
Ring flights

Sienna's phone rang and she answered

"Hello sienna happy birthday!" her mom said 

"thank you mom" Sienna cried Ziya's cute voice was babbling away on the line 

and then she heard her mother say

  "Ziya tell Sienna I love you," she said to the baby 

"wuv vu wuv vu!" Ziya said and blew a raspberry

sienna burst into giggles "mom what is that thats so cute!" 

she just said "I love you and blew you a kiss" her mother laughed 

"she's so smart how did she learn to do that?" Sienna asked 

"Yongjae taught her" she replied laughing "she can't pronounce words I love you yet so she imitates what she hears and sees these days"

"oh my gosh she's learning so fast," Sienna said "I wonder what kind of languages she will be able to speak when she's older I mean her dad speaks Huassain youre Korean and also speak Universal Galactic"

"We have to be careful not to confuse her" Ieona replied 

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