
Chapter 27

Even with mind control and a few disappearances, acquiring Netflix and YouTube left me billions of dollars poorer. I, unfortunately, can't just transmute other metals into gold otherwise I would screw up the economy. And stealing billions out of people's accounts would cause Shield to come kicking down my door, guns-ablazing.

Wiping out an entire organisation would be annoying, and then dealing with the repercussions would be even more of a hassle since I don't want entire governments questioning why a sizeable 'secret' organisation just got destroyed. I will leave them ignorant of the fact that they are just ants beneath my boots, unless they go out of their way to annoy me.

It is really telling how I progressed over the past years. Contemplating starting massacres on the government would have left me scared shitless before becoming Loki, but now that's my go-to response to things that annoy me or that can't be solved by insulting them.

My son was probably right when he said that I need a therapist, but to be honest I see my mentality as an absolute win. I really wouldn't want to be a pussy who can't kill the people who made my life miserable. Thinking about the government, I should probably create an identity for Hela, otherwise they would find another reason to nag me. Of course, the method of creating hers and mine was completely different.

For myself, I basically created a baby homunculus that looked and acted like myself and inserted him into a billionaire household about 2 decades ago. When I finally got ready to start living on Midgard, I killed the homunculus, took over his life and killed his parents. How do you expect me to have billions in only a few months of staying on Midgard? I can't pull off such miracles, I am not Jesus.

I begin the process of forging Hela's identity and I have to say it is much simpler to pull off than the method I had to use for myself. There was one annoying bit, and that was Heimdall. I can't name her Hela, because he knows that I am on Midgard and if he hears that my lover is named Hela from media sources and he will report it to Odin.

I crafted a bracelet with runes on it that would disguise her from Heimdall and trick the humans to think she looks different than she actually is, so I am safe on the looks front. It is times like these that I just want to ruin those peeping golden eyes of his. It is weird since I liked him in the movies, but the idea in real life that someone can watch everything you do is extremely off-putting.

Setting up the paper trail for Hela's identity was easier, but I had to send a clone to convince a few people that she actually exists. Just as I finished with my current task, I got a notification from Oracle. I open it and a hologram of a feminine face appears.

"Hey Oracle, what can I do for you this fine evening."

"Sir, you asked me to monitor anything interesting happening on the planet."

"And? what did you find?" I ask curiously.

"The billionaire known as Tony Stark has been reported as kidnapped sir." I had trouble concealing my smirk at her words.

"My My My! This is definitely interesting. Keep monitoring him, if he gets out of this alive, it will be an excellent business opportunity."

"Yes, sir. I will continue monitoring this as well as other money-making opportunities."

If he survives this and still continues with the cancellation of his weapons manufacturing, a lot of the shareholders of the company will sell their stocks, and I'll be there to buy them up and snag myself a shit ton of money in the future. Oh and there would be a new superhero, I guess that is cool too. Or is it? since I can technically be classified as a villain.

I honestly don't even know why I am so obsessed with money, since I can just conjure anything I want. It must be a status thing, and if I ever meet Tony Stark or another rich cunt, I don't want to have them bragging that they have deeper pockets than me.

I go about the day just running my company before heading home. When I enter my living room I see Hela playing God Of War 3. It was released earlier because I bought the rights to the game and let my clones speed up the progress. Hela was currently fucking up Zeus as Kratos. It had me imagining what would happen if I let Hela and Odin be in the same room.

"Take that you old fool. You think you could just imprison me and live your life peacefully!?!" Hela rants as the Kratos she is playing is busy killing Zeus. "I expected more from this fight Odi… Zeus."

Probably not my brightest idea giving her access to the game. Since it would remind her of home. I contemplated just exiting the room but decided against it. I just watched her finish her fight before making my presence known.

"You know, the next game will be about Kratos and the Norse gods. I bet you would vent better if you could kill all my family members rather than the greek gods." I say as I give her a quick kiss.

"I would prefer if I could kill my father in real life, but I am not against the idea. Video games are masterpieces, why isn't it popular on Asgard?" (That awkward moment when your girlfriend wants to kill your father who is also her father) Just thinking that sentence caused me to question how I ended up in this situation.

"I asked myself that a hundred times, but I guess your people are too brutish to see videogames for what they truly are" I say as I sit next to her on the couch. We talk for a bit before she suddenly gets on the floor with her face nearly in my crotch.

I immediately remove my cock from my pants and she quickly takes it in her hands and begins jerking me off. She begins peppering kisses along my shaft, and I just hum to let her know she is doing a good job.

When she finished, she moved towards the head of my cock and began taking it in her mouth. My hand arrives on her head, and I begin to caress her as she starts to properly suck me off.

Her emerald green eyes stare up at me as she bobs her head up and down my shaft. Such an expression causes my dick to twitch before I force my cock into her throat more, giving her a proper face-fuck. She gags a few times, but I fuck her throat for several minutes more before releasing my load down her throat.

She opens her mouth to show me that she swallowed every drop, before standing up and undressing. I admire her body before she gets on my lap and slides herself onto my cock.

I grab one of her bouncing tits and take the nipple into my mouth to suck on it. While I suck on her breast, she keeps bouncing up and down my shaft. I decide to be more active and begin helping her by thrusting into her cunt from below.

By the time I cum, she has already orgasmed a few times. I teleport us to the bedroom and I push her down on the bed before thrusting into her again while kissing her neck. She wraps her legs around my waist. Her moans just encourage me to fuck her faster and harder, and to do what I carnally desire.

The entire night we get no sleep, which isn't a problem for me, but it is for Hela who has the capabilities of a normal human. When morning came I let her use me as her personal pillow while she sleeps since I have nothing important to do.

A/N: More chapters at pat.reon/DickMcJones. I certainly wouldn't mind the money.

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