
Enemy Attack 1

Suddenly 2 green vines same from either side targeting Ryker's Charizard and Axel's Charmeleon. Ryker's Charizard had evolved a week ago. He was happy with this development but he won't be happy with this encounter.

Axel already knew who it was and told Charmeleon to use a full-power 'Flamethrower' on that vine while Ryker took it as a normal attack. The result:- Charizard was wrapped by the vine and flung to the ground, hard. Charmeleon barely avoided the vine with the help of 'Flamethrower'.

This was a devastating blow for Charizard and it fainted on the spot. No one knew if it was even alive. Ryker called out Charizard in his Pokeball and started to run in another direction.

Finally, the Pokemon revealed itself.

It was a seed Pokemon with bumpy, blue-green skin. It had small, circular red eyes and a short blunt snout. Its mouth was wide with pointed teeth in the upper jaw. It had 3 clawed toes in each foot and it was massive. The Pokemon was Venusaur.

This Venusaur was bigger than its normal counterpart and it looked angry. After seeing the Pokemon Axel instantly knew that, "It is a pseudo-King ranked Pokemon. Guys, Run!!, I will try to hold it for some seconds."

The difference in rank creates a huge power gap. Only Shedinja and Beedrill were in elemental rank, a rank just below the Pseudo-king rank. So, Axel knew that he might be able to handle it for some time. Others didn't have that luxury.

Axel called out all of his Pokemons except for Shedinja, Gogoat, and Beedrill. The Pseudo-King ranked Venusaur focused only on Axel and everyone was able to flee but they were also disturbed by the group of Venusaur and Exeggutor.

Venusaur then used 'Grassy Terrain'. Pseudo-king ranked Pokemon had the power to change the environment slightly for their benefit. When Venusaur entered the battlefield the grass and trees seemed lively and some of them were also assisting it in the battle. This was the power of Pseudo-king ranked Pokemon. But now, with the use of 'Grassy Terrain' the environment was completely in its favor.

Axel used Shedinja for the defense and Beedrill for the offense. Shedinja was immune to almost all of Venusaur's moves but if it had moves like 'Hidden power' or 'Bite' then Axel was fucked. So, it was a very risky move.

"Marcus, 'Agility', 'Gravity', 'Substitute', 'Shadow jump' and 'Shadow ball'"

"Beedrill, 'Swords dance', 'Calm mind', 'Agility' and 'Poison jab'"

Both of the Pokemons used all the status-type moves and then attacked with their full power. Axel didn't bother to use 'Hypnosis' on it as he knew that it would have no effect. With the Pseudo-King rank in addition to 'Grassy Terrain', no status move would do any effect on that Venusaur.

'Shadow ball' hit Venusaur and there was a mini explosion. 'Poison Jab' was also connected with precession. The dust settled and Axel could see Venusaur in full glory. Those attacks only gave it some minor scratches which immediately healed due to 'Grassy Terrain'. Venusaur didn't care about those attacks cause it knew that those minuscule attacks would not matter.

Venusaur made a low roar and the sun started to get brighter. Even though Axel was in a dense forest where they could not see the sunlight before, the use of 'Sunny day' made that possible and Axel started to feel very hot. Axel estimated that the mastery of that 'Sunny day' must be very advanced.

Axel, Shedinja, Gogoat, and Beedrill could see the circle shape of the sun and 2 beams came towards them at a fast pace. The beam was so fast that nobody could analyze what that was. Shedinja took the hit of the first beam and Beedrill was smashed by the second hit. Beedrill was blown off, crashing down with 4 consecutive trees until there was a Beedrill-shaped hole in the ground. Axel immediately called off Beedrill and Gogoat.

Shedinja was not harmed but the impact was so huge that Axel was also blown off by the inertia and crashed into the tree with his vision slowly blurring.

The move was 'Solar Beam'. But Venusaur used 2 of them at the same time showing the uniqueness of Pseudo-rank Pokemon.

Axel didn't know how much time had passed but he heard a voice saying, "WAKE UP". He knew that the voice was sweet and a female voice. He woke up with his eyes widen to see 2 unknown men battling the Venusaur.

"Kid, wake up. If you want to live, I suggest that you run", shouted one of the man. Axel didn't know who those men were but it was a blessing in disguise for him. Shedinja was hovering around Axel with a concerned look.

Then he heard it again.

"Run to the left". The female voice again. First, he was having a repetitive dream, then he had visions now he was hearing stuff. Axel didn't know what the hell was happening to him but he took the voice's advice and ran to the left.

Shedinja was guarding Axel with shadow sneak. After running for a couple of minutes they came in contact with 2 Venusaur and 1 Exeggutor. The Venusaur were rare ranked but Exeggutor was an elemental rank Pokemon. This was the first time his hallucination was wrong.

Axel threw 2 Pokeball and out came Nidorino and Charmeleon. Beedrill was badly hurt by the attack so he could not use it. The only strong Pokemons in his team were Nidorino and Charmeleon.

"Marcus, 'Hyponsis', and 'Shadow ball'"

"Nidorino, 'Horn Drill'"

"Charmeleon, 'Sunny day', 'Solar power', and 'Flamethrower'"

Shedinja started to fight with the elemental-ranked Exeggutor. It was spamming both 'Hypnosis' and 'Shadow ball' at regular intervals. Shedinja was on the winning side.

But Nidorino and Charmeleon were not doing so well. 'Horn Drill' missed and Axel told it to use 'Thunder shock' and 'Horn Attack'. Repeated use of 'Horn Drill' would deplete Nidorino's stamina and it cannot use 'Earthquake' as all of them were in close proximity and the move would also affect Charmeleon.

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