
Counter Attack

A surge of undead might forced the army back, humans stumbling away like a broken shield wall, before they pushed themselves back into the frail, the clash of steel thundering across contested lines! Their roars fill the void left by the undead menace!

Their charge slowed to a dead halt, to which Adilen roared mightily "RETREAT!" The bandits and guards disengaged, but not without the dead following suit! Their clash lingering as troops fell back, some being caught and cut down!


Clink! Shink!

Living bodies fell as the dead reached out their blades, felling men, hands dragging them down. Whilst Duth stared up at the wizards, his hand rising out to them, twenty wisp of orangy red bolts manifesting alongside his hand. Before zipping through the air towards them! 

The wizards paled, two of them stepping forward and lifting up their hands a barrier conjuring wisp of blue. Solidifying before the torrent of bolt slammed into the barrier. It shook mightily falling apart after thirteen bolts fizzled across it! Each strike a mini boom! Clearly shaking the wizards in their shoes!

Before the wizards knew it seven bolts of fiery mana slammed into them. Pulling them off their feet, three of their brothers and sisters fell. Bodies burning under supernatural flame. They stepped forth again three conjuring a barrier as the remaining four fired eight bolts back! 

Duth conjured his own barrier, but it shattered after the 5th hit it! Three bolts slammed into Duths skeleton! 

Hp: 70/100

Mp: 80/155

He grunted at the cracks in his bones! Conjuring a stronger barrier before summoning another ten [Fire Missile]'s

The exchange was quick, like two battle lines respectively exchanging fire! Their bolts whistling against one another!

Duth swatted a bolt that nearly hit him, before he watched three out of his ten slam into two more! They fell as their clothes and bodies burned! 

Both sides seemed to be tiring out. Unfortunately Duths mana was running lower much faster than the wizards. The only reason he did not bother was his regen, whereas wizards regen was many times slower. 

Oren on the other hand, casted out a 4th circle spell called [Sunbeam] dragging it across the front battle lines, slaying five ranks of undead before sounding out. "Clerics fall back to the wall!" 

Oren raises his hand high, conjuring a small ball of light. Before Duth knew it the light extinguished and after doing so a tidal wave of arrows, boulders and spears came pouring over the wall! 




Death Knights drew their bodies in almost like a football team's huddle. Arrows thunking against their armor and backs! One of them nearly buckled under a mountainous crash. But his brethren held firm!

Duth grimaced, the undead count fell drastically! 

Undead: 980

He called to the remains of his reserved troops. He felt their returned call, a silent warhorn that only the dead could hear rumbled across the many ranks that held out!

Duth nodded before casting his hand out [Raise Dead], [Raise Dead]! He raised those who died at the hands of his undeath that fell near him once his knights pulled back he casted five hundred SM into each of them. Before locking eyes with the battlefield! Craters of stone littered several areas! Many bones and rotting flesh full of arrows and spears. He could see the humans opening the gates. 

But he did not pay attention to that. "Engage the ambushers! Knights cut the head off the snake! The magic users are mine!" 


The gates swung open as a chorus of thunder called out from the other side. Archers and trebuchet workers having drawn weapons and taken the offense! Rushing back the falling guards as they caved in a rank of undead!

Their vigor renewed many, driving the dead back and forming several contested areas across the front!

Nine hundred soldiers fell to six hundred, whilst death knights carved out swaths, they were mindful of the two or four that eyed them. Of course Adilen stomped just as Lark did! His two generals followed behind as they rushed to engage the knights!

Oren tapped his staff, causing a blast of blue to envelop those around him. They felt their mana rising, those injured healing up! 

The battle was on once more! So fiercely contested it had become! The living paid in blood, but they costed their enemies their own deaths! Unfortunately regardless of their feat, hundreds became dozens and soon they were being over runned! The clerics retreated as their heavy guards fell under mountians of dead ripping past armor for flesh!

They fought until even they began to lose faith, some pulled off by the ankle into writhing hoards below. Oren stared down, he had used much of his mana, drawing more to himself as he prepared his final spell. Watching those between him and the hoards thin out and die. One by one, only the four leaders remained, staving off the tides of undead and even clashing with a few death knights. Granted Larks generals lasted no more than a few seconds. Both stepped on mercilessly. Lark and Adilen staring down the five death knights that had halted the undead. 

"Join.. Us.."

"Fuck no, you flagpole basterds. I dont want yer maggot gut and leather skin!" Lark spatted.

"I too will have to decline, i wish not to serve or fall under a lich of all creatures!"

The death knights said no more, before four of them launched themselves at Adilen and one tackled Lark!

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