
Recipe from Earth

Alakazam had finally reached king-rank status. He was very happy for his friend. Alakazam was his first Pokemon. Nidoking became his first official Pokemon but Alakazam was with him since he was 6 years old. They had a very good bond. 

Its hidden ability has reached 100% and its health had also increased by a bit. It was not a bulky Pokemon so it didn't have a huge amount of health like Nidoking or Gogoat but it had other specialties. 

Some of its moves had also crossed the threshold. 


Reflect (Alakazam): (Level 40): It would reduce the physical damage by 40% for 4 turns. Previously, it was only 20% for 2 turns.

                  (Level 45): It would cover 2 sides, front and back.

Light Screen (Alakazam): (Level 40): It would cover 2 sides, front and back.

                       (Level 45): It would reduce the special damage by 40% for 4 turns. Previously, it was only 20% for 2 turns.

Thunder (Alakazam): (Level 40): The move is more faster than before.


It was necessary for Alakazam to concentrate on thunder-type attacks. He also wanted it to raise 'Rain dance' to level 40 for better output. All in all, it had come at a good time. Now, he could be a bit secure during this tide.

Currently, he had 4 king-rank Pokemons with him. This would not only help his team and the north zone in the tide but also increase his status among the soldiers. 

He finally looked at Mamoswine stats:


Pokemon Name: Mamoswine (Age: 3 Years) 

Nickname: None 

Rank: Pseudo-king

Ability: Snow Cloak (mastered) 

Hidden Ability: Thick Fat (100%) 

Potential: Black 

Health: 7000/7000 Attack: S+

Agility: B+        Defense: SS 

Sp. Atk: SS        Sp. Def: SS 

Moves: Ice Shard (E) (Lvl 46), Icy Wind (E) (Lvl 53), Icicle Crash (E) (Lvl 44), Hail (E) (Lvl 46), Mist (E) (Lvl 43), Take Down (G) (Lvl 39), Earthquake (E) (Lvl 44), Rest (E) (Lvl 42), Endure (E) (Lvl 42), Substitute (E) (Lvl 41), Icicle Spear (E) (Lvl 49), Dig (E) (Lvl 48), Sleep Talk (E) (Lvl 44), Rain Dance (E) (Lvl 44), Blizzard (E) (Lvl 47), Anchor Shot (E) (Lvl 47), Iron Defense (E) (Lvl 52), Ice Domain (E) (Lvl 44), Calm Mind (E) (Lvl 43), Mud Sport (E) (Lvl 42), Sand Attack (G) (Lvl 38), Sand Armor (G) (Lvl 43), Sandstorm (G) (Lvl 34), Tusk form (Lvl 3)

Ice Core: Mastered 

Hidden Power: Steel (65%) 

Ancient Power: (10%)


Mamoswine's stats had increased a lot. First of all, only its attack stat was left to be at SS rank. Its hidden ability has also reached 100% mastery and its hidden power mastery had also increased to 65%. This mainly happened as its move 'Iron defense' improved to level 52. 'Anchor shot' also upgraded to level 47.

All of its moves had leveled up and most of its moves had crossed the threshold. This didn't happen in only 13 days.

Mamoswine was also not staying idle in these 7 months of training. It was grinding a lot. Axel told it to focus on its defense this time cause Mamoswine was the type of Pokemon that was slow but it had excellent defense.

Axel looked at the moves description:


Hail: (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Can improve ice type effects

                  (Level 45): It could now be concentrated on a single direction.

Blizzard (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Can concentrate the attack

                     (Level 45): Can now change the direction of the attack to one's advantage.

Dig (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Can remain underground for more time

                 (Level 45): Can pinpoint the place of the enemy

Anchor shot (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Mixture of ice and steel type

                        (Level 45): Has a chance to freeze the target.

Ice shard (Mamoswine): (Level 40): The ice shard would explode. The power of the explosion is very low but after the explosion, chilly ice and snow would spread on the surrounding.

                     (Level 45): The power of the explosion has increased

Icy Wind (Mamoswine): (Level 40): The speed of the wind has increased.

                     (Level 45): The move could now have a chance to freeze the target

                     (Level 50): With the help of other ice type moves like Blizzard, the power to freeze the target has increased greatly.

Icicle crash (Mamoswine): (Level 40): The chances to flinch have increased to 50%.

Mist (Mamoswine): (Level 40): It would now lower the vision of the target 

Earthquake (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Can concentrate damage in a particular direction

Rest (Mamoswine): (Level 40): There is 60% chance to wake up when it wants.

Endure (Mamoswine): (Level 40): It can be used 2 times in the battle now.

Substitute (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Can create 2 substitutes.

Sleep talk (Mamoswine): (Level 40): There is 60% chance that it would use the move that it wants.

Icicle spear (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Instead of using it 2-5 times, Mamoswine could now create 5 spears made of ice and hit the target at the same time.

                       (Level 45): The speed of the attack has increased.

 Rain dance (Mamoswine): (Level 40): Ice type attack are 20% stronger in rain dance.

 Mud Sport (Mamoswine): (Level 40): The power of ground-type attacks would increase by 20% while using it.

Sand Armor (Mamoswine): (Level 40): It now had better defense as the sand is hardened than before.

Iron defense (Mamoswine): (Level 40): One could see the layer of steel color on its body now. It could now take more hits.

                         (Level 45): The steel is hardened increasing its defense further.

                         (Level 50): it could now defend against special-type attacks.

Tusk form (Mamoswine): Collect all the ice-type energy around it and fire it like a beam from its tusk. Right now, can only collect 20% of the ice-type energy around it. The move would take a lot of time.


Most of its moves were game-changing now. It had also learned a new move called 'Tusk form'. The most sturdy part of its body was its tusk and Axel wanted to make good use of it. 

He had been thinking a lot about it and finally came up with an idea. Most of Mamoswine's moves had an area effect. 'Icy wind', 'Blizzard', 'Hail', 'Rain dance' and many more had area effect. 

If he could combine all these moves and then fire it, it would be very powerful. So, he told the concept of the move to Mamoswine and it had been working on it for the past 7 months. 

Finally, it had learned the move. It did learn the move but it could not be used right now. The move was slower than Nidoking's 'Spinning poison' when it had just learned it and the power of the move was also not as high as 'Spinning poison'.

If it was before, then Axel would have been disappointed but now he was not. Just like 'Spinning poison', he had to give Mamoswine some time to master the move to a good level. 

The move was very hard to level up and even after half a month, it had only leveled up twice. However, Axel was not disappointed. He was very happy with this development. If Axel could help Mamoswine level up and modify the move then it would be one of the most powerful moves he had ever created. 

It might even be more powerful than 'Spinning poison'. 

Mamoswine now needed to upgrade its attack stat to SS rank and it would rank up to king rank. Axel believed that it would be able to achieve it during the tide battle. 

If Beedrill and Mamoswine could rank up to king rank during the tide and Charizard and Shedinja could make it, then he would have 8 king rank Pokemons. 

No matter how powerful Bruno was, he would not have 8 king rank Pokemons. Axel was sure of it. Axel also had high expectations from Charizard and Shedinja. Especially Shedinja. He had upheld his word and had not checked its move description.

Shedinja had said that it wanted to surprise Axel and Axel was waiting for that moment. 


"Come on, give me the dish.", shouted Mew. 

Axel was in his own dreamland right now. Mew didn't care about anything. It only wanted to eat that mystical dish that Axel had talked about. 

"Wait for a moment. I want to make that dish for you right now cause it would taste good when it is hot and fresh.", said Axel.

Mew had waited 13 days for that dish. It could wait for another hour. Mew was very foody and loved to eat new things.

The special dish was rice and curry.

Rice and curry were not made or consumed in this world. Axel had to go through a lot to collect all the ingredients, especially the spices. They were hard to get. Axel had to grow them himself in his home to get them.

First Axel got a pressure cooker and started to fill it with rice. He washed the rice thoroughly and put in some water. He calculated the water and started to boil it. 

Then he started to cut some onions and tomatoes. He also got some garlic and ginger and started to mince it. He got many spices for this dish like salt, turmeric, cumin powder, coriander powder, and chicken masala.

He also got a potato and started to boil. After it was perfectly boiled, he started to peel it off and cut it into small pieces. 

He then heated the wok and put some oil on it. By that time, rice was already done. 

Smoke started to come out of the wok giving a beautiful wok hay. 

He first fried the onions and after it was light brown, he put the potatoes and started to fry and heat them. 

"How much time?", asked Mew.

"Only a few minutes now. Don't worry."

Mew could smell something delicious and it was eager to try it.

After it was fried and the potatoes were now slightly red, he put all the spices on it, closed the lid, and let it heat even more.

This process took some time and after heating and frying it for some time, the spices were cooked. He then added the tomatoes and closed the lid again. The tomatoes were also cooked after some time. 

Finally, he added a healthy amount of water and let the curry boil. He also minced some of the potatoes to make the gravy thicker. After the curry had been boiled perfectly, he let it rest. 

He had already made a tomato chatni before. 

He first put the rice on the plate and the chatni on the side. He also cut some cucumber and placed it on the side. After the curry had cooled down a bit, he put the curry on top of the rice and sprinkled some lemon on top. 

Finally, there was dal (Lentil). This was also very hard to get and he had to grow it himself. It was in yellow color and he poured it in a small bowl. 

He also added a green chili on the side of the plate and the dish was done. 

Axel served the dish to Mew.

"What is this dish called?", asked Mew.

"It is called Dal Bhat Tarakari."

"Ohh, good name."


Axel also told Mew how to eat it. This was the first time Mew had seen such a dish and it was excited to try it. 

Dal Bhat Tarakari was a Nepalese food.

Axel was a Nepalese in his previous world and he knew how to make it. 

Mew tried the dish for the first time.

"Ummm.. So good….."

Mew was in bliss. This was the first time it had eaten such a good food. 

It started to eat very fast. 

"Slow down Mew. You will hurt your tongue."

Mew finished all of it within 5 minutes. Thankfully Axel had made a lot of it and he gave it even more.

After eating it, Mew was unable to move. The dish was very heavy on the stomach. 

Mew was satisfied with the dish.

"Can I eat this dish again?"

"It is very hard to make and only I can make it. But I am thinking of opening a restaurant of this. You can come to my restaurant and eat it free of charge.", said Axel.

Mew was happy with the dish and its stomach was full. 

"You have made me happy. Ask what you want. I will fulfill your wish.", said Mew.

Axel was surprised by this statement. He had not expected that Mew would grant him a wish. 

"Come here tomorrow at the same time. I will tell you what I want. I need some time to think."

"Ok, but I want to eat this again after I fulfill your wish.", said Mew

It then disappeared and went on its own way.

"Axel, what is that dish? It smells so good.", said Lance.

Lance had just entered Axel's room to invite him to the party.

There were some left and Axel let Lance taste it too. Lance was also very delighted with this dish.

"This is the most delicious dish I have ever eaten and it is very filling. Axel, can you make some of it again? I want my father to taste it as well."

Axel didn't want to make it again cause it would take a lot of time. However, he also wanted to eat it after a long time. Lance had eaten his serving, so he decided to make it. 

After 2 hours, Axel had made the dish for everyone that had come to the party. 

"It is your party but you have to make the food. I am sorry Axel but this dish is very good. What is it called?", asked Dragon.

Axel told me the name of the dish.

"Can you teach me how to make it?", asked Clair.

"No, this is the secret recipe of my family.", said Axel. He wanted to open a restaurant so he would not tell the secret to anyone.

The party went on till night and all of them congratulated Axel for reaching elemental rank. Axel also told Dragon and Agatha about his Pokemon's progress and they were very happy.

Only 1 day was left before the start of the tide.

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