


THE SOUND OF PLATES shattering was heard throughout the silent halls of the mansion. The maids rush inside the room to see Catalina's fingers bleeding. The food they served her was now on the ground, and her hands were trembling in fear as she continues to pick the shattered pieces of the plate.

"Where is she?" a man who appears at the doorframe asks.

"She's been like this after hearing about the punishment." Matilda – Catalina's butler – says to the man who he called so he could help with the mistress. The maids move aside as Tobias enters his sister's bedroom. He rushes to her side and pulls her hand away from the mess. He then takes out his handkerchief before wrapping it around her fingers.

"What are you doing sister? Father is arriving soon." Tobias says, his heart beating fast when he saw the bloodstains on her dress that came from her wounded fingers. Catalina doesn't say anything, so Tobias looks back at the maids who were standing behind him, "Please hand me the first-aid kit." he says in a hurry, and Matilda nods her head and runs towards the door. But as she was about to take a step out, a man blocks her way, widening her eyes in shock and fear.

"M-Master Adam!" She says, immediately bowing at the sight of him. Everyone was also surprised to see him, but they all bowed to him and said nothing.

Adam doesn't say anything either as he approaches his children.

Tobias immediately stands up and blocks Catalina so he could face their father and say, "It just slipped out of her hand father. She didn't mean to make a mess."

Adam looks at his dear son and touches his cheek softly, "My sweet innocent child. How ignorant you must be."


"Head back to your room," Adam commands as he pulls his hand away from him.

"But father..." Tobias persists, and Adam's expression changed into anger that Tobias was forced to shut his mouth and move away. He looks back at her sister in defeat and clenches his fist before walking out of the room.

The maids left as well, and as soon as they closed the door, a loud slap was heard.

And then another slap.

And another.

It continued until the hallway was silent again.


Everyone was eating breakfast the next day. It would have been a peaceful morning, but the siblings couldn't stop but glance back at their sister's face. It almost looked like she was beaten up by someone, but they knew who did it, and they can't do anything about it.

"Your expressions are unpleasant. Is that how you should look when facing your father?" Adam asks, and like a switch was flipped, all their expressions changed. Tobias smiles like a sweet boy that he should be. Chance looks like he was having the best time of his life, while Cyrus sat in silence while drinking his coffee like a gentleman.

"Luis," Adam calls out, and Luis walks to his side with no hesitation.

"Hand me the reports from yesterday's bidding. I want to see how high the bid was on Chance. Usually Chance gets the highest bid." Adam says, and Luis nods his head and walks back to where he's usually standing. He then looks back at Chance and tells him, "Do you know why you got punished?"

Chance's expression doesn't falter as he answers, "It's because I messed around with a detective."

"That's right, that detective named Hans. I already told you before, we are not to get close to detectives, lawyers, and police officers, is that clear to all of you?" Adam asks, and everyone answers in unison, "Yes father."

"I hope your brother's punishment becomes a warning for all of you." He says before looking back at his daughter this time, "And stop acting soft Catalina. Did we not raise you right? You almost cried during Chance's live punishment. Do you know how embarrassing that was on my part? All my investors were there and they expect nothing but a strong will from my vice-president." He says, and Catalina sits straight and slowly nods her head, "I greatly apologize father. It will not happen again."

"Good." He says before taking his coffee and drinking from it, "You'll be coming with me today. I'll bring you to the main house so you could get a more fitting punishment."

All the siblings stop what they were doing to look back at Adam with shock.

"What do you mean father?" Catalina asks, her fingers now trembling again.

Chance holds onto his sister's hand under the table to ease her. Then he looks back at their father and asks too, "Why are you bringing her to the main house father? The next punishment is the Saint punishment, is it not?"

Adam continues to take a sip of his coffee before answering, "I realized that getting whipped won't be enough of a punishment for a boss like Catalina. The gentleman punishment will surely toughen her up."

"Toughen her up?" Cyrus finally says, and the siblings look back at him, their eyes saying that he should just keep his mouth shut like always.

"Is there a problem with that?" Adam asks him.

"Father, Catalina has not been punished for two years now. Her last punishment was also the gentleman punishment. Her loved ones were killed because of it. She does not need-" Adam immediately cuts Cyrus off and says, "They were all killed because she couldn't kill her target. It was just a child inside her womb. It's not even alive yet. If you ask me that was the easiest kill in the Delton history."

"Father, that was HER child," Cyrus says, emphasizing the word her to remind him that it was definitely alive regardless of whether the child was already born or not.

"Cyrus, it seems like I've been too nice to you. You haven't been punished for seven years and I hear nothing but praise when they mention your name. But that does not mean you are allowed to disrespect me like this." Adam says, and Cyrus glances at his siblings before taking a deep breath and calming his nerves.

"I apologize father." Cyrus immediately says.

"Well, it is a gentleman's role to worry about his family so I'll let this slide for now." Adam tells him before looking back at Catalina, "But there is still good in it. At least you'll be able to see your mother. That woman's been complaining about not seeing her children enough." Adam casually tells him before standing from his seat.

"I heard you'll be having a photoshoot later. Tell them Catalina can't attend it because she's unwell. But I expect the rest of you to do your best and answer the interview according to your roles. Do not disappoint me again." He tells them.

"Yes, father." Everyone answers in unison.

"Come along now Catalina." Adam then tells her, and Catalina thanked the food and followed her father out. As soon as they were gone, the dining room was completely silent. Everyone knew what each of them was thinking, but no one said a word. In this household, you cannot speak your mind. What may only come out of it is according to one's role.

"May I suggest that the three masters talk in private?" Luis suddenly says, making everyone who was still there look at him with surprise. "To talk about the interview of course," Luis calmly adds, and the three siblings immediately stand from their seats to follow Luis to a private room in the mansion.

"I'll watch outside. You may take your time." Luis says as he takes out the master key of the mansion to open the door. Chance thanked their loyal butler, and the three enter the room.

"This is madness." Chance says the moment they close the door behind them. "Catalina does not need another punishment. When will our father understand that?" Chance continues to say, and Cyrus walks around the empty room and answers, "Our father wants what is best for the family."

"Oh don't give me that bullshit." Chance says as he looks at Cyrus with an irritated expression.

"Well who got punished last night? Was it me?" Cyrus asks, and Chance slaps him because of complete anger. But Cyrus doesn't say anything. He'll receive all of their anger and frustrations and endure it. After all, what right does he have to complain about? He's not their real brother anyway.

"Let's not fight. Please." Tobias says, and the two men look back at their youngest.

"Oh yeah, we have our father's favorite right here. What now little Tobi? You're gonna smile and nod your head again like always?" Chance asks, and Tobias's expression changes, "You think I fucking want to do all that? Do you think I like pleasing him?"

Chance smirks and pinches Tobias's cheek, "There's the real Tobias Delton that we know. Imagine father's reaction if he finds out about his saint being not so saintly after all." He says, and Tobias pushes Chance's hand away in anger.

"You know, this is pointless. All of Catalina's loved ones are already dead. Good luck finding another person who she cares about." Chance says as he walks towards the door, "I'll get ready for our photoshoot. I'll see you, gentlemen, later," he finishes before leaving the room.

Cyrus sighs and massages his temple. He glances at Tobias but doesn't say anything before walking towards the door too. But he suddenly halts when Tobias grabs his hand to stop him.

"I couldn't say anything because Chance was here," Tobias tells him. "You do know about him being a watcher right?" He continues, but Cyrus didn't want to be a part of any of this. He pulls Tobias's hand away from him and walks away, but Tobias grabs his arm again.

"I can't do this anymore Cyrus. Please just listen." He says, and Cyrus takes a deep breath and pulls his arm away from Tobias again, but this time, he looks back at him and says, "Catalina will be choosing Adam's picture in her punishment. Mother will be choosing him as the wildcard."

Tobias's eyes widen from surprise. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

"What did you say? Has she lost her mind? Is that even allowed?" He asks him, but Cyrus doesn't answer. His silence made Tobias realize it himself.

"No, it's not. She's just avenging Cat." He says, and Cyrus brushes his hair back with his fingers like he couldn't believe it either.

"Mother always favored our sister. Punishing Catalina before was already hard on her. She feels that this is the only thing she could do for her." Cyrus explains, and Tobias still couldn't believe what he's hearing.

"How did you know about this?"

"Luis told me," Cyrus answers with no hesitation, making Tobias now doubt if that was true or not.

"You trust him too much. That's going to backfire on you, Cyrus." Tobias tells him, and Cyrus laughs upon hearing him say that.

"And you trust no one at all. That's going to backfire on you too Tobias." Cyrus answers and Tobias just scratches his head aggressively because of irritation.

"You do know that even if father's her target she'll never have a chance, and they will never forgive mother for the treachery that she committed. Things will only become worse." Tobias says, but he suddenly stops, and then his eyes widen like he just had an idea.

"Unless..." Cyrus looks at him with furrowed brows. Tobias hasn't said anything yet, but Cyrus already has an idea of what he might be thinking.

"I want to make a deal with you." Tobias spits out, surprising Cyrus.

"Don't..." He tried to say, but Tobias moves closer to him and persists, "You can't decline a deal. That's your role."

Cyrus curses under his breath and looks at Tobias seriously.

"You do know what it means to make a deal with me right? Blood has to be shed." Cyrus reminds him, but the youngest perfectly knew about that.

"I want you to get us out of here. I want you to free us." Tobias says, and the moment Cyrus heard of his request, he knew that it was already impossible.

"You know I can't do that. I can't just-"

"I'll kill our father," Tobias reveals, and Cyrus's heart almost dropped. Never in a million years did he imagine that he'd hear such treachery from Tobias. From the son who was favored by that very same father whom he was willing to kill.

"I'm his favorite. I'm the only one who can enter his room. If I kill him and get caught, I'll tell them I was fulfilling a favor. They can't punish me for that." Tobias continues to explain, and Cyrus was just left speechless.

"I can do this. I'm a gentleman, remember?" Tobias asks him, and Cyrus reminded him again, "A gentleman doesn't kill with his own hands. He has to ask the saint for that."

"Then isn't that perfect?" Tobias asks him again since Tobias was also the saint of the family. Cyrus knew that there was no point arguing about that now.

"The deal will only take effect once you show me blood. That's how you deal with the devil." Cyrus says, and Tobias nods his head and answers, "You don't have to worry. I've been preparing for this my entire life."

Tobias and Cyrus shook their hands, sealing the deal between them. When they let go of each other, Tobias nods his head and walks away. But when he was about to grab the doorknob, Cyrus tells him, "Then I'll ask a favor for you in exchange."

The boy stops. Without looking back, he asks him, "What is it?"

"Use poison as homage for our sister." He says, and Tobias couldn't help but smirk upon hearing the request.

"Well, you have to watch over me now brother. That's why father gave you that role." He answers him instead.

"Haven't I always done that?"

Tobias continues to smirk as Cyrus asks, "Do you even know the consequences of what you're about to do?"

The smirk on Tobias's face vanishes, and the gentleman inside him appears. With no second thought, he looks over his shoulder and says, "Oh I'm counting on it."

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