
"White rose?...Who am i?" Part 2

"Hi...Im new here and this is my first story so if it sucks ...u know why now...but i am doing my best to do a good one for you guys and just so y'all know ....i dont own any of the diabolik lovers character but only Yuruki :) "

"Now on to the story"



"Well from now on your ending your relationship with him" Ayato said angrily while putting and letting Yui stand on her feet.

  "But i-.." i tried to said something but he blocked me and said, "Yes you are now lets go to school, where going to be late".



   The vampires used their powers since the limo broke pretty much cause of car crash. So everyone got to school and it went just fine i guess since since no vampire bitting happened. Everyone got home safe after shcool and we all went to bed.

(the next morning)

Yuruki's Pov

   I woke up and happily no one is in my room...well thats what i thought.*yawn*. I did my routine but something went wrong. I went inside my bathroom and tooth brushed..., in this time i didnt notice anything but when i went to do my bath, still sleepy, i saw,... "Shuu-san?", i said in shock. "Why are you inside my bathroom and using my bathtub?" i asked sleepy but i only got silence. Maybe he cant here me with those earphones Or hes asleep?...and why is he still in hes uniform?...bathing with clothes on?...i thought. Ugh...forget it ...ill just be using my shower. I opened the shower and sitted on the tiles still sleepy. Whithout tooking my clothes off since im woried what could possibly happen since shuu-san i also inside the bathroom...i mean hes just a few steps away...what if he enters without prermission?...i cant just let him see me showering...naked....ugh what a lucky day. I wanted to sing while im inside the shower but what if he heard me singing? i thought

. Nahh hes asleep and got earphone on sooo...i sang...


   As i finished the singing i went out to see noone?. Shuu-san wasnt in the bathtub anymore...then i felt a sudden someone from behind that hugged me and bit me in my neck and sucked nearly half of my blood i didnt bother scream or grunt since it wasnt that hurting, im used to punches,slaps, and being pulled by hair...i could tell it is one of the sakamaki brothers. When he hugged me i saw a bracelets his wrisk. Its,..."Shuu-san?, u said in a low and calm voice with a little shock. Then after he finished himself he backed away and said, "U can use the bathtub now", in a low and lazy voice...but when i turned back...hes gone. I sighed and look at the mirror ang saw a bite mark in the right side of my neck....i kinda feel a little dizzy but im okay...i guess.

   I took a bath, dry and brush my hair. I braid my hair to my usual braid then looked again to the mirror and the bite mark is still their but it did closed a bit, it became smaller.

(in the dining table)

   As i approach the dining table. Oh crap they are all there already...even Yui, i thought."Your late",Reiji-san said while adjusting his glasses. "Pardon my behavior, Reiji-san", with a emotionless look and voice. "What did really happened to you Yuruki-san?...Your not usualy late when you go eat your break fast" Reiji-san asked me. Its Reiji-san's first time to call me by my name...did he ate something that he called me by my name....well if you'd ask me....its kinda cute to hear. Wait what?...what am i thinking?. "Are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?", Subaru-san said to me in a harsh way. "Its nothing Reiji-san...i just...kinda slept longer this time" i answered to Reiji-san's question earlier then sat to my usual seat right next to Yui.

Yui's Pov

   I wonder what happened to Yuruki-chan. She doesnt usually go to breakfast late, shes even earlier than me as i look at her scanning her whole body. Then i saw a bite hole in the right side of her neck which is faced into me. As soon as she sat down next to me i said, "Who bit you?" in a woriedly calm and low voice but despite of my voice being low...every one in the table heard my question to Yuruki and every one stared at Yuruki-chan exept of Shuu-san.

   She replied saying, "Its nothing", bowing her head down and continued eating. As she said "nothing" i beacame more worried. "So someone bit you thats why your late Yuruki-san", Reiji said to Yuruki-chan but she ignored and stayed silent. "Shuu-san is the one who bit you isnt he?", Yuruki san just frowned and didnt said anything. "Why did you think of that Yui-san?", asked Reiji-san. "Well ...when i asked Yuruki-chan who bit her everyone was shocked and looked at her exept for Shuu-san, like he already know about this bite thing", i said nervously to Reiji-san."I see", Reiji-san replied  while adjusting his glasses.

Yuruki's Pov

   While Yui and Reiji-san are discussing about who bit me this and that a found out that Shuu-san did,

I ate fast every single food thats on my plate whithout being too obvious about it.

   "I see", Reiji-san replied  to Yui while adjusting his glasses.

   "I stand and said, "Can i take my leave now?..Dont worry Reiji-san i already ate every single food that was on my plate". "Why so fast Hoe-chan?", Laito-san asked. "Cause i can", i replied to Laito-san bluntly. "You may now take your leave Yuruki-san", Reiji san said to ne while adjusting his glasses. Laito-san and the others was a liitle shocked of what and how i answered to Laito-san's question. And as i walk away... i could feel all of them looking at me as i leave.

   I went straight to my room and looked at the mirror and i didnt see a bite mark in the right side of my neck anymore, its gone. I took my stuff toy bunny with me: 1 and the half jar of cookies from the other day and ofcoures my novel books....i brought my stuff toy bunny with me cause i kinda felt a little low right now so i wanted my stuff toy bunny's company this time.

(in the sakamaki's garden)

   As i walk through the garden...i saw subaru lying down at the grass, the same spot that we talked the other day so i approached him and was shocked on what he said. He said, "What took you so long?" he asked me. "What?...are you waiting for me?" i asked him. "Well....yeah", he answered in a low voice sounding like hes hesitant or shy to say it to me for somehow. I was shocked...subaru?

...waiting for me?...but why?, i thought just standing in front of him.

   "Are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?" he said in a harsh way. Then i walked towards him and sat beside him putting down my novels my cookies. In a meer second he pinned me down to the ground and bit me at the right side of my neck. It was painful cause he did it all of a sudden.

I didnt want to scream or anything and let them do what they do, i didnt to cause any hatred between me and any of the sakamaki brothers...and the fact that i have accepted my destiny to be a livestock in a mansion full of vampires. So i held my scream inside me by covering my mouth with my left hand since i cant do it with the right one since Subaru-san is on my right.

   "Your blood is really sweet", he said normally but for some reason i blushed a little, maybe because i dont get compliments often when i was a kid back at the church since i always get bullied and punished for like every single day. Thats why i ignored it. As i was thinking about his compliment that made me blush a little, i wanted to say thank you but when i looked infront of me...hes gone...i sighed and read the novel while eating some cookies trying to wait if the white rose will be appearing before my eyes again or i was just hallucinating the other day.

(30 minutes later)

   As i was reading my novel that is going to be completed in just few more flip of pages a sudden feeling destroyed my reading. For somehow reason i felt tired and i wanted to lay down. As i layed my whole body down, my eyes went fuzzy and i dont really know if did i fell asleep or fainted for no reason.

   When i opened my eyes i saw a happy family. I dont know why but i seemed to felt attached to that family. But then the scene changed to a gloomy one, all the windows were closed with all the curtains covering it...the parents were packing their belongings like they were living but then for somewhat reason i suddenly felt worried and sorry to the baby. I dont even know why. The father peeked at the window and then his eyes widened, i could say that he saw something that frightened him. I could here what theybare saying, i could here everything so clear that i felt like i was really in that scene.

   "ThEiRe CoMiNg...THEYRE COMING!!!  GO EXIT AT THE BACK DOOR NOW!!! RUN...RUN ..AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND KEEP OUR DAUGHTER SAFE!!!...", the father said worried and panicking and almost yelling everything in the woman. Then the woman cried and get tge bags which contains all of their belongings...as the woman is about to open the back door and go. Something was trying to barge in. The man screamed at the woman saying, "GO!!! DONT WORRIE ABOUT  ME!!!KEEP OUR DAUGHTER SAFE AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF TOO! GO NOW!". As the woman opened the back door and started crying saying goodbye to the man then started running as fast as she could.

   Then that something  suceeded to destroy the mans door and hoped in.... it was a...





























   A werewolves?, i tought in shocked then i started crying like i was one of them.There were 4 of them


Then the man transformed into a werewolf...

Hes a werewolf too?...but why are they fighting?....What did really happened between this things?

I watched as the guy was getting killed by the other werewolves i cant stand it ...all the blood..flesh getting ripped off...its disgusting...i dont want it anymore...Stop..i yelled at them...then they all tured they face to me, its like they heard my yell and that they can see me....i was so scared i froze.

They were all about to get me, my eyes widened, i was so terified, i thought they were going to get me but then i woke up sweating really hard.

   "Yo Yuruki are you okay..?", Ayato-san asked me.

"Yeah...we heard your loud scream to the living room.", Yui added. Im okay i said panting really hard..."Here some water", said Reiji-san while giving me a glass of water ...i drank half of the water ...and it really helped...my panting slowed down and my sweating stopped. " What did i scream?" i asked them. "You were yelling Stop and when we went into your room you were sweating really hard and yoy were also crying" Laito-san answered. "Was it a nightmare?" Kanato-san asked me with a worried and sad face. "I dont know...", i said in pure curiosity and low voice.

   (When they were about to leave...)

  " Wait..!",  I yelled. "What is it Yuruki-chan?" Yui asked. "Wasnt i in the garden?...How did i ended up in my room?" i asked but no one answered. "Subaru-san?...wasnt i in the garden?", i asked Subaru-san. "Subaru-san was confused...and aswered.., " Well...yeah...but you were walking  just a few minutes ago... You said that your going to your room and ignored Yui, Laito, and Ayato in the living room..".

   What?...but that never happened?...what the gell is going on?...few days nothing wrong was happening..it was just okay then this?....

   "Whats wrong Yuruki-chan?", Yui asked. "Yeah im fine...what ever happened in the living room...im am trully sorry",...i said to all of them.

  " Its okay Yuruki-chan", Yui said to me giving me a closed eye smile. "Same here, hoe chan", Laito-san giving me a smile and a wink ...that time i giggled at what Laito did for the first time. "Falling for me already?" Laito-san said to me and i gave him an emotionless face then he just said, "Dont worry youll for me sooner or later. "Ore-sama accepted your apology" Ayato-san said giving me a wink and a smile. Then Subaru-san gave a "tch" sound cause of Ayato-san calling himself "Ore-sama". Ayato-san just gave Subaru-san a nasty glare...glare full of hatred...

   "Get some rest Yuruki-san", Reiji-san said to me..and i just noded to him and they all walked out...

Well as of me me...im still confused of what happened just now...i dont think its a nightmare at all....i feel like.....its.....a....message?...

~To Be Continued~


*ATTENTION* I dont really remember the original story BUT this is just a fanfic story

It contains  .....2300+ words tho anyways see u in the next one.... bye ;3

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