
The Academy is Calling Them Back!

A vague promise and the next moment the eye vanished! "Damn! That lucky bastard!" and then Arthur cursed, as he now wasn't able to get his hands on the meal he wanted.

He hurried to retreat as the pillar's energy started entering his body. As there was no obstruction this time, he reached the portal in less minutes than he expected.

And just as he was there, he cancelled his transformation and started channeling the energy.

Once linked to his garden, he moved outside, returning again into the dragon form.

And the world outside was filled with destruction from his arrows attacks!

The monster guarded here was already killed, and his corpse lay on the ground motionless alongside all of his warriors.

"It's a waste to let this body rot here," he didn't delay and took the dead corpse into his garden before glancing at the other portals.

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