
My first date - Part 4

I and Luke have arrived at the spot where we are going to see the clouds and in front of us, there is the entire river, which is flowing our west, at the hydro central close to Dobroț and even at the small one from Cicănești. Luke puts his light brown he is using almost every day as a backpack to hide some important potion or two or three specials arrows, such as the one which contains gas on the sharp part.

After we sit on his coat, I and him, are looking at the river and we see, how pure and how beautiful it looks. So clean, untouched by garbage made by humans and looks so good to be drunk by someone if he ignores the fact that three people have died there two decades ago.

"It looks nice," says Luke who never saw this river.

"It really is. If you ignore the fact that there were a few humans who have committed suicide." I respond to Luke.

"Why do people even commit suicide?"

"Cause of bad reasons, like your girlfriend breaking out with the dude, losing money, or "depression" type of guys who doesnt know the true definition of depression."

"Yeah... Something like that," he responds feeling quite guilty cause of my honest response, but after all, two of us are one of the youngest hunters from Romania. "Do you think we will make it where our leaders are one day?"

"Huh?" I say. "Your wish is to go where your boss is? You want to be a boss?"

"Yeah... My dream is to guide my own team one day and be one of the best shooters of Hunters from East European."

"You have the potential to be one of them." I tried to encourage him. "I don't know many shooters in this area, but you got a great way of shooting and making plans. Like that one from the abandoned sawmill, when you burned the building, remember?"

"That was literally a few seconds ago." responds honestly and this made me look like the type of person who forgets almost everything when he enters other room, and this remark, made me realize how the life of Laurențiu (my ex-classmate from eighth grade) it can suck.

"Well... What about talk about other things?" I tried to change the subject from that gloomy one. "H-How are the things at your zone?"

"We share the same zone," he whispers Luke, but I could hear him thanks to my Werewolf sense of hearing. "Are good," he responds this time by talking normally. "But at least we are not Chernobîl."


"It really is." responds Luke in a weird way.

Both of us are looking at the river for a short period of time, until someone, and I mean Jacob, has come flying to us. He has come at one of the worst time possible because I and Luke were about to hold hands. Why does fate like to do nasty things to me?! But, Jacob comes here, not because of the criminal, he also told us he arrived there safely and Hengar is occupying with the interrogation. The reason he comes from the city to here, was because he was feeling lonely and wanted some company since of his best fries in North Korea and he is most likely trying to poison Kim-Jong Un sister with broccoli... again. The last time when he did that, her dog ate it and almost every citizen got arrested and killed.

We are staying there for a while, looking at the river and looking at Jacob who is throwing himself in the river, pretending he can swim. after Jacob left the river, he came to us and he asks what are we going to do next; he suggested a few things we can do, but I and Luke have decided to go, but this time, at our homes because right now, we do not have any missions, and that means we are free this day. And to go to our home, I and Luke I (we are excluding Jacob because he is a ghost and he can also fly back to his base without wasting almost three RON to a minibus route) are taking the bus with the route Albești-Curtea de Argeș. And after we get on public transport, we are going to some seats and we are sitting there, waiting to arrive at our stations. I am going to get off at the station from Dobroț, and Luke he will get off this minibus in the city.

But there was something magical happening at the bus, when I was about to leave the bus, Luke, instead gifted me a flower, which was a white rose. He said that the flower represents purity and my honesty, which can sometimes be quite characterized by some people in a question mark. But when Luke did that gesture I was feeling weird... Quite like a lady who got her first gift from her husband on their first anniversary, and this was not even our anniversary since we were dating because this time, it was our first date. We said our goodbyes, I left the minibus and after I left, I stayed for a while, looking at the minibus running down the street and becoming smaller, like a bird who is flying directly to the sun.

"Congratulations." he said Jacob behind me and having that weird smile he is having any good friend after their friend got into a relationship.

"Shut up." I respond to him trying to hide my red cheeks and the white rose.

"You two are so special and you also look good." he said these type of things to me while I was walking to my home, store the white rose somewhere safe from my mother, who will most likely do the things a mother is doing when their daughter got a boyfriend.


A few weeks later, in the present, I am in High School, and there I saw it, something I will never forget, a manifestation of someone I don't even know he will be capable of doing that because the person who has done it, cannot even have the courage to do it, not even in the front of the whole school, The things what has happened that day had a meaning, and that meaning, was to stop doing something which might be going to destroy our universe and risk to reset it.

In the backward of the school, a guy, probably from Grade, got annihilated by a sun ray. but the thing who has done it was not even a ray of sun, in fact, it was a mage from a dimension where magic exists, and he has just thrown a ray of sun to that innocent teenager, which has automatically killed him. And the teenager who got killed was the guy who confessed his love to me which now, he is most likely a much more peaceful place than this one.

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