
Finalle: Payback_3!!

Its Wednesday!! Its Wednesday!!. The D-day has arrived!!.

I hopped out of bed and went to take my shower. Putting on my uniform, combing my hair and putting on some lipstick, I left for the home building.

Preparations were already talking place for the competition to commence. The head mistress and our respected teachers were supposed to be there, in order to support the history competition. Today was fire.... Sophia was ready, that's what she said when we met in the dining hall for breakfast.

The competition is taking place in the ball room, because its very big and can occupy almost all the students in Grey high.

I walked by to check on it and a podium was set up for the contestants, the time keeper and the judges. This competition is a beautiful way to test knowledge but thank God I didn't enter. I would make a fool out of my self, just imagine reading a history textbook because you don't know where the questions or what country the questions are coming from. I just hope Sophia aces this thing... Well let's wait and see.

The competition was to take place after 2nd period till lunch time so I went for my classes. Crystal looked very confident in calculus today. I bet she thinks she's got what it takes, well I'm there to prove her wrong, actually Sophia is there to prove her wrong but she's my friend so whatever. I just sat there and silently giggled with Kc. After AP calculus I went down the hallway to my English class with Liam. I think Miss Elena was more excited about the history competition than us. As always she taught with smiles on her face, I always enjoyed my English classes, we read some poems and answered comprehension questions till the period was over. I didn't want to leave just yet but it was time for the competition so we left and went to the ball room. It looked beautiful. I walked in and I saw Sophia and Crystal on the podium with a girl and two boys. I think the boys are geeks. Whatever...

I took my seat with Liam and Nora. Later on students started to enter and before we knew it, the ball room was filled with students and teachers, Even our seniors came. I didn't think they would show up, this just makes revenge taste sweeter. Later the head mistress and her assistant showed up. Then the competition began.

"Good morning students and teachers" Mr. George addressed.

"Good morning" we responded

"We are gathered here for the annual history competition which holds every time for every grade 10 class. Now we move on to our presenter for today miss Elena." Then we all clapped.

" We are always grateful to the head mistress for making it today, it boosts the spirit of the contestants just knowing that their head mistress is here just for them. A round of applause for her" then we clapped and some whistled

"In order not to waste our time let us progress to the competition, miss Elena" then miss Elena came on the podium and addressed us and then the competition officially began.

"Contestants are you ready? " she asked, their Sophia answered with a sounding yes. Then miss Elena went on to explain the rules of the competition

"Now you all are given a pen to write on the board inplaced on your stand. A question will be called for you to answer Make sure you write the answer you feel is correct. After the bell has been rung you can no longer write on your board. Your answers will be shown on the big screen with your name ontop, then the correct answer will be called by yours truely. If you get the answer correctly, 5points will be allocated to you. Your points start at 0. The time allocated to each question is 20 seconds, The audience are not allowed to chorus their answers on no account or marks will be deducted from your representative. And remember class, cheer for your representative and raise their spirits. We commence"

"Which queen had the shortest reign of Henry VIII's six wives? " then we watched as they wrote their answers and then 10 seconds later the bell rang.

Their answers showed on the big screen and then miss Elena said " the answer is Anne of cleves" they all got it. Everyone cheered and clapped

"Next question, which pioneer of hair products became America's first black female billionaire? " oh I know this one Sarah breedlove.

Bell rang, answers showed

"The answer is Sarah breedlove, who later became known as Madam CJ walker" they were all correct, except for one person... Crystal

"What was Mary Anning (1799-1847) famous for? " that's a tough one...

as usual bell rang and their answers showed

" Answer is collecting fossils, she was a palaeontologist" the other girl and Sophia got it right.

"Neil Armstrong, Buzz aldrin, and...? Who was the third astronaut involved in the Apollo 11 mission that landed on the moon? "


"The answer is Michael Collins" everyone got it right except you know who... This is the best revenge ever.

"What German dance, which sees partners spinning together in close contact was condemned as depraved when it was first seen in Regency society"


"The answer is waltz " Sophia got this one.

"Who did Norway get their independence from?? " that's easy Sweden


"The answer is Sweden " ha! I got it... Crystal didn't though... How could she fail this one??

It went on and on and on until there was a tie between crystal and the other girl Aya. The others were told to leave the podium and go back to the audience. I could already see tears in Crystal's eyes when she was coming down from the podium, she left the ball room half running and subbing... Her minions had no choice but to follow her. Poor girl... Out of 30 questions she could only get one correctly, best payback ever!!!

In the final Sophia and Aya went head on and they sometimes failed and got the questions, they are really smart and we applauded them all. This time everybody picked who they liked and cheered them on. As she was our representative we cheered at the top of our voices everytime she got or failed a question. The finals questions are really tough. I can't even answer one, this must have been the best history competition in the history of Grey high because everyone cheered for them with all their might. Even the seniors joined us.

"Students, this is the final question. Anyone who gets it this time takes the trophy home, you will be given buzzers for this question. Note that if you get the question correctly you win. But if you fail the answer, your opponent gets a chance to answer and if they get the answer correctly, they take home the trophy. If you know the answer, hit that buzzer like your life depends on it!! Are you ready!! " miss Elena roared

Everyone in the hall shouted a big Yes and then, Sophia and Aya were given buzzers.

"Now, the final question. Here it goes... What country was Nelson Mandela born? " oh..... Sophia.... The hall was running wild with emotions as everyone was chanting the name of the person they supported, It was like as if time paused, the chants became faint and all I could focus on was the person standing right at that podium. I looked at Sophia and I mouthed "You've got this" then... She smiled. Everything went back to normal and then I joined Nora and the rest and chanted Sophia's name with tears in my eyes. Then we heard a sound, The hall became quiet all of a sudden. Someone hit their buzzer.

It was Sophia! " the answer is South Africa" she said...

"South africa.... is correct! " wow!!! The hall erupted.... Confetti came down and we cheered and clapped. Sophia hugged Aya and then Mr George gave her a big trophy. She got the chance to hug the head mistress and then she recieved congratulatory handshakes from teachers, seniors and other students. Then it was our turn

We ran and engulfed her in hugs. She was crying but tears of joy.

Oh what a great day....

Later after that day we met the matron and turned ourselves in. She forgave us because of Sophia as she was present during the competition. But we were warned not to do it again.

At dinner we all got specials... Due to the presence of Sophia. I'm so happy I get to eat fried turkey... We told Maja everything that happened and she was really very happy for Sophia that she jumped on her. Georgina tried to threaten us but we told her we had already turned our selves in. She was so shocked she humped and stormed out. We erupted in laughter and continued recalling her facial expression. I'm sure she did it for Crystal, maybe she wanted to cheer her up with our punishments who knows.

Today was the best.

Hope you guys were able to learn some history today... I'm so proud of Sophia❤ what a tough competition. Don't go anywhere 2more coming your way...

Lizbeth1214creators' thoughts
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