
The Legend of Kingdra

"You don't know much about Kingdra, do you?", asked Ron.

"Don't make me look so stupid. Just tell me your concern.", said Axel.

"OK, let me tell you. Kingdra is water/dragon type Pokemon.."

"I know that."

"Let me finish. It is a water/dragon-type Pokemon. Almost all of KIngdras focuses on its dragon type and they have a dragon-type core. However, Kingdra is a bit different than other Pokemons."

"How so?"

"Even though almost all of the Kingdra focuses on their dragon-type cores, their water power is not to be underestimated. It could create typhoons and live in the deepest part of the ocean. When they get into higher ranks, just a yawn from them could create tsunamis. They are said to be blessed by Kygore itself."

"They can't be that exaggerated?"

"No, they really are. Kingdra loves to live in groups and they don't like to have trainers. It is very rare for a trainer to have a Kingdra and even I don't have one. 

As a dragon type specialist, I know for sure that a dual-type Pokemon who is a dragon type will also have a very good grasp on the other type. Like, let's take an example of Salamence. It is a flying/dragon-type Pokemon. 

So, even if it has a dragon core and doesn't have a flying core, its flying-type moves would be very strong compared to other Pokemons that have dual types. This is cause the nature of dragon-type energy is unique and it would also raise the powers of other types. 

That is also one of the reasons, why dragon-type Pokemons are not to be messed with. But Kingdra is on a totally different level. Its water-type mastery is on par with Pokemons who would have a water-type core. So, you will be fighting with an extremely powerful Pokemon that could be said to have 2 cores, and Kingdra fights in the group. So, you can imagine the fear in my eyes."

"Ron, I have a question. If Kingdra is said to be so powerful, then by your logic, it would be the most powerful dragon-type Pokemon to ever exist but it is not even a pseudo-legendary Pokemon and I believe that it is not the most powerful dragon-type Pokemon.

Why is that?"

"There are actually 2 reasons for that. First of all, it is very rare for a trainer to have a Kingdra as a Pokemon cause Kingdra doesn't like to have a trainer. Except for the legendary and mythical Pokemon, it must be the only one to have such a nature as per my knowledge.

Secondly, humans have not even explored all the lands, we can forget about the ocean and the seas. It is said that only 2% of the ocean and seas have been explored and Kingdra could only live in water bodies. Not in the land. It could survive on land but for a very short period of time like a day if it is a king-rank Pokemon.

So, my question is, what makes you think that you have seen or even heard of the most powerful Kingdra? I believe that the most powerful of them are still living in the seas and oceans and have not yet been discovered."

This was the first time he had heard of such a thing. Axel believed that Kingdra was one the weakest dragon-type Pokemons as its base stats were low in the game but he might be very wrong here. 

"But this Kingdra is only an uncommon rank Pokemon. It is not even a rare-rank Pokemon. No matter how powerful it might be, it would not be able to defeat us. I think you are worried about some other thing."

"Yes, I forgot to mention but just like any dragon-type Pokemon, Kingdra is very arrogant and prideful. They also care deeply about their loved ones. Kingdra is called the lord of the seas for a reason. 

So, what would happen, if they find this young Kingdra like this and we are in front of it?"

"But we didn't do anything. We are instead helping this poor Pokemons.", exclaimed Frank. He was also getting very worried now.

"Do you think that its parents and its tribe would even think about it before they kill and eat us?"

Then Krishna came forward and suggested, "Then why don't we kill this Kingdra and be done with it? This is a very large lake but I don't think that any Kingdra lives here. This Kingdra must be here due to some incident and the seas are very far from us. 

You said it yourself that Kingdra could not live on land for very long. So, why don't we just kill it and be done with it?"

After hearing it, Ron was even more horrified. He looked at Krishna as if he was seeing a demon from hell.

"Hey, tell us why we should not do it. You don't have to give us such an expression.", said Axel.

"Ok, let me ask you something to you. This tribe of Kingdra must have a fight with another tribe of Pokemons and the enemy tribe must have captured it and thrown it on this lake. Why had they not killed it?

Let me answer that question. Even though humans have made a lot of progress in research, there are still some Pokemons, whom we do know not much about and one of them is Kingdra. 

It has been said that there is a deeper connection of Kingdra with its loved ones and its family. If one of the Kingdra dies, its family would know that it had died and know the location too. They might even be able to tell who was near the location of its death. 

So, if we were able to kill this Pokemon, we might really die here."

Kizaru then came towards Ron and gave him a tight slap on the face. Ron was not acting like a soldier but like a scared child right now. His was not his personality. Kizaru needed to make Ron realize that.

"Ron, calm down and show some respect for your position.", said Kizaru.

Ron closed his eyes and then took a deep breath. He got a bit calm and then took multiple long breaths and opened his eyes and Axel could just see that he was in his usual self. This surprised Axel a lot. 

Axel knew for sure that his mercenary team was not trained to such a point. To delete all those distractions and fear from the mind within a few seconds was just incredible. 

"Now, tell us what we should do and why should be we scared?", asked Kizaru.

"Sir, we are in a pendulum here. First of all, we cannot kill this Kingdra. If we do, there is a huge chance that they will be able to find us.", said Ron.

"You just said that it is a rumor. So, it might not be true.", said Axel.

"Yes, it might not be but it is 90% true cause there have been multiple cases where a Kingdra has been killed in a village or a city and that city has been drowned in a tsunami the next day. These are real events and this could not be faked."

"Ok, suppose, we kill this Kingdra and we are going to face a tribe of Kingdra. How powerful could they really be?", asked Kizaru.

"I cannot say for sure but I am certain that they would be more powerful than us."

"How so?"

"If we were able to look at the injuries of this Kingdra, I can say for certain that it was done by a tribe of Gyarados and Blastoise. If these Pokemons were able to battle the tribe of Kingdra, then they must have a history and they must be very powerful but still, they didn't kill it. This shows that the tribe of Kingdra could take their revenge. We should not kill it."

"But you also said that the tribe of Kingdra might kill us."

"Yes, they very well could. Our only chance is to let this Kingdra wake up, heal it completely, and then return it back to its tribe."

"Ron, the sea is at the border of this island and it is very far away. We may not be even able to find that tribe."

"No, after this Kingdra wakes up, it would be easy. It must have a way to call for its tribe."

And that is what they did. They did their best to heal this Kingdra. After 2 hours, Feraligatr came out of the lake. It still had not mastered to sense its surroundings with its red spikes on the lake but it was getting there. 

Kingdra was now on the verge of walking up and after a few minutes, it started to move a little and slowly opened its eyes.

Ron had already told all of them to call out all of their Pokemons inside the ball so that it would not be afraid except for one to communicate with Kingdra

So, they chose Slowemperor as it was water water-type Pokemon and also a psychic-type Pokemon. It was also a king-rank Pokemon, so it could perfectly translate it to others.

When it woke up, it became immediately alert and started to look around with vigilance.

It was about to give a loud cry when Slowemperor started to talk to it. 

'Hey, Hey, little guy. We are not here to hurt. We are the ones that saved you. So, calm down.', said Slowemperor telepathically.

'Where am I? Where is my tribe and my parents?', asked Kingdra.

'I don't know. We just found you in the lake and saved you. So, are you okay? Do you feel any pain?', asked Slowemperor.

After talking to it for a few minutes, it finally calmed down.

'So, can you call your parents or your tribe?'

'Yes, I can. Let me call them', said Kingdra and then closed its eyes.

Its body was then enveloped in a blue light and then it gave a weird cry. The cry was not loud or piercing. It was very smooth and filled with melody. 

After some time Slowemperor said to Axel, "It had called for its parents but they are saying that they cannot cross and come to this part of the forest as it is protected. So, we would have to go there by ourselves.

I also told it to tell its tribe that we are the ones helping it. So, the leader of its tribe said that if we could not help this Kingdra, then they would come to this part of the forest and battle it out until they rescue this Kingdra. So what should we do?"

Kizaru also looked and asked Axel, "What do you think we should do? This is your land."

"I think we should take this Kingdra to the edge of the sea. If that tribe comes to rescue it, there would be war. This would not only affect us but also all the humans and Pokemons in this island. We cannot take this risk.", said Axel.

"I feel you but how can we possibly do it? This Kingdra cannot survive in land and this is a closed lake. We will have to travel days on land and this Kingdra would not survive.", said Ron.

Axel then gave the stupidest idea, "What if we catch it in a Pokeball?"

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