
June Stuff ... Talk Show and Sh*t (2) (SKIPPABLE FILLER)

(cont'd) ((AUTHOR's NOTE: Don't take Tayaw's opinions on women seriously.)

"Wow… That sure killed the room, huh…" Tayaw says to Aiden after looking around.

"Huh.. Sure did. HAHA!" Aiden tries to cheer himself up.

"Well. What do I know? Don't listen to me. I'm an idiot, AND a kid, who isn't even 20 yet. I know nothing." Tayaw shrugs while eyeing the same ladies who are giving him hostile gazes. He almost chuckles as he saw them get angered more.

"If that's how you think. Then you'd really have a hard time in the future once you finally decide to start a family." Aiden says.

"Maybe. And maybe, something will change my mind. But for now, I'm still young. I'd rather stay single than get together with the wrong person. I have a lot of fun things to do to be distracted by heartbreak." Tayaw says.

*applause* the men in the audience sympathize with Tayaw. 

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