
Baldur Status

Keep in mind that I have no idea what to actually put here, so if you have any more suggestions for this page, feel free to comment.

NAME: Baldur Odinson

TITLE(S): God of Light, God of Sun, Pseudo Ruler of the Light Dimension, Baldur the Brave, The Most Beloved Prince, Master of the Mystic Arts.

AGE(Years/Human Equivalent): 170 Years/17 years(170 and 169)

HEIGHT: 6'5"(6'6" and 6'4")

WEIGHT: 290 Kg( 310 Kg and 240 Kg)

LIFTING STRENGTH: 10 Tons(Mortal), 80 Tons(Normal mode), 100 Tons(Light Mode), 150 Tons(Mystic Mode)

SUPPORTING STRENGTH: 30 Tons(Mortal), 120 Tons(NM), 145 Tons(LM), 210 Tons(MM)


1. Normal Speed: 120 MPH( 80 MPH and 100MPH)

2. LM Speed: 150 MPH.

3. MM Speed: 230 MPH. [Vacuum: 3*10^8 m/sec^2]

4. Mortal Speed: 50 MPH.


1. Enhanced Speed, senses, Strength, and healing factor.

2. Absorption of Solar Radiation of any flavour.

3. Heat beams from his spear, Ljosgeirr, can melt un-enchanted Uru if kept firing long enough.

4. Heal any wounds when in Normal and Light mode within 10 seconds, and 3 seconds in Mystic Mode.

5. Fire photon beams from the Light Dimension (Undiscovered).

6. Make different spectrums visible for himself, enabling him to view X-rays and IR rays. Also able to see cracks in Space, cracks in Dimensions, and the essence of Magic.

7. Can possess a star, enabling him to view anything within the Solar System using the connection.

8. Possible Powers: Pyrokinesis, Gravity control, absorbing Life force.

9. Master of Mystic Arts.

10. Flight: Baldur can fly, only when he's in his Mystic Mode. His speed when flying is mentioned above, both in atmosphere, and in Vacuum.

A/N: The two figures in the brackets are the stats of Thor and Loki respectively.

1. This is up to date with chapter 20, when the year was 1130 AD.

2. None of the Princes can as of yet fight a fully angered Hulk. Baldur is right now only a little bit stronger than the Thor from Avengers movie, while Thor is as strong as Avengers Loki. Baldur's weights make it so he's at the same level of power and speed as Thor, so with weights, Baldur is equal to MCU Avengers Loki.

3. I can't exactly give numbers to his power, as that changes with his mood and all.

Now, for those wondering, how will they age?

The ratio is like this. (Human:Asgardian)

1:1 for the first 15 years.

1:75 for the next 2000 years.

1:100 for the next 3000 years.

which is 85 human years.

Obviously, the rates vary a bit. For the Royal family, its even slower by a few years. So instead of living 5000 years, they live about 6000 years in average.

This is just for those who were curious. I am not going to be making this into a game or anything like that.

If you feel anything wrong, please politely explain in the comment in less than 5 sentences.

HelloDarkness07creators' thoughts
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