

The momentum I was building was rapidly declining, and when I thought all was done and I was going to fail this Breakthrough, the eyes of my Nascent Soul opened up, and it howled like a beast enraged.

Immediately, the dispersing Qi has forcefully gathered again, it spiraled and roiled within me, coiling back into the Nascent Soul.

It then began gaining more details to it, the Nascent Soul that was at first closely resembling me in my younger days, became an exact copy of myself with the addition of a few Serpentinian scales that appeared and disappeared every now and then from on top of its skin.

The Nascent Soul then shuddered, shook and like a snake shedding, the nascent soul literally pealed itself from itself.

Leaving a husk of a body, a full skin on the ground while the creature that emerged from inside was a young man that looked no older than twenty.

It stood up from the throne, and walked away from the shed skin, then howled once.

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