
The last Days

I was all blue throughout the day, wallowing in mud of sadness, frustration and self-pity but I thank God the day was over and it was the first light of another day.

Exams were fast approaching, students who had the interest to pass their exams in mind better took these last days seriously. As tests and presentation would be coming from every angle.

Professor King had promised us four different tests covering every topic he taught us, and he was going to set the exam from any area. I wouldn't believe if any student in my department would stand and say he or she loves Professor King. Professor King has always been a devil to us and we all hated him for how he behaves. It wasn't as if he was the only lecturer in the University, why has his own different? Dr. Boluwade would not even mind. He had even told us the area to study for the exam hence, stopped coming to take his lectures. To him, we were meant to be studying in this period.

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