
Face your fears

Biology class

"Students, today I've decided that we will be going on a practical research this Thursday. For our next topic 'phylum Chordata' I've arranged for these animals to be brought to school and they'll be arriving early tomorrow, so be prepared, bring questions and study ahead so you'll be able to understand more when you see them. That is all" Mrs Serena said

"Thank you ma'am" we answered as the bell rang and we all left the class. Another practical I sighed, last one we did was on Kingdom plantae and it sure was boring. We've already treated this topic before but I guess she wants us to still get further understanding by using the practicals, either way we'll be seeing different creatures I'd better read so I can remember their classes and their General charscteristics

"Nora, why aren't you saying anything" I asked as we walked to our next class

"Didn't you hear what Mrs Serena said?

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