
I Have a Plan

For defeating the forces of Slaanesh,

[Valhallan Ice Warriors x1200: Proud and hailing from frozen ice world of Valhalla, Valhallan Ice Warriors are masters of cold warfare and known for their stubbornness. After a long history of Ork invasion, Valhallans appoint themselves as an enemy of the Greenskins and seek thousands of Emperor's worlds where Orks infestation is the heaviest. As the name states, these guardsmen casually enjoy hazardous cold weather like summer heatwave while others consider the same a full winter season.]

[Null Marines (Formerly from Blood Angel Chapter) x42: No longer cursed by the Black Rage and Red Thirst, these newly born Null Marines are the pinnacle sons of the Great Angel. Like their gene-father, Primarch Sanguinius, Blood Angels possess angelic beauty and the might of heroes that many could easily recognize, Space Marines, among other royalists. Blood Angels are also known for their swordsmanship, that even impressed Jaghatai Khan and White Scars. Taught with arts and diverse cultures of many worlds, Blood Angels practice perfection in creating art and any forms of combat.]

For defeating the forces of Khrone,

[Baneblade x4: Astra Militarum's iconic and largest super-heavy tank that shakes the very ground when it rolls towards Emperor's enemy. This mighty house-size tank requires a whole ten people to use full armaments as the very entrance to the battlefield, making this tank the primary target immediately. Baneblades are equipped with Mega Battle Cannon, Autocannon, 3 Heavy Bolters, 2 Lascannons, and forward-mounted Demolisher Cannon.]

[Null Marines (Formerly from Space Wolves) x40: 'Fluff for the Fluff God!' As one of the rivals to the World Eaters, These Null Marines (Blacksouls) are former members of the Space Wolves who found themselves in the New World and joined the new chapter founded by William. Still honoring their heritage, these Null Marines decorate their armor and weapons with runes, wolf furs, and brew robust ale that could kill the mortal man and test the dwarf's legendary endurance.]

For defeating the forces of Tzeentch,

[Centurio Ordinatus of Adeptus Mechanicus x 45: Separate department of the Adeptus Mechanicus that focus on the development, maintenance, and operation of war machines of Imperium. Adeptus Mechanicus being Adeptus Mechanicus, these Admechs focus most of their time on Omnissiah's gifts and tend to every machine of every branch of Imperium. As keeper of knowledge, Centurio Ordinatus makes weapons and possesses unique weapons to defend against those who seek to destroy them.]

[Null Marines (Formerly from Imperial Fists) x45: The first sons of Rogal Dorn and one of the First Founding Chapters to be a Fleet-based Chapter even though they see Holy Terra as their homeworld. Imperial Fists are the master of siege, but unlike how ordinary people believe, they can execute every type of warfare as they see war as a scientific aspect. Immovable during defense and precise strike in offense, Imperial Fists possess a driven, single-minded focus, making them an unmovable object on the battlefield. Living up to their Gene-Father's belief, the Imperial Fist believes in discipline, duty, and unyielding will to fight for the Emperor and bring the door of doom to the enemies.]

For defeating three Greater Daemons,

[Blacksouls Honour Guard x30: Equipped with STC weapons and armor, these personal guards of the Chapter Master are chosen within elite among elite veterans. Each Honour Guards are the hero of their tales, proving their loyalty and deed among battle-brothers. While the color of the armor is the same as others (Primary: Black Grey, and Secondary: Black Blue), their decorate color is red (Instead of silver) to show status and ability to protect and serve the Chapter Master.]

[Blacksouls First Company x1: Known as Void Souls, the first company is composed of one hundred terminator armor units with years of experience and tested through baptism by war. Each member of the first company is a veteran, and only from the first company will the Honour Guards recruit if they need to. The first company's role is simple but most important, to spearhead against Chaos forces. When needed, individuals or a small squad from the first company will take on special tasks given by the Chapter Master to remove threats or even part take secret missions unknown to even captains of the entire Chapter (This will be where they prove themselves and become the hero of their own story.]

[No third reward: Skarbrand is the one who slew the Keeper of Secret. For the tease, the reward would have been Astraeus x1. Sorry, Lol.]


The sudden emergence of the Chaos armies brought down the capital city of Legellan and the entire country into civil war. When the news of the destruction of Holy White Mountain and the death of all senior priests, the lords of different major cities who were loyal to the religion began to move, and some even claimed the crown that they did not possess. Many lords and nobles with decent-sized armies prepared for conquest, and some even formed alliances that started to look like formidable forces.

On the commoner side, many began to panic and abandon the religion that only existed less than three years ago. Most turned to old religions and their gods such as Tyr (Law and Justice), Kossuth (Fire), Sune (Beauty and Love), Uthgar (Physical strength), etc. After hearing about the county's fall, many also left the country, taking refuge in neighboring countries. After a few days of refugees leaving the land, many nobles took action to prevent them from leaving as commoners are needed for the wheels of war.

The news also reached the surviving members of the old Legellan royal family (A total of four) who hid in a neighboring country with their wealth. Seeing their chance to return to their rightful position of power and as destiny, they make their preparation with help from the host king and nobles. Opening their remaining wealth, which they took with them during the rebellion, former royals hire many mercenaries, willing adventurers, and even foreign armies to retake their homeland from the tyrant known as William.


Ten days later, after the Battle of Null,

Duke Arthur Silverledge of the House Silverledge marches to the capital city with his two thousand strong. With the entire county in turmoil and few survivors speaking of death and a ruined capital city, Duke Silverledge hurried his military forces to claim the city as his own, placing himself as a king and salvation to the Legellan.

House Silverledge's whole wealth and resources were spent for this moment as Arthur gathered all his men and every branch member, including his own eldest son as his right-hand man. According to Duke's spies, there are no patrols nor any sign of rival forces, which surprised him since he expected other nobles to make a similar move just like his.

'Maybe this William took down others. I'm sure I'm not the only one heading to the capital, but where are they? I remember hearing a rumor of hundred strong calvary men heading towards the capital city three days ago, baring the house flag of Red Belmore. Is it possible that something happened to them?' Duke Silverledge's mind was swamped with thousands of possibilities as his sons and other family members could only wonder what their head of the family was thinking. The army of the House Silverledge continues their march when over the hill, they see two men in the distance, one sitting on a fancy chair in the middle of the road while the second one stands behind him like a servant.

In the middle of the road, a single table is placed with two chairs facing each other. Next to the table is a flag pole with a white flag hanging, which indicates a sign of peace or negotiation. A single man in his 40s occupies the fancy chair with unusual clothing and a strange black hat with a red line around the edge. The second man is holding a tea kettle, but his clothing is more strange as he is wearing heavy winter clothing in the middle of summer.

"Sir Jerome, go there and see what those men want?" Duke Silverledge gave his order, and a single knight rode his horse to see what strangers wanted. After reaching the table and short minutes later, Sir Jerome returned with a strange expression on his face. Duke and others wait as Sir Jerome explains what the strangers want.

"My lord, the stranger invites you to have a peaceful talk. I didn't see any signs of enemy forces or hostilities, but it stranger did express strong signs of a possible enemy force." Sir Jerome informed his lord, and after a short moment of consideration, Arthur decided to talk to a stranger with Sir Jerome and one more knight beside him.

"Hello, isn't today the most beautiful day? Where are my manners? My name is Ciaphas Cain. Lord Commissar to the Astra Militarum and head of the foreign relation. You can call me Commissar Cain. Oh, and this is Ferik Jurgen, my personal aide." Ciaphas Cain introduces himself and his aide, who afterward gestures to Duke Silverledge to sit with him.

"I'm sure you are a little confused and concerned with why I'm casually sitting here in the middle of the road and enjoying fine tea. Do you want some? It's called Tanna, and it has a unique taste if I say so myself." Commissar Cain politely signals Jurgen to pour the second teacup, but before Jurgen bothers to move, Duke Silverledge slams the table as if this entire situation is an act to mock him.

"I'm not here to sit down and have some tea. Do you know who I am? I'm the Great Silverblade Arthur Silverledge. I slay ogre with my sword and liberated fine townfolks of my father's land before you were even born! I demand a safe passage to the capital city!" Arthur shouts his great deed as if it meant something to Commissar Cain and Jurgen. Cain simply smiled at him and his knights while Jurgen just stood still. After taking a small sip of Tanna tea, Cain placed the cup down and gave off a serious look, which Aruther hadn't seen in a very long time since his father scored him for his immature behavior as a kid.

"Do YOU know WHO I am? I'm a freaking Lord Commissar Cain of the Imperium. I have over a thousand men and women of Emperor's finest and am ready to kill all your men with a single word from my mouth. You are not the only one who came here and demanded passage to the capital city, and at this very moment, my lord William is rebuilding the entire city as we speak. So, I recommend you quietly listen to what I have to say before drawing weapons out at each other." Commissar Cain said to three men before him and afterward took his cup and finished it. Right away, Jurgen refills the cup and places a sandwich in one of his jacket pockets, and steps back.

"I don't know what this rank of 'Lord Commissar' is, but I'm sure this isn't how 'Lord' addresses higher noblemen such as me. Bring out your men! We are done with childish charades." Arthur quickly got up and drew his sword from his hip, but before he could raise the heavy sword up high to strike down the man in from of him. Seeing the surprise attack mile away, Cain did the same and drew his chainsword and parried the incoming blade without starting his chainsword. Jurgen dropped what he was holding and pulled out his lasgun, and the two knights pulled out their weapons, but everything paused when the sounds of two lasgun fire blew two holes in the two knights' foreheads.

"What? Hidden archers?" Arthur said with surprise and was about to push his blade against Commissar Cain. The strange blade with a hundred tiny metal teeth indeed locks Arthur's sword, but he knew his magical sword could break the strange sword as it is imbued with sharpness and toughness.

"How foolish and idiotic," Commissar Cain quietly said to himself and turned his chainsword on. With a loud engine within chainsword cranking and tiny metal teeth beginning to move, the magical sword started to spark, and within seconds later, the blade broke as if it was made out of a wooden stick.

"NO! My sword. Symbol of my house, how is this possible?" Arthur cried with shock as he attempted to step back, but Cain quickly swung his chainsword and decapitated Arthur's head from his shoulders before he had a chance to. Meanwhile, hundreds of soldiers of Valhallan Ice Warriors and Death Korps of Krieg came out of concealed positions surrounding the enemy army and took them as prisoners of war. Many attempted to fight back, but those who did were quickly killed with lasguns, and many surrendered right away.

"Another day to start the peaceful transition. Right, Jurgen?" Lord Commissar Cain put away his chainsword as he watched his 3rd army of prisoners of war escorted away by two armies given to him by Lord Creed only five days ago.

"Of course, sir. More Tanna, sir?" Jurgen approached the Commissar and gave him a cup of Tanna tea after putting away his lasgun. With a regiment of Valhallan Ice Warriors as reinforcement, Cain was delighted to resupply his dwelling Tanna leaves that Jurgen brought with him. On the other hand, Jurgen didn't show any signs of happiness even though he was Valhallan Ice Warrior, but as his duty is to the Commissar Cain, he did his best to make sure Commissar Cain was fully served and watched out for.

'I wonder what Lord William is doing now?" Lord Commissar Cain, a recently promoted to senior Commissar by Lord Willam and assigned to 'negotiate' peace with nobles at any cost, wonders as he watches guardsmen set up more visible stations as some even bring out vehicles and walkers into positions.


"So you are telling me that this Luffy is made out of rubber and searching for a treasure called 'One Piece' to be king of the pirates? What a silly name for a treasure. Why named after a dress?" Rana said to William as she enjoyed the well-earned time off with a man who was two heights taller than her. They are currently residing inside one of the rebuilt buildings where it used to be a fancy hotel for the wealthy merchants. It is William's base of operation until Admechs and a few of the Null Marines (Formerly Imperial Fists) finish the city rebuild (With significant upgrades and adjustments).

"That is what bothers you? Not a man who can transform into a dragon or islands in the sky but a name of the treasure? I see that your priority in my story is a name rather than how strange the world is." William was surprised how Rana simply ignored the epic story and wondered about the entire franchise's name. Of course, William also wonders about the name as he couldn't finish the show or manga as he was in the middle of the Wano arc before coming to the New World.

'I'm sure I will find out eventually, or else I just have to rip entire reality and get myself there to find the answer.' William thought to himself and thought of possible ways to jump into a different reality, but in the end, it was foolish to dream as he knew his only path was to the 40k universe. After all, he has thousands of people to command and fulfill his promise to send them back to the home universe.

"You know me, William. I'm all about details, and names are most important. They hold great powers, and I'm sure you know that very well." Rana points it out and refills her drink with one of fine wine.

"So, how are things with repairs and setting yourself as the new ruler of a nation?" Rana asked William teasingly as she knew the difficult road William must take. Ruling a city itself is a difficult job, as she saw her father do all those years ago, but ruling the entire country and not to mention changing the ruling authority is a near-impossible task. Then again, Rana saw the impossible become possible countless times as Willam charged head-on with his brothers beside him.

"It is going ahead of schedule, actually. I had my librarians check every corner of the entire city inside and out to purge the Chaos corruption while having Lord Creed oversee the entire operation with his forces. As for citizens who survived, I have Sister of Battle, both Order of Our Martyred Lady and Order Hospitaller check them out and make sure they follow the new rules I commanded. You will be surprised how 100 Sisters can handle a few hundred citizens at once." When William mentions the Sisters, Rana winced as she remembers her experience attending their religious service. Let's just say Rana learned a lot about God-Emperor and his chosen sons who remained loyal to him.

"You have no idea. You are lucky to dodge their invitation." Rana quietly said to William as she kissed him on teh cheek and took back her seat as the giant next to her continued his story of this rubber man.


"No, no, no! You must have this upgrade by the order from Lord William. By the Machine God, how did you manage to move without the proper ritual of maintenance?" One of the Tech-priests stops the dreadnought from running away while others supervise the transformation process of the Space Marines. With Lord William's gift, Admechs took charge of all mechanical-related operations, including the Null gene-seeds implanting process, as Chapter Master gave them various machines from the mythical library of STC. With five fully automated pods big enough for Space Marines to get into, more than a few Adeptus Astartes from various chapters already went through the surgical process without a single fatality.

At first, the introduction to the old technology created a bit of debate within Adeptus Mechanicus as recently summoned Tech-priests went against the moment they learned the origin of where these blessed gifts came from. Thanks to Magos Callis's full confession, the argument subsided, and later all are convinced that this was a true gift from the Omnissiah as William banished the 'Mother' (The designation of the machine without a soul won't be identified, which is the term 'AI') into entirely different galaxy without a method of returning to the Emperor's galaxy. There is also debate about that thing's mission and how it wasn't mentioned in Mars' library of knowledge, but the topic was shortly talked over before moving to different subjects of importance such as repairs to the Imperial Knights and building forge to start production.

"This is fine. Start ritual of modification at once." One of the Magos said to lesser Tech-priest as others join to start upgrading the dreadnought. This one, known as Brother Raduriel, holds the highest respect among Adeptus Astartes since he was the first one to join Lord William's crusade in this New World. In fact, after this upgrade, it will be Brother Raduriel who will be one of the advisors to Lord William's war council.

"Let us begin and pray to the Omnissiah for his deliverance to all machines." Brother Raduriel went through their first modification from the standard dreadnought to Blacksouls dreadnought.


"Have the west section guarded by the Catachan Jungle Fighter and make sure they report back every 8 hours. I don't want another radio silent for the whole 27 hours again, or else they will have to report back in person next time. Make sure the northern section is…." Lord Creed gave clear instructions to his senior officers as they went over the capital city map and divided the entire forces to guard the region. Knowing what came next, Lord Creed took the first initiative and already spread the forces suited to their geological position. Already, Creed received a report from the Lord Commissar Cain regarding hostile nobles and their armies as they all attempted to reach the capital city using the northern road.

As most of the roads to the capital within Legellan are spread to the northern region, Creed sent two guardsmen regiments, including Cain, to secure the path against anyone. Of course, Creed instructed Cain to reduce killing everyone since they needed leverage against noblemen and the people they are governed. Every day, more and more prisoners of war come to the capital city, and Creed makes sure all of them are well taken care of, including introducing them to Sisters of Battle to learn more about the Emperor of Mankind.

'This is a child's game compared to what is going on after Fall of Cadia. Right now, all I can do is make sure we are one step closer to getting back to the homeworld. Even if it takes another fifty years to accomplish it.' Lord Creed thought to himself after dismissing the officers from his war room. Lighting himself with a new cigar, Creed touches his shoulder where he used to have an arm. It pains him to remember the last moment as his home planet broke. His entire life and career were to defending Cadia, and he knew he failed his life mission when Blackstone Fortress from the sky. Still, there was a rumor of fellow Cadians still fighting within the broken planet as a glimpse of lasguns could be seen from the space.

"I will go back and rescue any survivors even if it costs my life. Cadia will live once again as long as a single Cadian serve the Emperor and Imperium." Lord Creed made a promise to himself and once again went over the Legellan map to review any potential weakness within his defense line.


Somewhere in a higher realm,

"Ok, hear me out. I know I'm a stranger to you all, but I think it is best for everyone if you hear my offer." A golden child stands in front of various higher beings of the New World as he tries not to get killed. In front of him, beings of higher authorities of their respected domains and alignments are present with their weapons and magic ready to explode.

"And why should we listen to you? Foreigner deity who invaded our realm and not only that but also brought his archenemies into us!" One of the very angry-looking human deities welding a holy sword points at a golden child as many others nod their heads in agreement.

"Hey, hey. They didn't follow me for the record. I'm the one who warned you guys about them and even directed chosen warrior in the right direction. Even though that guy happened to be one of my soldiers from my world." Golden child counter with excuse good enough to hold others from smiting him. His action until now shows others his intention to save this world, not to mention putting away invasion armies without help from natives deities of this world.

"Halt. He is telling the truth, and we have avoided this matter long enough. Maybe it is time for us to intervene even though this would break the agreement between all gods and wrath from the One Who Is Hidden." One of the goddesses said as she pushed down the holy sword away from the golden child's face.

"Thank you. At least someone has common sense. I mean, what a great insight into a greater view of the whole realm." Golden child said with the best of his diplomatic tone as he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"To be clear. My plan will sound insane and possibly suicidal, but if this goes perfectly, it will save both of us trouble once and for all." Star Child went into a long detailed explanation of his master plan. By the time he was done, all gods had erupted into chaos as their voices generated massive lighting and thunder.

"Who in the right mind will do what you told us? Your plan is a literal disturbance to the balance of everything and could unleash our mortal enemies to the lower planes." A female elven deity expressed her concern as she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Well, I know a certain few, and most of you all have a few promising individuals at disposal." Male dragon deity said to others while exhaling a white smoke from his mouth.

"As long as you guys sent them to my guy, it will be fine. I hope the last one doesn't cause disastrous problems compared to the other three. Just make sure small portals are shut down by the time we gather our heroes." Star Child said to everyone as the meeting between the gods of the two universes continued.

Guys, this one is a long chapter since it is an aftermath of a long fight. Enjoy and stay safe.

P.S: Please leave many comments and reviews for the Emperor and for my sanity.

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