

I OPEN THE DOOR of my hotel room. Catalina called me last night and asked for my measurements and address. I gave her my measurements and told her I didn't exactly live around this city so I'm staying at a hotel nearby. I didn't know why she asked about the address, but I found out soon enough when someone knocked on my door the next morning. I was surprised to see a large box waiting for me outside my door.

I look at the left hall, then at the right, but no one was there.

I take the strange box from the floor and carry it to my room. It wasn't heavy, so at least now I know it's not a bomb. I place the box on top of my bed and open it. Inside was actually the suit that Catalina was talking about yesterday. The uniform was what a typical bodyguard would use, but it had a golden letter D in a fancy font on the left side of the coat. The necktie had one too. Apparently, when she said uniform, she really meant uniform.

There was also a pair of shoes, an earpiece, and surprisingly enough, a gun.

When the box was now empty, I was supposed to just throw it aside, but thankfully I saw the lid and saw an envelope attached to it. I pull the envelope off the lid and open it. Inside is a letter that says:

Dear Mr. Vincent Carter,

Good Day. Your uniform and equipment are inside, and it is custom-made for your liking. If you need anything else, we will gladly provide them to you. I will give you Master Cyrus's schedule once you arrive at the mansion. You are expected to be here at exactly 8:30 AM. A car will be waiting for you outside at 7:30. Please, do not be late.

I am excited to personally meet you. See you soon.

- Luis Fletcher

I put down the letter and look at the clock on the wall. My eyes widen from shock when I realize that it was already 7:18 AM.

"Shit!" I curse, immediately running towards the bathroom to take a five-minute bath. Afterward, I wore the uniform and earpiece, tuck the gun in my pants that conveniently had a gun holder, and shove the little number of things I have inside my suitcase.

It's already 7:30 so I ran out of my room, use the elevator, and check out from my hotel room before finally reaching the main entrance where I saw a luxury car waiting outside.

I was panting heavily as a man – who was wearing a different uniform as mine, but has the same letter D logo on it – was waiting outside the said car. When he was able to spot me, he approaches me and says, "Mr. Vincent Carter, you're late. You were expected to already be here early."

"Well, the box you guys gave me didn't exactly get sent to my room early either," I answer back, mentally cursing at myself because I'm not really supposed to answer anyone back. I'm the silent and mysterious-type remember?

"I mean, my apologies." I immediately correct myself, and the man doesn't say anything anymore and opens the back door of the car for me instead.

I got inside the car, and both of us went on our merry way. The driver wasn't much of a talker, not like my buddy Russ, so the entire ride was dead silent. I obviously didn't mind that he wasn't a talker, but he could have turned on some music at least.

"So, is the mansion far?" I ask out of nowhere.

Seriously, Elliot, you should shut up.

"No." The driver simply answers.

"Are you perhaps Luis Fletcher? The one who wrote the letter?" I continue to ask for some apparent reason.

Elliot Huxley. Silent and Mysterious remember? Silent and mysterious!

"No." He answers again.

"Can't you say anything else but no?" I stupidly ask him. The driver doesn't say anything to me anymore, but he glares at me through the rearview mirror instead, obviously annoyed now.

Alright. Now it's time to shut the fuck up.

I have to prepare myself for what's about to happen. I've been exercising last night, and I've also been researching about the Delton's; watching their interviews and public speeches, and reading articles about them and their company. I have to know every inch about that family to get to the tight spots that no one else has gone through yet.

I'm about to infiltrate the largest and securest mansion in the country after all, so I have to be prepared. It is said that there are at least fifty guards inside, and fifty butlers and house help. That's a hundred different people that don't have the surname Delton. Of course, I'm not excluding them in my investigation. We could be focusing on the Delton's when in fact Adam Delton's killer was a mere gardener or a cook since it was poison who killed him. The mansion is so big we'll never really know until we find the right pieces of evidence.

Anyway, I still have to focus on the main suspect first, which is Cyrus. I'll be with him most of the time, but on the sideline, I still have to keep an eye out on the other three. Currently, the sketchiest one of them all is none other than the youngest, which is Tobias. I hate fake innocence, and I hate it even more when they're so good at it that they're able to fool the ones who are stupid enough to believe them.

If I didn't know about his family, I could have been one of those stupid people who would end up believing in his innocent act. And knowing that such a young kid could have fooled me pisses me off even more.

If a boy like him was close enough into fooling someone like me, then he has a high chance of fooling others into thinking he has no capability of killing his own father at all.

"We're here Mr. Carter." The driver announces as he stops in front of a large gate that had a letter D in the middle. It has the same font with the letter D on our uniforms.

We drove for half an hour just to get here. The driver wasn't lying when he said this place wasn't so far, but what caught my attention was the fact that it was hidden. We literally went into the woods. I thought the driver was going to drive me in the middle of nowhere to murder me, but in fact, the said mansion really is located here.

I look out of the window in full curiosity. You couldn't really search for an actual picture of the Delton mansion, and I understand that for their security purposes. But that only made me feel more anxious to see why this mansion is such a big deal.

"You're not allowed to take pictures inside and outside the mansion. Those are the rules." The driver warns me.

While we were waiting, three men who were wearing the same uniform as I was, inspects the car while another man checks the driver's I.D. This mansion might be so enormous that the people inside don't even recognize each other.

"Who's the one at the back?" The guard asks the driver.

"He's Vincent Carter. I believe sir Luis was able to inform you about him." The driver explains, and the man heads to my side of the door and knocks on my window.

I put down my window and look at him with a serious expression. I'm guessing that smiling at this guard wouldn't do me any good anyway.

"Where's your identification card sir?" He asks me, and I immediately reach out for my wallet so I could give him my fake I.D. He scans the I.D, glances at me, and hands me back the card afterward.

"Alright, open the gate!" The guard shouts, and like it was some kind of magic word, the gate opens.

Is this even a mansion? This feels more like a prison.

The gate finally opens, and the grumpy driver drives inside. I lean out of my now open window to get a better look, and boy was I not prepared for what I saw. The mansion was HUGE, and when I say huge, I mean insanely enormous.

"This isn't a mansion. This is a fucking castle!" I practically shout, and I could see the driver finally show a little emotion as a smile escaped from his mouth.

"Some say that this place is more fitting to be called Delton Estate than a mansion, but there's a reason behind that. The Delton's have lived here for over a century, and I've heard this started as a small mansion, but every time new generations of Delton's arrive, they would renovate and add more parts of the house, so now we have this massive structure. But since it was first called the Delton Mansion, the family never changed it. It always fascinates me every time I see it." The driver explains to me, which actually surprised me because I never thought he would be giving me history lessons.

"You're telling me only one of the four siblings will inherit this? They can all live here." I ask, but it was not a question directed to the driver.

The driver parks the car in front of the mansion, and strangely enough, he heads out of the car to open the door for me.

"Very gentleman-like," I comment as I finally step out of the car with my suitcase, stretching my arms and legs a little before finally admiring what was in front of me.

The moment I step out of the car, an old man comes out from the main entrance of the mansion with two maids walking behind him. He approaches me with a smile and says, "Good morning Mr. Vincent Carter. Welcome to the Delton Mansion." He offers me his hand, so I shake it while staring at him.

"You must be Luis Fletcher," I assume, and the old man smiles and pulls his hand away.

"I'm glad you read the letter. And yes, my name is Luis. I am master Cyrus's personal butler since he was a mere infant. I know a lot about the master, so if you have any questions about him then please don't hesitate to ask me." Luis informs me.

I give him a smile and a quick nod as a form of thank you.

"Now please follow me, the master is already waiting for you," Luis says, gesturing for me to walk with him. I nod my head again, and both of us walked inside the mansion.

The first thing that you'll notice is the marble floor that was waxed to perfection to the point where you could literally see your reflection if you look down. The inside was a classic 80 percent wood interior, and yellow light. It was definitely elegant looking. And for some reason, jazz music was heard throughout the halls. Maids were rushing around holding dirty clothes while butlers cleaned windows and picture frames. It was a busy house, but for some reason, it still makes you feel lonely.

"Master Cyrus has just woken up so I suggest you don't say anything bothersome. He gets a little...cranky...early in the morning." Luis says, immediately making me look at him to stop myself from admiring the place.

"Cranky is such a childish word," I say, my eyes instantly widening from shock when I realize that I actually said those words out loud.

Thankfully, Luis just laughs it off.

"I suppose, but my master is sometimes childish. He may be tough and intimidating on the outside, but inside there is a child still yearning for his father. I hope you understand that even though months have passed, the master is still at lost with his father's sudden death, so I hope you try your best to understand him." Luis suddenly explains to me.

I don't really understand why he had to say it because I'm just a bodyguard. I'm not even supposed to talk to him, but why is Luis making it sound like I signed up to be Cyrus's best friend instead?

"I'll do my best," I answer anyway because it would be awkward if I don't say anything.

Luis and I now headed upstairs. There were two stairs, like the one you see in the movies where the prince and the princess meet at the bottom of the staircase so they could dance in front of the guests. In the middle of the stairs was an enormous portrait of the Delton family. I'm guessing the man sitting in the middle is Adam, and the four children beside him are Cyrus and the others.

I wanted to ask why a mother wasn't present on the picture, but I think it's too personal for a question to be asked on the first day, so I'll save it for future conversations.

"The four masters live here, and all have their own bodyguards and butlers, so there is no reason for you to interfere with the others. All you have to do is focus on master Cyrus." Luis explains next as we were now walking down the long hallway on the second floor.

"I understand." I immediately answer him.

While we were walking, I notice a door being guarded by two large men wearing the same suit as I was. I didn't really ask anything, but Luis glances at me and says, "That is master Chance's room."

"I see," I say, staring at the guards who were also staring back at me.

So he already has two guards, but he was still offering me the same job?

"Don't worry, I'll tour you around the mansion during your free time. By then I'll be showing you your room, but that also depends on the master. He might want you to be in a room close to his." Luis explains next.

"But where do his guards usually stay?" I now ask, just curious because Cyrus might be an evil asshole that makes his guards sleep at the stables.

"Actually," Luis starts before he releases a chuckle, "The master doesn't have guards."

I stop myself from walking the moment I heard Luis's answer.

"W-What did you just say?" I ask, shock present in my voice.

Luis looks at me confusingly, but he answers me again, "Well the master has never hired a bodyguard for the last seventeen years. Of course, he had a few when he was younger, but when he grew up, he fired them all. I'm actually surprised he hired you. I'm guessing he wants a bodyguard now because of what happened to his father, and I saw your résumé, it was very impressive, I-"

As Luis continued talking, my whole world started spinning. I thought I was about to faint.

This can't be fucking happening. Something's not right here.

"The best way is to get inside the Delton Mansion. It's one of the most secure mansions in the country. Getting in is hard, but we won't be doing it by force. Our agent reported to us that Cyrus's personal bodyguard was fired last week. This is the perfect opportunity for you to come in." I remember chief Philip say when he first gave me the mission.

If Cyrus never had a bodyguard in the first place, then agent Carlos was lying. Or worse, he wasn't lying. Because Cyrus himself-

"What are you standing there for?" A voice suddenly asks, making me flinch.

Luis was surprised by the person standing behind me, but he immediately brushes his surprised expression away and changes it into a smile, "Good morning mistress Catalina." He greets.

I sigh when I realize that it wasn't Cyrus. I then turn around to face Catalina, who was standing with a woman who was wearing the same uniform as Luis. This must be her personal butler.

"I'm glad you've arrived safely, Vince." She says, surprised that she actually bothered to even remember my name.

"Thank you for having me here...mistress Catalina," I tell her with a quick bow. She doesn't smile, she doesn't frown either, she just kept her expression neutral as she studies me from head to toe.

"I'm glad the uniform fits you well. My brother will definitely be pleased." She says, and the mere mention of her brother made me gulp.

She approaches me, walking closer as the woman standing behind her follows. When she was an arm's length, she stops and says, "I hope you find what you're looking for Vincent Carter."

My eyes widen from shock. Catalina pats my shoulder, and for the first time, she smirks and walks past me, leaving without saying anything else.

I stood frozen in my place. These people...they know why I'm here. They tricked Carlos into believing that he hasn't been caught yet. They knew the police were going to send someone here.

I gulp, looking at the long hallway and trying to remember where the exit was. I can make a run for it now, and I have a gun with at least seven bullets. But after seeing all the guards earlier, I don't think I'll make it past the gate alive even if I get to shoot some of them.

I was fooled.

There's no way out of this. I should have already known that by how Cyrus interviewed me yesterday.

I'm the fool.

"Mr. Carter?" Luis asks while patting my shoulder. I flinch and turn back around to face him, "R-Restroom...do you have a restroom here? I really need to go." I lie.

Luis looks at me confusingly, but then he blinks and his expression became serious. He gestures his hand in the hallway and says, "There, at the far end of the hallway."

I nod and smile at him, trying my best not to show my growing panic, "I'll be right back." I tell him before walking away, then my walk turned into a jog, and I was inside the restroom in a blink of an eye.

As soon as I lock the door, I open my suitcase and take out the phone Carlos gave to me yesterday. There were only three numbers that I could contact; Carlos, Chief Philip, and Detective Hans. I immediately dialled chief Philip's number. Thankfully after two rings he picks up the phone.

"Huxley?" He asks the moment he picks up the phone.

I pace around the restroom as I explain the situation as softly as I could so no one could hear me outside, "T-They know. They fucking know why I'm here. I have to get out of this freakin' mansion."

"Wait, calm down Huxley." He says, making me stop walking so I could take a deep breath.

"So you're telling me you're inside the Delton Mansion? And for some unknown reason, they know about you being an undercover agent." Chief Philip says, and I stare at myself in the mirror in front of the sink and answer him, "Yes. They knew Carlos was an agent. They lied about Cyrus firing his bodyguard because they knew he's going to report that to us and we'll send someone here, which is unfortunately me."

I could hear chief Philip sigh on the other line, "Well they're not trying to kill you yet are they?" He asks, and that was a question that was absolutely not necessary anymore.

"You want me to wait here until they fucking do?" I ask him, my voice getting louder now, so I sigh and continue, "I can't stay here longer. This mansion, it's enormous. Something about this place is just off."

"Alright, we'll think of a way. Can you try to at least hang in there for a little longer? We'll try locating your location through the phone." Chief Philip explains, and I exhale in relief.

I continue to stare at myself in the mirror, but then, my eyes widen from shock as I saw a small hint of light. I lift my hand and touch the mirror with my index finger. I drop the phone in the sink from surprise when my finger touched its reflection.

"Huxley?" I could hear chief Philip ask through the phone.

"I-It's a two-way mirror," I say, slowly backing away, ignoring the fact that chief Philip was calling out for me.

"What the fuck is this place?" I ask, and like something snapped inside me, my inner instinct told me to finally make a run for it. Leaving my suitcase and phone behind out of panic, I swing the door open to escape. But my heart immediately dropped when I saw a tall man waiting for me outside with a menacing grin.

"Escaping on the first day? That's not very gentleman-like Mr. Carter."

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