
Another Partner

Axel heard this situation from his mother but since he was so busy with the tide, he could not give them any time and now he was free. He was still busy with Squirtle hatching and he didn't want to disturb his mood.

Axel was obviously angry that someone said that to her sister, so he was going to punish them.

Squirtle would now hatch anytime and all of them were looking at the egg. Suddenly Agnes's Squirtle's egg cracked.

"Get far away, the Squirtle needs to see her first.", said Agnes, and all of them backed away.

The first impression was always important and the Squirtle needed to see Agnes first. One crack, 2 cracks, 3 cracks…. It started to slowly crack. Agnes could see that Squirtle was trying to come out and wanted to help it but her brother had told her not to.

The Pokemon must come out of its own egg. If it could not, it might be weaker in the future. After trying for a few minutes, Squirtle finally came out and saw Agnes first.

"Squi.. Squirtle.", it said and ran towards Agnes to give a hug.

"Welcome to the world Squirtle.", said Agnes and gave it multiple kisses. Squirtle had finally hatched.

Axel was still waiting for his Squirtle to hatch and after a few hours, it also cracked.

The Squirtle looked normal, scared, and happy at the same time. He picked it up and gave it some Gogoat's milk.

He then looked at its stats:


Pokemon's name: Squirtle

Pokemon Nickname: N/A

Pokemon Rank: common rank

Pokemon Tying: Water

Ability: Torrent

Hidden ability: Rain dish

Potential: Black (Monstrous)


Health: 100 /100 Attack: F

Agility: F Defense: F

Sp. Atk: F Sp. Def: F


Moves: Mirror coat, Water gun, Life dew, Aqua ring, Withdraw, Bite, Tackle.


Since it was just born, it looked very normal. However, Axel knew that this Squirtle would be the most powerful Blastoise in the future. This was the fourth Pokemon of Axel that got in an egg form and he was very close to it.

Squirtle was very shy right now. It was just hugging Axel and drinking milk. It was not letting Axel go.

After some hours, it finally started to open up to others. It also saw another Squirtle that was just as small as it was and made immediate friends with it.

The family had a barbeque that night and everyone was celebrating the birth of 2 Pokemons.

Axel had all the things planned for Squirtle. He didn't want it to fight in gyms and tides for now. That would obviously depend on what it wanted to do in the future.

Unlike Bagon, it could not train right now and had to wait for 3 months. It was not a dragon-type Pokemon.

So, the only thing that Axel was focusing on for 3 months was the relationship between him and Squirtle and discipline.

When he heard the situation about the girls from his mother, he realized that discipline was something that should be trained at an early age. It needed to know that training was important and it had to work harder. Right now, it was under the care of Gogoat.

All the Pokemons of Axel wanted to meet the new teammate and they surrounded Squirtle. But Squirtle was very scared to see all of them so they started to meet the baby Pokemon one by one.

Togetic was the first that came up to meet the little guy. For others, Squirtle was a new teammate but for Togetic, it was the future member of its gang. It needed to see how talented it was.


Axel said that he would be training the girls from tomorrow morning. He still had a lot of things to do for the city. He was planning to stay home for a month till Croconaw evolved. He had a lot of things on his plate. He needed to get the eggs from Morgan. He also wanted Venusaur to meet Celebi and now he had multiple king-rank Pokemons, he wanted to meet Latias.

However, first, he had to get the egg from Morgan. So, he called Morgan.

Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Tring..


"Hello, Axel. How are you and how is my son doing?", asked Morgan.

"Oh, your son is doing fine. He is more powerful than before."

"Yes, I have heard. I cannot thank you enough for this. So, I think you are calling me for the eggs."

"Yes, I am. I am here in my home for the time and wanted to know if you could come here.", said Axel.

"I could but aren't you dealing with the tide now? I don't think that the airports are working right now?"

"Oh, the tide finished 2 days before. Didn't Frank tell you about it?"

"Really? That fast. It has only been 2 weeks.", shouted Morgan as he was genuinely surprised that Axel could deal with the tide so soon.

"Yes, we got lucky."

"No, you just did well and exceeded my expectations. So, I guess I will come. I also want to meet Frank. It has been a long time."

"That is great. When will you be coming?", asked Axel.

"After 2 days."

"Great, I will be expecting you."


The next day,

Squirtle didn't want to come out of the bed as it was feeling very comfy. Since it was only a day old, Axel didn't mind but when it got noisy, it woke up with an angry expression.

Axel was surprised that it was angry.

"Looks like you love your sleep huh.", said Axel and picked it up. Even though it was a baby, it was heavy. It was heavier than Agnes's Squirtle.

Daisy said that it was a good sign as heavier Squirtle are considered talented.

After getting ready and feeding Squirtle, Axel got ready to train the girls.

All 3 girls were waiting for Axel. Agnes was not included as she already knew how to train.

Axel put Squirtle on the ground and came over to train the girls.

"Now, listen up and listen well. I don't want to train you little chipmunks. I know that I would be just wasting my time but I owe your father a favor and he wants you trained.

So, I am just returning the favor. I will train you for 1 month. That is 30 days. I will teach you the fundamentals of being a trainer. The training would be hard as none of you have ever trained in your life.

After a month, I will be sending you to your home. If I am satisfied with your progress and your attitude, then I will consider training you again in the future. But if you cannot do that, then it will be goodbye for us.

Do I make myself clear?", asked Axel

"Hey, we don't want to train under you too. Father forced us to it.", said Violet.

"Oh really?"

And then BANG!!!

All of them fell down on their chest. Axel had used 'Aura pressure' on them. He obviously didn't use his full power as that would kill the girls but he wanted them to understand who was the boss here.

"Now, there are some rules when you are training under me. First, don't disrespect me and talk to me in a loud voice. Is that clear?", asked Axel.

The three of them were horrified. They could not move their body and they were feeling an extreme amount of pain.

'This guy will kill us.', thought the girls and hurriedly agreed to it.

All of them nodded their heads.

Axel then released the pressure from them.

"Good. The first thing about being a trainer is to train your own body. Today kids don't do it. They train their Pokemon but not their own body. So, get ready in 5 minutes.

You will be circling 5 laps of this place.", said Axel.

"5 Laps? This place is enormous!!! We cannot do it.", shouted Lily.

And then BANG!!!!

All of them were hit by the pressure again and they fell down again. This time the pressure was a bit higher than before.

"Second rule. Don't you fucking question me? I eat girls like you for breakfast. I am more experienced than you. I have fought many battles and killed many Pokemons with my own hands. So you don't have the right to question me.

Is that clear?", shouted Axel.

All of them nodded their heads again and Axel let out the pressure.

"She was the one who asked the question. Why did you punish all of us?", asked Violet, and then…


This time only Violet fell down. Axel didn't apply the pressure to other girls.

"When your sister asked the question, she said we, so I included all of them. I just told you to not question me and you broke it in a second. Do you even have a brain in your head?", asked Axel.

Violet did everything to speak and say sorry and after a few seconds, she mustered up all her power and shouted 'SORRY' and only then did Axel let her go.

"5 minutes and 5 laps. Since this is the first day, I have decreased the laps. Rejoice."


"Sis, this boy is the devil. I think we should run from here right now.", said Violet.

"And go where? We don't have any money.", replied Daisy.

"We can call our parents and tell them to pick us up.", suggested Lily.

"But all of us left our phones on the bed. That devil will not let us go there right now.", said Violet.

"I think we should just get on with it and do the training. This is also good for us.", said Violet.

"Are you crazy? You are still hanging out with Agnes and thinking to train like a maniac?", asked Violet in an angry voice.

Finally, the girls decided to give in and run 5 laps.

Meanwhile, Axel was thinking that he was being too lenient. Red had first told him to do 100 laps when he was training and he told them to just do 5 laps.

"I should up the training tomorrow.", he said to himself.

Those 5 laps took half a day to complete. Axel started to tell them how to run. The girls didn't even know how to run. He had told them to straighten their back and breathe from their nose every time.

After 5 laps, the girls could not even stand up. There were multiple bruises on their feet. They had never run so much in their life before.

Axel gave them 1 hour to rest and then continued the training.

"Now, seeing that you guys could not stand up properly, I will not train your body more but there are other things that we could do.", said Axel with a smile as he looked at all of them.

"I realized that your Squirtle just like you don't want to train too. Now, since I am not their trainer, I cannot spank them and tell them to train but you can.

You have half a day to make your Squirtles realize that they need to train and if you could not, those 5 laps would be 6 laps tomorrow.", said Axel and then left.

He still had a lot of things to do right now.


Axel went to Noah and started to talk to him. His uncle could not fully walk and run like before. It took some time to get used to it but now he could be a trainer again.

Unfortunately, he had missed his youth and now was a middle-aged man. However, he now had a powerful Scizor who was a pseudo-king rank Pokemon, and Slowking who was an elemental rank Pokemons.

"Uncle, do you want to be the mayor of this city?", asked Axel.

"So, you want to give that responsibility to me?", asked Noah with a smile.

"Yes, you are perfect for the job. You are a powerful trainer and people believe you and trust you."

"I don't know Axel. I rather sit here at home and enjoy my life.", said Noah.


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