
Avaritia, The Nocturnal


 They get out of the manhole back above the city and Schaffe gets this strange feeling he is getting watched and looks around and sees no one around.

 "What is wrong?" asked Jess.

 "I guess I am just imagining things is all," said Schaffe.

 "We better hurry we are not far from the railyard before it gets dark out," said Phil.

 "Yeah, we better get going," said Schaffe.



 They would appear in the railyard when there was still daylight out.

 "According to the boss lady. He probably sleeps underground around here. But there are deathclaws still in the area," said Phil.

 "Okay, I guess I will just raise some hell till he comes out of napping," said Schaffe. He takes out the Deathclaw Slayer.

 "We better get somewhere safe then," said Phil. They get up to high ground nearby where deathclaws cannot reach them. Schaffe takes his sword and starts to make a loud noise at a nearby empty storage container with the Deathclaw Slayer. The Deathclaws come out and see Schaffe making the noise.

 "Let's go," said Schaffe. He lunges at the massive creature cutting off their limbs with ease with his sword. They helped him by shooting the ones who got close to them with their guns. After a while, they start to hear something move around underground.

 "Who dares disturb my slumber," said a Voice underground.

 "It's time to wake up mother fucker," said Schaffe. He goes back and starts to slam the storage container to make a loud noise. They start to feel the ground shake and open and they a creature emerge from the ground. It had a long body and limbs with huge claws on its hands and feet. It seemed to have small eyes and a large mouth. 

 "What an ugly bastard," said Phil. The creature looks and smells around since he does not have the best eyesight.

 "Diablo?" questioned The Creature who was Avaritia.

 "Nah, just some guy who wants to get rid of you," said Schaffe.

 "Ah, some fresh meat to dig my fangs into too. I live for the hunt," said Avaritia.

 "I see well things are not going to happen that way," said Schaffe. He lunges at Avaritia who leaps to dodge his attack with his sword. He sees the creature jump on top of a nearby water tower and his claws dig into it and water starts to come out. Schaffe runs at the water tower and gives a mighty swing of the blade and takes out the legs of the water tower and starts to collapse but Avaritia gets off the tower and pounces on Schaffe.

 "Die…," said Avaritia. They both hear flapping as if something big is flying over them. They look above and see a massive black creature above them and lands near them. It had the body of a deathclaw but had large black wings with six horns on its head with large yellow eyes.

 "It looks like a dragon," said Punk. Avaritia smells the air.

 "Amon? Why have you come?" said Avaritia. Amon stays quiet and stares at both of them and then at Schaffe. Avaritia goes back and is about to start clawing at Schaffe. Amon grabs Avaritia with his right claw. 

 "The Fuck?" questioned Schaffe.

 "What are you doing?" questioned Avaritia before Amon ripped him apart killing him. Schaffe gets up and gets ready with the Deathclaw Slayer.

 "Who knew I was going to fight a dragon," said Schaffe before he lunged at Amon. Amon would swat his left claw at him before Schaffe jumped over and tried to jump slash with the Deathclaw Slayer. But Amon grabs him with his tail and Slams Schaffe to the ground hard knocking him out.

 "Shit," said Phil who starts to fire at Amon with a rifle. Amon grabs Schaffe with the Deathclaw Slayer roars at them and flies off with Schaffe.

 "Damn it," said Punk.

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