

CYRUS DOESN'T SAY A word. He stares back at me with his empty eyes. But the longer I stare at them, the more I realize that I should look away. His stare almost melted me. I was supposed to be the one to intimidate him, but the tables immediately turned before I could even do anything drastic.

I let go of his necktie and turn around so I could leave.

This was a mistake. What the hell was I even thinking?

"Scared?" I hear Cyrus ask, grabbing my hand as fast as he could so I wouldn't be able to leave. It was just a single word, but the hair on my skin stood up. How could such a simple word make me feel so small?

"No one walks away from me like that." He continues to say, pulling me so hard I was forced to look back at him again. I try to pull my hand away but his grip's just too strong. I immediately give up because I knew there was no point in even trying.

"You want me to answer your question, am I correct?" He then asks, making me freeze in place. So he immediately saw through my intentions. He's good; that I'm now sure of. No wonder everyone's so scared of him. Fooling him is basically impossible.

Cyrus smirks and lets go of my hand. His awful state was transformed into something playful in an instant. He brushes his hair back with his fingers and drapes his arm on the top back pillow of the sofa. Now he's trying to intimidate me. His simple gestures shouted it.

"Then let me see how desperate you want it...Mr. detective." He tells me with a low voice that brought chills down my spine.

"How would I know that you won't lie to me? After all, you're a gentleman. And like what you said, gentlemen are the best liars." I ask, and the question makes Cyrus smile in amusement.

"It depends on how good you are in pleasing me. As good as I am at lying, I'll give an answer that is worthy of your performance." He answers, and the way he said it made me feel uneasy.

I take a deep breath and try to clear my mind. This is not how I thought this would go down, but this is a chance for me to understand all that's happening. If I could know why he wanted to kill Boris, then I think I'd have a better understanding of this family, or maybe just how Cyrus simply thinks.

"You're no one's favorite, am I correct?" I ask him out of the blue, and Cyrus seemed surprised by it. He didn't expect that I'd know that information. I have to thank Luis later.

Cyrus doesn't really seem mad when he heard my claim, but he doesn't look happy either. He's just waiting for me to say something else. That's what he's always been doing. Waiting. He's always waiting for what I'll do next. He's like a predator waiting for his prey.

"Then let me show you how good it feels to be someone's favorite." I bravely tell him, finally daring to walk towards him again. This was a trap and I knew it. But I have to know the answer to my question no matter what the cause.

"You do know that I'm a man right?" I point out to him, and he smiles like I was an idiot.

"I'm well aware of that," he answers me, "But are you willing to do what you're about to do just for that small information? Are you that desperate for it?" He asks next.

He doesn't really say anything further, but it felt like he was looking down on me. I know that in his eyes I'm just another slut who's willing to fuck him for money. I was a speck of dust that he doesn't really care about.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I don't know him personally. He doesn't know me either. He doesn't even know my real name. Fucking someone you don't know is as easy as killing a stranger. Cyrus is a stranger to me. If he wasn't, I wouldn't be doing such a shameless thing.

"Well, when else would I be able to fuck a billionaire?" I ask, finally heading back to where he was so I could sit on his lap. I'm so close to him that I could already smell the cologne on his neck. I could smell the scent of cigarettes too, which surprised me because I didn't know he smoked.

Cyrus doesn't say anything and watches me carefully.

I grab him by the shoulder and take a deep breath before looking back at his intimidating eyes. His stare could melt me. I touch his chest, his warm temperature making me remember that he's a living person. It made me remember that this was all real. That this was really happening.

Now, what was I supposed to do next? I think my hand's trembling, and I'm terrified that he'll notice it. I don't want him to think that I couldn't even do something so simple. I was willing to kill for him without question earlier. How was this any different?

Cyrus must have realized that I've been hesitating, so he suddenly grabs me by the waist and adjusts himself so his bulge could touch mine. He wasn't turned on yet; neither was I. This situation isn't exactly something that was worth getting turned on for.

"Move." He commands in my ear, making me flinch.

I gulp and grip on his shoulder before finally doing what I was told to do.

I shamelessly rub myself against him, moving my hips slowly. Even though we're both wearing pants, I can still feel the contact.

His cock starts getting bigger. I could feel it beneath me. Cyrus breathes heavily near my ear, and the hold on my waist gets tighter. He pushes me down. He wanted to feel me so bad I thought our pants would produce fire by how hard it was being rubbed against each other.

Cyrus was still staring at me as I rub against him; his intense stare made me feel hot and bothered. He pulls me closer to him, and to my surprise, he kisses my neck and starts sucking on it.

I try to push him away. He's trying to put a hickey on me and I don't want it. But Cyrus won't let go. He's like a vampire that's sucking my blood. I wouldn't even be surprised if he starts biting me.

After sucking on my neck, he pulls away and smirks in satisfaction. He licks the mark that he had just left on me, his hot tongue making me shiver. He then starts moving my waist on his own so I could rub against him faster. Cyrus takes out a deep breath and grits on his teeth. I slowly get consumed by the intense feeling that I kept on denying when I sat on top of him.

It's so fucking good.

Cyrus pulls me close to him again and kisses my shoulder, and then down to my chest. Then, he hangs my necktie on my left shoulder and starts licking my nipples. Even though I was still wearing my shirt, I could still feel the heat of his tongue. He licks and sucks on it so hard that wet marks appear on my shirt. I grab a fist full of his hair, but he still doesn't stop. At this point, I don't even want him to.

A moan itches its way out of my mouth, but I bit down my lower lip just so I couldn't make a sound. I didn't want to surrender to him just yet.

When Cyrus was done licking me, his good hand suddenly snakes its way towards my ass. He squeezes it before sliding his hand inside my pants. My heart almost drops when I felt his finger getting closer to my entrance.

The grip I had on his shoulder tightens, and just after a second, Cyrus stops. The action confused me so I immediately let go of his shoulder. I thought it was hurting him, but Cyrus didn't stop because of that. He pulls his hand away from my pants and stares at me. It's only now that I realize that tears were suddenly falling out of my eyes when I felt something warm stream down my cheek.

"Pathetic." He coldly tells me, but his action was contradicting because he reaches out and wipes the tears off my cheeks with his hand. He even made sure the blood on his knuckles wouldn't stain my face.

"You reacted badly as well when I kissed your hand before. I knew your determination was just from the heat of the moment, that's why I didn't want to do anything rash. I was just testing the waters." He says, and then he suddenly fixes my coat and adjusts my necktie.

He shows me his hand afterward. I stare at it for a second before grabbing it. Cyrus surprisingly helps me get off him. He's still a gentleman even after what happened. I'm impressed. But thanks to my sudden emotional disfunction, it was my turn to not say a word.

Cyrus brushes his hair back and sighs. He takes the handkerchief on the table and cleans off the blood on his knuckles. Without looking back at me, he suddenly starts, "While I was talking to president Boris, I realized something important."

The sudden shift of topic surprises me. I didn't expect him to actually answer my question right after what happened.

"I realized how he despised our family. He knew we needed his company. He knew we needed an extra hand to attract more foreign investors, but he declined us each time we asked for help. He only recently accepted to negotiate with us just days after our father died. He knew we'd mess it up. He knew how to play the game since he thought he'd be playing with rookies and our father was the master. But he got it all wrong." Cyrus explains, throwing the blood-covered handkerchief away so he could look back at me.

"President Boris had a plan. After negotiating with us, I knew he had something else in store. He wanted us out of the game, and I wasn't going to allow that to happen." Cyrus explains further.

"Why didn't you tell Catalina about this? If you knew all this then you could have-"

Cyrus immediately stops me as he continues, "I don't have to please my siblings. That's Tobi's job. I only have to do my job well. It doesn't matter if they agree with my decisions or not. I learned all that when my own father made me-" Cyrus then stops before he could say anything further.

So that was the reason. I knew it wasn't just because of Chance. Cyrus wasn't the type of man to just kill someone just because of that shallow reason.

"But why did you ask me to kill him? According to Luis, you broke a rule by asking me to do it." I ask. It's another question that I hope he wouldn't try to avoid.

"I wanted you to see." He simply answers me. And based on how he answered the question, I know he isn't going to explain anything further.

I don't know what he wants me to exactly see, but I do understand something else out of everything that he just explained to me.

"Are you telling me people outside the mansion could also be a possible suspect to whoever killed your father?" I ask, and Cyrus nods his head to confirm it.

"Do you have anyone else in mind so I'd know who else to suspect?" I ask, and Cyrus smiles again and answers me, "Don't worry. There will be more chances for you to please me. Maybe just not through this way."

"Alright. I'll wait for it." I answer.

I was now about to leave since my business here is over, but Cyrus calls out for me again and asks; "I answered your question, now you have to answer mine."

I gulp the moment he told me those words. I knew what he was going to ask.

"Why did you cry?" He asks like how I expected him to.

I don't answer for a few seconds, but I know that it's only right to answer him since he already answered mine. "Like you...my past isn't as beautiful as others may think."

I thought Cyrus was going to push me to explain further, but he nods his head and respected my answer.

"Alright, this discussion is over. The bell will ring soon. Go to your room before you get caught." He says, and I nod my head and finally walk away from him.

When I was close to the door, he suddenly asks me something again, "How many surprising tricks do you still have Mr. Carter?"

I smile and don't look back at him as I answer, "There's plenty more where that came from."

"Will you be showing one of them to me again?" He continues to ask.

I chuckle and open the door. I was about to answer him, but then I make a sudden halt when two men standing outside the room welcomed me. Their uniform's similar to what I was wearing. It has the Delton logo as well, but it isn't black but in a shade of dark red mixed with gold linings instead. And for some strange reason, they look a lot more intimidating than the other guards that I've seen so far.

Who the hell are they?

"We're here for Master Cyrus Delton." One of them tells me.

I was about to turn around to tell Cyrus he has visitors, but Cyrus was already up on his feet. He gently pushes me aside and faces the men himself.

"The bell hasn't rung yet." He tells them, confusing me even more.

What the hell is going on?

The two men don't even look bothered. Not like the other guards, these two didn't show any fear. They aren't scared of Cyrus at all. And if my judgment is correct, it seems like Cyrus is the one who's actually afraid of them.

"The mistress would like to see you. Your behavior, decisions, and actions earlier made her very displeased." The other man states.

Mistress? These guys aren't Catalina's guards, so who are they referring to?

"As you have been aware of master Cyrus, even you are not exempted by the punishments of breaking a family rule." The man says, surprising me even more.

Did he just say-

"Clean yourself up and represent your role well. Your punishment awaits gentleman so get ready." He continues, the statement making my eyes widen from shock and fear.


Is this it?

Is this what Cyrus wanted me to see?

"Cyrus knows that you have to come out and investigate sooner or later, but he's still not ready to risk it. Wait for his signal, and ready yourself after. Because what you're seeing now...doesn't even compare to what you'll find in this god-forsaken mansion." – Luis

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