

By the end of lunch l could tell that John and my mother were on the fast track of becoming food friends. John and Isabel left while l stayed behind and helped out at the restaurant during the period that Akai had taken a nap. After that l took her to the park and although she couldn't do much, she was joyfully at being surrounded by children her age or in close range. 

I took out my phone to see that l had received an email. Opening it, it was from Stardom Inc. Frowning, l opened the email already expecting a rejection but l was shocked to the core.

'Goodday Miss Bellaire'

This email serves to congratulate you on your new position at Stardom Inc. as our new social media director.... '

I couldn't help my scream that had most of the heads at the part turning in my direction. Even Akai was shocked but seeing the smile on my face she erupted into endless giggles.

"Mommy got the job baby" l cooed. As if she could understand, she started babbling on while clapping her hands and l couldn't help the joy l felt

My phone ringing cut me off from my momentary celebration. MRS Keys it read

"hello" l said smiling into the phone

"Aurora, l wanted to find out where you are, the dinner is starting soon and you need to make yourself presentable" even her words couldn't get the smile on my face to disappear

"I will be there soon" before l could cut the call her words had me racking my brain for an explanation as to how she knew about the job

"Congratulations on the job" she said before ending the connection.

Akai and l drove to the Keys with music blasting in the car and Akai doing baby dances. When we arrived Mrs Keys was already waiting for me at the door. She wrapped me in her arms before taking Akai from my arms and matching into her house. 

I didn't know what was more surprising, Isabel's speech, My mother and John's blossoming friendship, The job or Mrs Keys behaviour

"I am so proud of you Aurora. I knew you could do it. Although the good word l put in on your behalf definitely helped. How do you feel" she said

"Thank you, l didn't think l was- wait what" l asked as her words registered in my head

"The Stevensons are a family friend. I met up with the wife for tea and l spoke about you. I didn't know her son was the CEO. If l did l wouldn't have said anything. I know how proud you are" she defended while blowing bubbles on Akai's stomach

"Now l don't feel like celebrating. It clearly wasn't on merit" l said slumping down on my seat.

"How did you know, l didn't tell you?" l questioned

"The woman l was telling you about called to let me know. She was very excited that our families get to work alongside each other. Isn't that exciting Akai" she said cooing to the baby

I let it go not in the mood to argue with her. 

"And darling please call me Sasha. I know mom would be pushing it" it was in that moment that l really observed the woman standing in front of me. She had Mrs Keys face but her behaviour had taken a complete 360. I didn't know if this was real or one of her many tricks.

"Who are you and what have you done with Keira's mother?" l asked the imposter on front of me. Not my proudest moment. Unfortunately for me, she thought it was a joke before she laughed so hard that tears were coming out of her eyes

"I am sorry for the way l treated you before. Believe it or not, l want to start afresh. No more anger, or resentment" she said holding out her hand

"Had it not been for the arrangement then you wouldn't feel this way about me" l said not following for her apology

"I won't lie and say the arrangement didn't influence my change of attitude because it did. It allowed me to see you in a new light and l am grateful for what you doing for my family. I truly am sorry Aurora. I was stuck in my ways that l failed to see how my actions impacted you. You were so good to my daughter and are such a great mother to my grandchild. You don't deserve what my husband and l did or said to you. I hope one day you will forgive me and l promise to spend each day showing you how sorry l am" she said. I could tell that she was being honest but l felt like being childish.

"I should get changed, do you mind bathing Akai?" l asked knowing she wouldn't say no, not after her speech

"Take all the time you need, l will be with my grandchild, won't l Aki" she said to Akai. I hated the nickname they had given her but it wasn't my place to say anything about it

I bathed in record time of ten minutes and changed into a formal red decolletage neckline jumpsuit and black pumps settling on leaving my face bare and my braids in a high ponytail

Stepping into the dining room, l saw that everyone had arrived, even Keira's brother was present

"Good evening" l greeted everyone as l took my seat while grabbing Akai off her high chair and settling her on my lap

"Now that Aurora is here, we may begin" and just like that everyone started piling their plates with food. I took a bowl and dished masked potatoes for Akai only for her to tip the bowl up - side - down causing the contents to spill on my clothes. She's simply laughed and with her tiny hands rubbed the mashed potatoes on my chest. The room was silent as everyone waited for my reaction while l simply excused myself with Akai on my lap, making my way to my room to get a change of clothes. I went back down in a pair of sweats and an oversized shirt. Celia had to open her mouth causing the room once again to tense up

"Don't you have clothes. Who comes to dinner looking like a hobo" 

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