as well.

"Then?" She asked.

"The thing is valentine's day is coming. And I have no idea what to get him. He seems to have everything" I said.

"Ok" she said. "So you want me to find out what he wants?" She added.

"No silly" I said to her laughing. "You grew up with him. So by any chance if he wanted something that he couldn't have at that time" I said.

"No. I don't remember him wanting anything he couldn't have ever".

"Thats it then I am done" I said in dispare.

"Don't be disappointed. I am sure you will find something" she said comforting me.

"Thanks" I said letting out a sigh. "Anyway tell uncle aunt and Ryeo I said hi ok. Bye".

"Bye" she replied.

I disconnected the call. After few more minutes of thinking I decided to get back to the work I had been doing all laid out on my desk.

It was about six in the evening when I reached my apartment. I got busy again thinking many things to present to him. I thought for a while, thinking of giving him a suit or a handcrafted pen or a self embroidered handkerchief. Throwing the hopeless thoughts out of me I decided to give into the night.

Next few days went on by me thinking all the possible gifts to be given to your loved one on a valentine's day. But nothing came to mind may be because of the hate I had for this day or may be there was nothing I could give him.

Days passed on as the day came. I called him telling him I wanted to meet him. He came by the office to pick me up. I took the car keys from him implying I was gonna drive today. As he walked off to the passenger's seat. Once we were inside the car I took out a ribbon. He smiled at me.

"So you gonna play the same trick I played on you" he stayed grinning.

"You know you talk at lot" I said turning him around.

"And as you said at day. Just trust me it will be worth it" I said chuckling getting a smile back from him.

"At least tell where are you taking me" he said.

"No can do" I said laughing.

I drove us to place where I have planned everything for the night. I stopped the car as I stepped out. I walk to the other side as I led him out the car.

"Can I take it off now?" he asked.

"No not yet" I said. I took his hands as I led him to the place.

"Careful now. There are steps ok" I said as I carefully led him through the stairs as we reached the location.

"Now can I" he asked again.

"Why are you so impatient?" I said to him chuckling.

I led him further to a railing.

"Hold the railing" I said.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He said with a grin.

"Now you can take it off" I said.

He reached out the ribbon as he pulled it off. As soon as he took it off I pushed the button nearby me which I had already set up. As soon as I pushed it fireworks started displaying will you be my valentine?

He looked at me as he pulled me into a hug. I saw tears running down his cheeks. I hugged him tighter. After few minutes we parted from the hug.

"Did you plan all this for me. For us?" He asked smiling.

"No some ghost did it for me" I said glaring at him.

"Ofcourse I did it you silly" I said as I nudged my nose against his and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Arigato" he said pulling me into a hug again.

"Hey. The food is getting cold" I said as I remembered the things I planned for today.

We headed to the table nearby where I had the full set up for a candle light dinner. We took the seats as he smiled at me.

"So where did you order this from" he said.

"Excuse me. I cooked them myself" I protested.

"So can I dig in?" he asked.

"Wait" I said. He looked at me confused. I ducked down the table as I pulled out his gift. I placed it on the table. He looked at me still smiling.

"For you" I said. His eyes twinkle like a child at the sight of the gift.

"For me?" He said

"Open it" I said to him.

He took it from the table as he unwrapped it. He looked into the box. Once he saw what it was he looked back at me.

"I know it's small but.." he cut me off.

"I love it Haru" he said smiling.

"I thought a lot what to get you. But there was nothing I could give you. So this was the only thing that came to mind" I said to him.

I remembered few days I was struggling with thethough of what to get him. Then I remembered the kamoyaki that is sewed on his suits. It doesn't look good being sewed up on it. So I designed myself the kamoyaki into a badge made of little bit of gold along with silver and a garnet carved into it.

He came to me as he lifted my chin to look up at him. He let me up from the chair.

"Why dont you put it on me Haru" he said.

I took the badge as I clipped it on his suit. He kissed me on my foreheadas he said thank you once again.

He went back to his side as I sat down on the chair. He looked at me still smiling.

"There is more" I said to him.

He reached out to box as he took out a card from inside it. He opened the card.

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu" I said it loud what was written on the card.( Trans: please take care of me)

He looked towards me smiling. He took hold of my hand that was placed on the table as he kissed the back of my hand.

"You know Haru. I will" he said. That made me blush.

"Now you can dig in" I said.

The night went as I planned it to be. After the date we headed back to our homes. Zen dropped me off at mine as he left for his.

I walked towards my apartment. As I opened the door I kicked on to something. I quickly switched the light on. There was a basket along with white calla lilies. The moment I saw the calla lilies I knew it was from Zen. A note was attached on it. I took the not. I unfolded it.

'I remember you saying you loved puppies. His name is Love. Hope you like it'.

The note beamed at me. I took the flowers as I set it on the nearby vase. I opened the basket. There was a tin little puppy with white fur over him. I lifted him up as I patted him. Smiling at the thought that Zen remembered such small details about our conversations.

I walked in to the living room. I pulled out my phone as I dialed his number. He answered in a second as if he knew that I was about to call him or maybe he was waiting for my call knowing I would call.

"Hey. Did you like what you see or hold right now?" He asked.

"Thank you Zen" I said.

"Its nothing compared to how you made me feel today Haru" he said.

Blushing and smiling at the same time as if it was my thing now.

We chatted for a while until we both decided to call it a day.

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