
Power of the Inventory

"A ritual? A sacrifice?" The Living Saint said out loud and as she said the words, she realized what kind of trap she and her beloved fell into. Surrounding two leaders of the Black Souls and Sisters of Battle, Alpha Legionnaires approach them but kept their distance.

"Oh, yes. But there is no reason for you to know all the details. Shall we proceed with the ritual?" The traitor Space Marine with a heavy bolter said and somewhere beyond the darkness, the chant of spell began.

"Not on my watch." Said William and he is about to activate his blank ability, the second traitor intervenes by attacking William with Eldritch Lance. With a glowing green light, the second traitor fires the weapon from the trip of the lance. Not expecting an actual beam coming from the melee weapon, William did his best to take the hit without Rana getting hurt.

The beam knock back William a few inches but his terminator armor and shield technology managed to prevent any vital damage to the Chapter Master. As there is no damage physically, the real problem emerges as his armor begins to flicker and start losing power. In a matter of seconds, William lost all control of the armor as his terminator armor powered down and began to reboot itself which requires a full minute.

"Eldritch Lance with a heavy focus EMP beam instead of classic Necron disintegration. A little adjustment from our R&D to stop that bulky armor while keeping you alive. Also, don't bother with your fancy 'blank' ability. If you try anything funny, Alpharius will kill the Living Saint." The second Alpha Legionnaire said and point his finger at the third Alpha Legionnaire who is now wielding a black blade with a red hilt that clearly says 'Chaos corruption.'

"Hello, my name is Alpharius, and this sword is called 'Sword of Sorrow.' It was forged from the metal graciously donated by the church of the Adeptus Ministorum and during the process of forging, the blade was quenched by the blood of the 1,000 Sisters of Battle. Of course, by stabbing them after each hammering. After its completion, the sword thirsts for the blood of the Sisters and anyone with the beliefs of the False Emperor. This includes you my dear, Living Saint." The third Alpha Legionnaire explains the detail of his sword and points right at Rana as if the Sword of Sorrow itself was seeking the blood of the believer.

The situation turns direr each second as two Alpha Legionnaires reveal a terrifying weapon that could counter William and Rana. With an EMP-blasting Necron spear and Chaos Corrupted sword that could harm the Living Saint, both William and Rana turn their head toward the first Alpha Legionnaire who is armed with a heavy bolter.

"What? This is just a normal heavy bolter with explosive ammunition. I may be an Alpharius but not all of us have fancy nancy weapons to go around." The first Alpha Legionnaire shrugs his shoulder as if he is not embarrassed about holding a standard heavy bolter while his brothers are equipped with exalted weapons.

Surrounded by the three Alpha Legionnaires with weapons that could cause much harm, William and Rana face their opponents in silence. With the sound of chants coming beyond the darkness where Alpha Legionnaires stood, the light flickers as some of the torches move as the wind blew. Just as the wind flickers the torch fire for the fourth time, William and Rana made their first move.

Since William and Rana were already back to back, and William's terminator armor are back online, both warriors made a hard shuffle of 180 degrees, changing their opponents for another half to take on. Now, William is facing the third Alpha Legionnaire with Sword of Sorrow while Rana is facing the second Alpha Legionnaire with Necron Spear.

"Oh, shit!" Said the second Alpha Legionnaire

"I told you this would happen!" Third Alpha Legionnaire said as he ready his sword against the heavy terminator with impenetrable armor.

"Ah, damn it." The first Alpha Legionnaire, on the other hand, responds differently (For a good reason) as compared to his two brothers. The moment William and Rana switch places, the first traitor saw William pointing his hand toward him and something came out from his hand.

Standing 12 feet tall, armed with the finest weapons and armor of the Necron Dynasty of Nihilakh, Trazyn the Infinite appeared out of nowhere and face the ones responsible for stealing his head and collection from his fallen body previously.

[I have returned and I'm here to get my stuff back from you, thieves!] Trazyn the Infinite, Necron Overlord, and the Master of the Solemnace Galleries entered the battle as William brought him out from his inventory to even the fight.


The night William met Trazyn in his study.

William was glad that Trazyn agree to his crazy idea. The very night Trazyn appeared at William's study and brought the bad news to him, William made an argument that Trazyn must participate in the fight as he was the source of the problem.

"You are the source of the problem and it was your collections that might end the New World. Of course, you will join me in the fight." William said as he point his finger at the Necron Overlord. The moment Trazyn said that one of his collections of the army that was stolen was the splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Leviathan, William wasn't having it, that includes Trazyn trying to leave the room with all responsibility poured onto William to handle the situation.

[But, you are the one with the army. I have none at this point. I have maybe a functioning ship and a handful of warriors. Also, even if I want to, how would you explain my presence to your men? 'Hi guys, Trazyn is going to join us to fight off Alpha Legion who possess Trazyn's very own armies. Please don't kill him while traveling to the enemy stronghold.'] Trazyn said as he jokingly wave his hands to show how ridiculous the idea of him joining William's army was.

After hearing the Overlord's words, William had to pause as Trazyn's reasoning make sense. No matter how he put it, there is no way his men and forces of Astra Militarum would accept Necron Overlord into their rank. Not to mention Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed will have few paybacks against Trazyn since Overlord is the one who collected him during the fall of Cadia.

'Yea, no way my men would accept Trazyn. Not to mention Magos of the Admechs would heavily object to his presence due to his soulless machine body. Wait a minute…' Just as William was going over the reasons why his people would reject Trazyn, his light bulb went on as it gave him an idea.

"Hey, Trazyn. You are considered an automaton right? No soul, no flesh, and definitely a robot." Said William as he looks Trazyn and examines the body of the Necron Overlord.

[How dare you place me as some sort of lowly machinery. I'm Trazyn the Infinite and my body is constructed with the finest Necrodermis, a living metal!] Trazyn said as if William just insulted him by comparing him with lowly peasants of sorts.

Hearing Trazyn's response, William place his hand on Trazyn's shoulder and thought to put the Overlord into his inventory. To his surprise, Trazyn disappeared in front of him and when William open his inventory he found the Necron Overlord in his inventory slot.

[Trazyn the Infinite x1: A Necron Overlord and self-proclaimed Archaeovist of the Solemnace Galleries. With his never dying body and mission to preserve the history of the universe, Trazyn made a personal mission to collect all manner of things including living breathing beings. It is said that his collection over endless years grew so big that the entire planet is one massive museum and requires multiple lifetimes to see a fraction of his collections. Trazyn comes with his trusty Empathic Obliterator, backup body, and a few collections of his choosing depending on a situation he got himself into.]

"Wow," William said to himself as he read the description of the Necron Overlord in his inventory. After going over the description twice, William summons Trazyn from his inventory, and to no one's surprise, Trazyn wasn't happy with what just happened.

[What just happened? Why do I feel like I just lose a few seconds of my life?] Said confused Trazyn as his own atomic clock is now not synced with the world by a few seconds.

"Well, let me explain," William said to Trazyn and place his hand towards the chair for the Overlord to sit down.

"This is going to be a difficult one for you to accept."

After a long explanation later,

[No way. Absolutely no way I will agree to this whatsoever. Not only do you imprison me on your fancy power but to do whenever you want isn't something I'm comfortable with. I do the collecting not the other way around.] Trazyn said to William and place his hand on the knee to show how serious he is. There is no way Trazyn, the Master of the Solemnace Galleries would agree to place him in some storage like an animal until William sees fit to bring him out. After all, Trazyn is a civilized Overlord, not like that star-gazing Chronomancer, Orikan the Diviner.

"Look, this is the only way for me to move you without causing a total purge on your body. What will it be? Don't you want to get your stuff back from the Alpha Legion and get some payback?" Said, William as he gesture his two arms open wide to show a good reason.

[What you said is true. There is nothing more I want than to punish the one who dares to steal from me. An example must be made and I can't ignore the chance to do so. But still, how do I know you won't imprison me like some kind of animal for collection?]

"Well, for one thing, I'm not you. I don't have reason to put you in my inventory for all eternity. Second, I'm sure Alpharius has a surprise waiting for me when I confront him and I would like to have my own trap to counter his. In the end, you have your grudge done and I will have one less traitor in my back. What do you say?"

[Hmmmm…] Trazyn made a thinking noise as he process all the possibilities in his mind. He didn't like the idea of becoming an item to be stored but all he wants is his stuff back and he can't allow this wrong to be unsolved without getting his hand dirty.

After a long silence, Trazyn gave his answer which ultimately led to the present moment where William literally threw Trazyn onto the first Alpha Legionnaire's face.

With a single motion like water, the Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty cut the heavy bolter in half using a Hyperphase Sword belonging to one of his former Lychguard who perish from his last encounter with Alpha Legionnaire.

[I'm just getting started and by the end of this unfortunate encounter, someone is going to end up becoming my collection, willingly or not.]

Enjoy the new update and stay safe.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts
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